I got doxxed on Sup Forums a while ago. Is there any way to find out who did it...

I got doxxed on Sup Forums a while ago. Is there any way to find out who did it? Paying for a service isn’t out of the question.





Sure. Put your name and address and I'll look into it.

Fuck you.

Unless they were asking around no, not really-- it could have easily been someone local as it could have been some fucko from across the river

You need to be very fucking dumb or very fucking gay to be doxxed. So no, eat shit and die.

Could they get Sup Forums to fork over the IP address?


What about a subpoena?

yea there is a way to do it, but you need to pay me handsomley i'll discuss this more in private
email me [email protected] and for god sakes make a new email account that doesn't have your personal information associated when u message me on there

Yeah, you are going to get a subpoena for a random doxing. Go for it user, er... Not user

How were you damaged by this?

Why do you want revenge in the first place?
My sugestion is forget about and move on. It's hard, belive me I know, yet is less painful.

Let me see the post where he doxxed you. I think I could do something.

the hacker known as Sup Forums did it

>I got doxxed
you were a moron with enough crumbs to follow, it's your own fault for pissing off someone that could find them

>>how were you damaged

It was revenge porn

I still have the pictures, and I will repost them weekly

to prevent it happen in the future, stop being a cunt

Yeah, I think so also.

forgive my ignorance fellow anons but how in the fuck can you get doxxed on Sup Forums. just don't follow weird links right. please also how can I keep safe my tushie from appearing on the internet

you could doxx them.