Nostalgia thread for grown-ups. You can only post in this thread if you remember:

Nostalgia thread for grown-ups. You can only post in this thread if you remember:

- Dialling a telephone
- Busy signals
- Waiting in line at the bank on payday
- Usenet before AOL/WebTV and Eternal Autumn
- 110 baud, 300 baud, or 1200 baud
- Waiting for the TV set to warm up
- Pong consoles
- Smoking on buses, in the supermarket, at restaurants, and after every meal
- "Who shot JR?"
- Jean jackets with metal bands on the back
- Leather fringe
- "Avon calling!"
- Where you were when Elvis died

How about it, am I the last grown-up on Sup Forums? Anyone else out there old enough to order a beer without being carded?

Other urls found in this thread:

How bout party lines for telephone service?

Pre-unleaded gas.

Use to hate having to call my gfs, was always a danger she wouldn't pick up the phone
> Ring ring
> Johnson residence
> Ummm... (nervous squeaky voice) Hello Mr Johnson, is Breanna home
> Whose this?
> Oh it's um Eric from school
> What do you want to talk to her about?
> Homework project we are doing
> ..... silence....
> hear her name being called out
> Phew, ran the gauntlet of grumpy dad's many times, mums were always better to talk too, they never interrogated you

The OG wii u


Gathering around the TV to watch the Donny & Marie show, Circus of the Stars, thr Amazing Kreskin. Lying with your cousins on a blanket in the back of the station wagon going to Niagara falls. Finding a discarded hustler magazine in the woods behind your friend's house. Your dad's pack of 60's topless girls playing cards in the drawer in the garage. Hopping on your banana-seat bike and riding with your friends to the park to set shit on fire.



Yeah, and wondering if someone is listening in on another extension.


High school students as school bus drivers.


>Where you were when Elvis died

Are you serious? Anyone under the Age of 50 isn't a grown-up then i guess


i remember when there were only three tv stations.
(no, ETV doesn't count)
"After these messages, we'll be riiiiiiight back" (whistles)(horse outta nowhere)
Leon Neon
"(show name) in COLOR!"
"How many Challenger astronauts can you fit in a VW Bug?"
styrofoam gliders on the back of cereal boxes
actual toys inside the cereal bag
Sir Shake-A-Lot and Duke Of Doubt



the iphone 4s coming out i was 3 didnt know how to use bros phone till 6 or 7 and mom woulnt let me buy 1


>Finding a discarded hustler magazine in the woods behind your friend's house
Remember how hidden porn stashes in the woods were an actual thing. You just knew anytime you were out exploring, if you found a shed or a beat up abandoned vehicle your chances of finding a playboy or knave were real high. You unzipped, turned through the pages, many of them stuck together, had your power jerk and moved on. It was your civic duty to leave the mags for the next boy who stumbled across it, besides they were too caked up you would never take em home.
Sometimes awkward if you were with a mate and found that shit, would have to work out a system of who goes first while the other waits outside.

iphone 4s when you were 3? banned.

Running recaps
Cars with AM-FM radios only
Motorcycles you had to kickstart (kept wimps and women from riding)

Its says forty two but Its only twenty nine channels. But fuck it beats the old rabbiit ears


I guess I'm old. I never did the internet until 28.8 was a thing, so I skipped the early days of internet. My uncle was the only person I knew who had pong. It was amusing, but not like OMGawesome. Remember JR getting shot - that was such a big deal. I was like 12 or so. We had a dial phone. If you were a cool dude, you let it ring 4 times, then gave up. If you let it ring past that, and they were trying to ignore it, then that sucked.

TV stations sighed off at midnight by playing the Nat'l Anthem.

I was 5 when the first Motorola cellphone was out, People used to smoke everywhere even on planes AND carry guns on comercial flights

No one remembers this hidden gem


had a console repair shop and rememver these smiles selling twice as fast than others


Damn, that was gangster.

Remember all of those psychic and sex hotlines?



Remember cutting my fucking finger open on a steel soda can ring pull.
Real nasty clean slice, still have the scar.

Oscar Myer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A

Firearms were made of wood and steel, no plastic.

Why the fuck are you oldfags always trying to be proud of your oldness. If you want to celebrate the fact that you are almost dead why do it on Sup Forums? Why not just go to old fucking faggots Chan? I know you don't have any chickens or now how to milk them but you don't have to bring your liberal agenda to Sup Forums
>we helped with civil rights and we are so special.
Fuck you, all you did was pave the way for black rights matter and antifa fascism.
>white people are racist if they say nigger
You're racist for saying that I can't do anything based on my skin color. Fuck those racist niggers and Fuck you. My grandpa faught the japs in Vietnam and my dad faught the same towel heads as me and I'll be damned if you are going to get your hands on my chickens and milk them. The PC culture has gone too far.
>a tranny is a woman with a feminine penis
Fuck you a penis makes HIM a man. Once Trump builds the wall around Mexico and puts the Mexicans inside hopefully the faggots are next right before the hippies and the commies then jews japs all the different types of Chinese and the niggers.


Awww the good ol' days

Who says I don't have chickens? or know how to milk them? Young punks.

Back in my day Caitlyn Jenner was a dude.

Having a huge black cock shoved up my ass and cars with wind wings.





You sound like those kids that were born in 1996 but are like “yOu’Re OnLy A 90’s KiD iF yOU rEmEmBeR tHiS”. Except you’re worse because you’re old and posting on Sup Forums.

>waiting in line at the bank on payday
I do this every payday and I'm not even old, how is this nostalgia?

This was my first bike in '74

>Jim Midnite

Surfin the nets in all of its glory.

>Japs in Vietnam

Awww. Guys. This thread takes me back.

Here's my laser disc player and vhs VCR

Back when this show was good...


under rated...

Exactly, shit anymore I straight feel like I'm old fuck but I was 2 when Elvis died. Those parameters are a bit wishful thinking on Sup Forums... fuck in most threads if I admit to being an old fag in his early 40's these newfag hyenas will rip me a new asshole with the Grandpa shit, lol.

Our first cable box had a dial on it, no remote. I'd stay up late and after the parents went to sleep I'd put the box on the Playboy Channel or Spice to hear the porn movies and god willing see something in the scrambled signal.

My first PC in 1995 had a 75mhz processor with a 1GB hard drive & 16mb RAM.


Remember when Sup Forums was good?

My dad loves to talk about how had to connect his own phone to a party line in the 60s and killed the phones for a 10 mile stretch of road




Loved this one too

Highly underrated. Loved this game.

I still have a pong machine in my lounge

Still have the original NES I had as a kid in the box



How's that nostalgic?

Maybe a bit masochistic?

I don't know.

>- Smoking on buses, in the supermarket, at restaurants, and after every meal

If you're actually old enough to remember that, it's pretty pathetic that you're in your 50's and still hanging out on Sup Forums.

Btw, I'm 35.


>Got a modem for Christmas.
>Came with a code for one free hour on Compuserve.
>Nearest dial-up is 300 miles away.
>Catch hell from parents when they get the long distance bill.

Dude, they have sooooo many pedo here .. so 50yo is the range

They only stopped smoking in bars and restaurants in my country about two years ago

It's still standing in my fathers shelf and should still be functioning.

Back then we could take guns to school and nobody cared or got shot. Schools were all open and not fenced in, id go home with my gf and bang her during lunch time

Light a smoke now a days and everyone loses there minds.

>Smoking on buses, in the supermarket

Do you have a hard time reading? That shit was outlawed in the 70's.

in virginia we can still smoke in bars

You fucking insolent hemorrhoid. With the mentality of neo-nazi kindergartner I don't expect you to comprehend this, especially considering that display of unintelligible drivel & bad grammar, but try to listen up cretin. You & your ignorant try hard Trump maggots are not only on the wrong side of history, you're on the wrong side of the dirt.

Get eye cancer & die you fucking hopeless nincompoop.

I always wanted one so baaaad, never got one because my mom thought it would make me stupid.

Poor whitefag typing detected......

Any foreign kid in class got picked on mercilessly. Often the teacher would join in.
> So Mr Ching Chong Chang here has handed his homework in early again, the rest of you dumb kids should be taking a leaf out if his book.
And these kids were cool about it usually. They took it on the chin, or joined in. Only once did I ever see one of them get upset or lose it. We were tough af back then and not pussies like today's kids.

Had one of these.

Yeah everybody carried a knife at school and no one cared.

GEt one, I am stupid now and it was worth it

25 cent gas / gas wars

> Lunchtime run up to two teachers talking outside science block
> Excuse me sir that big kid is picking on me
> You're 13 years old, sort it out yourself boy, I'm trying to get with Miss Koslowki

Two weeks later rumor goes around they fucked

If you didn't try to stick your pre-teen or early teen dick into one of those, you're doing it wrong.

Btw, It hurt.

Sup Forums was never good.

I live in america we still smoke in bars and bait shops


Sounds like a Hillary or a Bernie fag is jealous that Trump is getting government chicken milk in the white house. You feeling the Bern yet lib cuck. It's safe to say that you are on the wrong side of history since Trump is going to put you in a concentration camp. My chickens have more sense than you.



I got his little brother in my hall. He holds my lanyard for me.


Actually it was this exact model.


AOL chatrooms.

MSN gaming zone.

Rainbow 6.

Age of Empires.

Nintendo 64 and playing Super Smash Brothers for hours.

Beast Wars every morning.

"Who Let the Dogs" out at middle school dances

Your teachers showing you 9/11 on TV as it was happening.

Riding bikes and meeting up at the same corner after dinner every day in the summer because cellphones weren't a thing.

Waiting way to fucking long for a song to download on Napster.