Normie Youtubers you like

Normie Youtubers you like.


Looks fat as shit, it's not normie.

Is shit fat?


BASED Captain Disillusion

Samefag here, does Pewds count as a normie? If so then him

I love captain d but all the videos he's done lately are all obvious fakes.. I wish he would do a more challenging one

I used to like Smosh like 10 years ago.


Not really, although he tries hard not to be.

Both of these guys are great.


Lindy is fucking awesome.





Logan. Paul


Does TearofGrace count?


Yes it is extremely watchable

Normie Youtubers you love
>with your heart, use your head for everything else

I wouldn't call him a normie

Funhaus, cowchop and achievement hunter. But I really fell out of watching achievement hunter

Hes like the typical screaming gaming youtuber with no production value or talent that's literally the same as all the other ones except this one got popular somehow.


Maybe you just have another YouTuber you like and since it's not them you just don't like them.. maybe he got popular by making good quality and well edited videos with a group of guys who are all uniquely funny

Should have worded that first part better.. oh well

he's not really normie



jontron is based

hack fraud RLM

Caddicarus is the best, please check his shit out if you havent already

I have a crush on VintageSpace

Internet Historian

i've been watching his videos for 7 years. His content has gotten really stale, I wish he would try harder.


Never heard of that one

>Implying a youtuber can be a not normie

Uhhhh.... what's an example of a NON-NORMIE YouTube channel? Those ones that tag themselves as children's channels, dress up as super heroes, and feel each other up? That's slightly *weird*, but YouTube in general is pretty normie.

Deepfake her then

binging with babish and Primitive Technology, if they cound and one of my friends is normie youtuber and i watch her vids

Should learn to be more humble about shit he knows nothing about

Myles Power

High quality science videos

fuck yeah.

/k/ here. I don't dislike lindybeoge in fact I wish him well and hope he does well and improves his craft. Not it is worth noting that he has made some spectacular fucmups before, such as the infamous "spandau" especially considering it wasn't till he did a xollab with the fantastic bloke on the range that he even fired his first gun
