Anyone got more nudes?

anyone got more nudes?

i want to save all his pics

man for a second i thought this was me.
but i never was in a room with light green walls. ever. especially naked.


no look again
it is you

it's not boogie, some other fatty

nah, i got meatier nips.
No such small and dark one.

Beard and face looks like Jon Sudano, the guy from youtube who covers songs with smash mouth vocals

>meatier nips
post pic so we can compare

Where are the testicles?

so can someone tell me how many calories you have to fucking eat every day to be that fat AND stay that fat?

this seems fucking impossible, my stomach hurts just thinking about eating that much



well, i'm about 200kg Heavy.
I'm morbidly obese to the max.
I'm not proud of it. Depression,Eating Disorders and alot of stuff going wrong with me and my life brought me to this weight. At the moment i need to count calories while eating normal. And if you want to get and stay this fat, you need to eat about 4000kcal- which i undercut massivly at the moment.

you can do it bro, lots of carbonated water to feel that full feeling in your stomach whenever you need it.

also no joke every 6 hours pop a couple co-codamol 30-500 on an empty stomach and you wont give a fuck about food for a couple hours

what i wonder is what kept people watching withawonder

he is extremely repulsive to look at, even more when he is eating


you can't those med's in Germany.
But yeah i drink alot of carbonated water with a slice of lemon in it.

you cant get them that easily in the UK either but you can always lie your ass off about pain. or do they not have GP prescribed codeine there? is that a thing?

but why should i use codein? I'm fine. I'm slowly losing weight. It will take alot of time, but i spend almost 27 years to eat it on my ribs. naturally it wil ltake time to lose it. And maybe i can get a operation, just like the mentioned boogie.

would take some strain off your heart, slow it down a bit and relax you. dunno - works for me every time i need to shed 8kg or so for summer.