Have any of you faggots ever heard of the "Mandela Effect"?

Have any of you faggots ever heard of the "Mandela Effect"?

not true.

Says you?

Mandela put tires around peoples necks, filled them with gasoline and set it on fire...
Mandela effect wasn't cool

That was amazing. Hitler could learn a lot

Says logic.
If this shit was true ... (feels tired to write but you can check both arguments online and see for yourself).

Dubs don't lie, you disbeliever racist cunt

Funny, I always remembered it spelled like "Mandala Affect"

Interesting... I wonder if other people have had any occurrences of this misremembering phenomena...

yes, and its a load of nonsense.

Yes, its been somewhat of a trending meme for the last 3 years. Where the fuck have you been?

Hint: Human memory is demonstrably unreliable.

>Interesting... I wonder if other people have had any occurrences of this misremembering phenomena...

Amazing. its almost like the whole "effect" is a side-effect of people having a relatively permeable brain, and only loosely remembering half-heard details from 20+ years ago, and being surprised when they learn that what they semi-remembered is in fact different to the reality.

I'm sure that's one of many explanations. But, that doesn't lend itself to book or video sales, so let's go another way with it, shall we?

Perhaps instead, it's a "splitting" of reality, eh? That there's "another world near ours", eh? The books and videos almost write themselves after that simple twist. I can already hear the cash registers starting to chime their happy tune...

We doing marketing research now?
Wtf are you talking about?

Yes, it's effect where people, dumbed down for years on a steady diet of reality television, professional sports, evil politicians, and retarded social media, start to lose their ability to do and/or remember anything with clarity or accuracy.

It's called "cognitive offloading": don't think for yourself, think what TV and the Internet tell you to think; don't do that math in your head, use a calculator; don't remember phone numbers/shopping list/where you parked your car, get Siri to do it for you. It makes people dumb, and it's called "Mandela Effect" because it sounds nicer than "y'all turning into drooling, square-eyed, cell-addicted retards".

Sounds like you're projecting. Just because we have the ability to expend less energy on thought processing doesn't mean we do. I'm more skillful than most men from 50-100 years ago.

I'm trying to say that the idea was invented to sell product

you mean the bandela effect?

How though?

>literally everything here wrong, from the most basic philosophical tenets up
Some sort of catastrophic malfunction has occurred. Normally I'd laugh at and mock you, but this is scary shit, user. Please, get some help dude. I'm serious man - you are exactly 180 degrees off reality.

Doesn't even know how to greentext.
Get off before you make a fool of yourself, or get underage b&.

You are genuinely frightening, user.

>I get really insecure when I encounter an alpha male

>180 degrees from reality

It's really stupid pop science. Utterly flawed in every way. For instance:
All of the pieces of "evidence" can be explained by basic flaws in human memory, e.g. we remember them as the bearstein bears, because stein is a common surname. Stain is not. It is NEVER the other way around.

It's far too convenient, in that only very minor things in popular media are affected. No one remembers a great tragedy that never happened, or meeting someone they never met.

It's stupid, move on. And stop spreading this.

>he's deflecting my attacks, better try to reiterate in case he didn't read it the first time

Seriously dude, seek help. I'm genuinely worried about you dying in an accident that a newborn could avoid.

I never got caught out by Stein->Stain. But I saw the cartoon quite young, and "locked it in".

>projecting this hard.

Just get help user. Please dude.

Idk what's happening in your life user, but its not what's happening in everyone elses.

You've been down that road before eh?

I'm only concerned about what's happening in yours.

Who hurt you?

I'm more worried about who/what's going to hurt you (inanimate object, fluffy bunny, mistletoe arrow, etc).


>lists things he's been hurt by

>Mandela Effect
Yes. What's the context, OP? Been hearing about this on TV a lot lately.

Just promise me you're getting some help, OK user?

that meme died too soon

he always said "I am your father" he never said "Luke, I am your father", get over it.

Long past the time you should have, amiright.

Just give me your address, then. I can get help to you.

Now you're scaring me. This is a little obsessive, I'm trying to post to 10 different threads and your replying every minute.
Chill my dude.

It's the Robbie effect.

You watched x files recently. That was the funniest episode

I'm only on three threads - and not talking much on one of them - so swapping around is easier for me.

And I'll chill as soon as you assure me you're getting help. Shit, I don't care if it's your MOTHER just looking in on you. Hell, just give her a call, I dunno. Just make sure you're OK dude?

Is the new season any good. I watched the first episode today and almost fell asleep

Yeah, the new season was great.

Oh no, fuck, I'm thinking of Red Dwarf.

All I know is that it is/was 100% "mirror mirror on the wall" and now it changed to magic mirror on the wall. I WANT TO BELIEVE

I talked to my mother yesterday, I'm actually going to be moving closer to family because a break up recently occurred. The breakup was a good thing because I was devoting myself to a woman rather than focusing on myself. In the last few weeks since then I've been hitting the gym, learning to script apps for android, readying myself for a career in industrial pipe fitting, writing 5 different resumes for 5 different job profiles, learning to cook on my own ( scalloped potatoes, pan fried chicken, homemade Mac and cheese) I could go on, but I'm more than happy with my position. How are you feeling user?

This is not correct. The Mandela Effect is when a set of the population believes something happened or existed in a way that never was actually reality, e.g. Mandela died in the 80s or 90s, Darth Vader said "Luke, I am your Father," and Pikachu's tail had a black tip.

Better since I know now that your family will be able to pop in on you a bit more often.

And Sup Forumsrofist for losing the girl. Look after yourself first - because sure as hell no-one else is going to.

I wish I could say something nice to you but you haven't said anything besides all that depressing shit. Hang in there buddy.

Don't need any niceties. My life is pretty good. Dual gfs (neither of which need much maintenance), my own house (that I only have $60k left on the mortgage), same (admittedly boring) job for the last 12 years that I'm virtually unfireable from. I'm doing all right.

Also I have people that will look out for me. Their called friends. You may have never had one.

Cool, I'm only 21, got a lot ahead of me.

I have plenty of friends... but you shouldn't lean on them too hard. They don't need your shit. You have family for a reason - lean on them (because you know they'll do the same).

Good show. Acquire currency while you're young and strong - everything else will follow. I'm 39, and it's all slowly starting to add up.

why do people say they own a house when they still have a mortgage on it?

We could have a great discussion if you stopped projecting.

Because I have the title deed, I can mortgage it again, I can do what I like with it - demolish it, burn it, upgrade it, or sell it. I just have to give Westpac $60k in the latter case.

Nah, we can't I'm afraid. I'm having this cigarette, then I'm hitting the sack. Got a bit to do... well, today (shouldn't have stayed up so late).

Woah buddy. How many Rick and Morty episodes have you seen?

and that is what i don't understand. to be fair, i have always paid cash for the houses I have bought. in my mind ownership means that you are entitled to all benefits of the property without consideration to a third party.

but on that note, what do you mean you have the title deed? doesn't the lien holder keep that?

Good idea buddy, your sentences are getting really incoherent. Hope you have a good day tomorrow.

The fuck is a letter case?
You do old style typography?

Right through? One.

Caught or quit halfway through? Probably another two.

That's just enough to make your IQ extremely high! I'm so glad you're smart, user.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

That's fair enough.

I live on the Gold Coast of Australia. Really ridiculously expensive place (only place worse is Sydney), and so I didn't have $350k just laying around. Had to do it the old-fashioned way.

Maybe it's different elsewhere, but I've always had my title deed. Keep it in a safe... somewhere in my... safety deposit box...

Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired, so I'll let the not-too-subtle needling slide.

Yep. Even in text messages on my mobile phone. Queen's English, good stuff.

I'll take your word for it. The show didn't actually impress me much. Appeared to me to be all the worst parts of Family Guy, South Park and Fritz The Cat mixed together.

Fuck off faggot.

Anyway, I'm wrecked, my cigarette has taken another 27 minutes off my life, and this is degenerating into an AMA. Get back on topic you fags!


Go away /x/ we have our own fools to contend with.

>I'm tired, I'm going to bed
>tries even harder

kek underrated