I wanted to know a little bit about you before our blind date, and Stacy said that you're a big movie buff...

>I wanted to know a little bit about you before our blind date, and Stacy said that you're a big movie buff, user! Are you really into Star Wars and all that stuff? :)

uh I forgot my wallet bye

you stupid bitch, we're on our blind date right now. Why would you say you wanted to know about me before the date DURING the date?

stupid fucking whore

>get set up on a blind date
>turns out she still has her eyesight

great, how exactly am i going to score a qt if she can see im an uggo

im more of a bane guy myself

dont speak to me, whore

I'm paying for your dinner for you to fuck me. nothing else

>blind date
>wanted to know about me before the date

well we ain't so blind now are we dumb cunt

why is there a bucket on the table

also i don't watch normie shit like star wars

yeah I love star wars, in fact let me tell you my theory as to why rey will become a sith

>It's just a pastime like for everyone else. Let's talk about you instead.


I'd start blurting out Sheev quotes at this point.

pfft star wars? do i look like someone ignorant enough to be entertained by such simple and shallow franchise? no no honey, I'm actually a films enthusiast and watch only the best

>you look like a generic ho so either you get on my dick right now or I'm leaving

So uh, where's the bull?

Put a rouge on you, tuck your sack back.

You game?

>uh hehe yeah i l-love star wars they're great how are you

The hardest thing about going out with a pretty girl is having to hide your emotional powerlevel for many months and play it cool when you're in fact getting butterflies in your stomach and think about her all the time.

You ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?
I thought not.

>I must say you arrived sooner than expected.

w-well done s-stacy, w ell d-done. hoever?

Of coursh. And let me introduce you to the family.