Do we have free will?

Do we have free will?


there's no way to know, so there's no point in asking.

I have a properly installed free will unit, so im good.

no, but there's no point worrying about it since everything that happens must happen

No, they helped him escape.

>This statement implies the lack of free will


what was the point of that episode


It depends on how you define free will

>define free will
Determinism being untrue.

There hasn't yet been an experiment that determines we don't have free will.

There is an often referenced example using a brain scanner that says the brain impulse for moving an arm comes almost 2 seconds before the person is actually "choosing" to move their arm.

However, I find it a very fishy interpretation (to assume no free will) and instead posit that actual consciousness and choice is smeared over a --B-L-U-R-- of a few seconds. That "the present" is an experience +/- 1 second or so.

From the question "what is the slowest a song could be, and still be interpreted as a song"? (and not just a sequence of tones)

The answer is about 33 bpm on average, or again the little bit less than the 2 second window.

Like this get would be fated by outside factors. And maybe it isn't a coincidence because when I posted that I thought about the thread 404'ing. Wish there was a philosophy board but maybe /phi/ is too close to pol and/or religion, dunno.

We don't, but Ansel Adams sure did.

pretty sure I don't exist

philosophy is annoying because it only seeks to ask questions.

I want answers, dammit.

Only free will we'll ever have is suicide

>want answers in philosophy stuff
ever heard of math

that means good made your girl fuck that guy. lol fag

>I want answers, dammit.
Hypotheses like the simulation hypothesis are as close as we get to answers in philosophy afaik. But without anyone thinking up theories there is no progress, so we need those semi-answers and it'd be nice that there was a board like that. One can only dream.

> I'm choosing to say no

I see no reason to believe that free will exists

pretty obviously it doesn't actually. People just dislike the idea of not having it but it makes no difference

there are plenty of questions regarding the objective validity of math tho

To tell the truth everyone that is not you is a construction made by your mind.
Everyone has free will because of this, since we are your brain.
You on the other hand, you have no free will, we control your life, and the best thing? You cannot even prove it.

Lmao I'm a girl and straight

>You cannot even prove it.
Solipsism has to be bs because both you and me are aware rn.

jokes on you, imma friendless spergburger.

lemme see yo eyebrows then thot

Yes. no. yes. no. yes no. yes . no.

just semantics friendo.

yo mama has free will

Ansel Adams would say yes.

you have free will over the smaller choices in life like what you'll where, what job you do, how you eat, who you talk to (to an extent) but when it comes to your soul purpose in this incarnation you cant choose to not do or learn what you came here to do or learn


-implies I'm a guy who got cheated on
-then calls me a thot
How dense are you?
Also pretty sure your answering to the wrong person bud.

>what you'll where

Hardly. You're decisions are made by the subconscious mind almost milliseconds before you consciously act on them.

>make a post about free will
>do we have free will?


>soul purpose

Numbers don't exist, they're man-made up things
How does a 1 look like? or a two?

Of course not. All your actions are already determined by the socioeconomic status you were born in. You can not do anything on your own.

that was intentional

destined to start the thread vs. free will

1 is the loneliest number

not if free will is truly a subjective experience; only observable from an intimate, individual perspective

solipsism should be less (read: not at all) about being certain that you are the only thing that exists, and more about a methodological approach as to how you and what you perceive are the only things that you can prove to exist

I’d say yes. Sure it can be circumstantial per given opportunity but just because you can’t decide on every single piece of existence doesn’t imply that you don’t have free will. I’d say any opportunity where you have the choice between yes or no on your behalf is proof enough that we have free will. That being said the better question is can we have free will if all of our fates are already decided? Is destiny real? I think that’s really the deciding factor on the subject of free will

|-implies I'm a guy who got cheated on
|-then calls me a thot

What the fuck is this shit?


Life is a choose your own adventure, the only thing you can do is decide.


not at all

A single object, or two objects respectively.

I largely agree with this statement, but knowing I could be hit by a car while trying to cross the street still worries me-- preordained or not

If it reads in your destiny, you could observe spiritual observations such as the LBRP in order to protect yourself from evil. I know, that'd be like paying a mob boss for protection from his own gang, but that's how it seems to be with God.

Can you rephrase that? I couldn't make heads or tails of what you wrote


You could try to regularly protect yourself with prayer. But if you don't end up saying a daily protection prayer and something bad happens, then it wasn't your destiny to pray for protection. So the choice to pray is not real free will but an *illusion* of free will only. I guess this thought is overly complicated though so never mind.

>do dee dav dee dill???

What exactly do you believe? Besides that you think prayer can drastically alter reality

I don't bother saying this time.

I'm assuming english isn't your first language

That or you are absolutely housed

You're right. I'm not as good at English as you anglos.

Well you're loads better than I am at speaking any other language; congrats on your diligence

What's your native tongue?

My native "tongue" is in your mom


No, we are governed by our past experiences... you will never do something that is out of character for your internally consistent personality. Note that this differs from your publicly or socially known personality. Only you know what you would and would never do.

I think its a yes and no thing. There are factors that are out of our control, like someone being born to a poor family in a shitty third world country.

circumstances resultant of chance aren't free will user
you did not choose to be born where you are to who you were
but you choose what to make of what you are given

Yea someone could just launch a nuclear missile in this random world.


I disagree your first statement but agree we all are very largely shaped by our past experiences. Watching and learning from others for cause and effect, etc.

The genes we inherit determine to a large extent our personality. A weighting system as to how quickly we anger, hunger, get sad, get tired, etc.

I would admit that at most times we are on autopilot. And something about our design makes us seek the familiar path, usually.

But.. we are truly free to just do a super-unpredictable thing at any time if we so desire.

How many times has a persons' action been described as "there's no way we could have predicted that" or "that wasn't in line with his personality, that wasn't him!" or stuff like that.

How do you explain the creative process or invention?

During writing this post I wiggled my left big toe 3 times.

>The genes we inherit determine to a large extent our personality.
If that was true then why are family members so different from each other personality-wise?

have you not read the studies of twins separated at birth who make alarmingly similar life choices?

nature is not something to be dismissed in the free will conversation

The effect of each sibling not inheriting the exact same sets of dominant or recessive genes.

Pick 1 gene from this choice of 2 on this side, and combine with the 1 from a choice of 2 on the other side. Leave the selection all up to cosmic chance. What a weird world this is.

Twins might share some other connection, like, karmic or psychic or whatever you want to call it; doesn't mean family members aren't still unique personalities.

Alea iacta est

Because even full siblings most likely only share half their genes

Karmic/psychic connection? Get the fuck out of here with that garbage

Are you suggesting that there is no soul?

Not in that post, nor am I aware how you made that jump.

But generally, yeah I agree with that sentiment. The idea of a soul and an afterlife are incredibly vain, unfounded, dogmatic concepts that are better left behind us. They serve no real purpose other than to comfort and manipulate the weak

That's an interesting POV. However, saying that there is no afterlife means that you are indeed lucky being aware right now and never otherwise in all of eternity. Just think how short this life is in that timeline. But there is more of course. You do dream do you. Have you ever seen a spiritual dream? Have you ever dropped acid? Have you ever practiced magick, circulating that LVX around your body after the Middle Pillar, evoked a spirit into the black mirror and heard its little voice in the back of your mind, charged it with a statement of intent and seen that magick manifest in your life? All of that is the soul communicating with the universe. The soul is the I. The microcosm. You think, therefore you are. And when you die, you either cease to be forever as you think to be the case at the present, or, which may surprise you when it happens, continue in the afterlife that wasn't supposed to be. It's 50/50. To you anyways.


L is about the closest I've ever had to a spiritual experience, outside of some manic episode I've had from lack of sleep. But even if there is some modicum of consciousness shared between me and another entity, we would still be separate.

It would be it and I would be me, with no interaction or known connection. So even assuming there is some improvable connection, it is most useful to operate like there isn't one.

What exists for you is what you perceive. In a strange sense, sure, you could believe enough in something you have never observed and it could be real to you. But you shouldn't make any strong decisions based on that incredulous assumption

and there are also several branches of math related to the validity and foundations of math

So you were being serious, cause you never know on an anonymous site. I respect your opinions on the matter.

This but, even more, does it matter if there's free will? Just enjoy yourself the best you can.

Well, thanks. I appreciate that. I get where you're coming from- I've had some strange experiences that seemed too coincidental to just be happenstance. I'm just not convinced yet.

But yes I was serious- I know that may seem harsh to you but it's the most pragmatic truth available. Once another is provided, I'll support it.

>every 'choice' that you ever made is the product of your genetics and interactions
>every bit of your genetics and interactions is the product of previous interactions beforehand
>it all goes back to where it all started, however it was
>everything that is going to happen was destined to happen at the start
>everything you do is not your achievement or your failure
>the only things that are truly yours are emotions and feelings

Am I wrong?

Now THIS is very close to an epiphany I had on lys

You're on the right track, bub

Just because you were always fated to do something doesn't mean you didn't choose to do it. It doesn't matter if we have free will or not, as much as if our will has a different effect on the universe whether it is free or not, which it doesn't.

We are one branch of the many worlds. If we deviate then every other branch needs to change.

When it comes to hardcore materialism and skeptics, there really is nothing one can say to make them think outside of their box. They'd never practice (or admit to practicing) spirituality to prove the existence of the motherfucking supernatural that everybody else knows to exist/can easily prove to themselves. Skepticism has always been a troll, and skeptics know in their heart of hearts that they aren't being 100% sincere in their so called skepticism. But it's also a sign of low IQ in my experience: the dumbest of the dumb don't know about the corridors of the mind.

get in here plebs (discord)/ dJx3z if you got free will that is...

Does god have free will?

We cant change the past and don't know the future
What makes you think we can control the present?

That is a poor outlook to have- it is obvious that you view people that you disagree with in a disparaging light.

I disagree with you wholeheartedly, but I wouldn't be so quick to assume you or anyone else who holds opposing views to have a low IQ or to be trolling. In fact, your argument of someone not being sincere about their skepticism seems a bit forced and projected.

Check out the Dunning-Kruger effect


If it were less a yes-or-no question and more of a dynamic subject, god would have the least free will of us all

Poor bastard

>Do we have free will?
We have the illusion of free will, which is basically the same thing.

I don't disagree with anyone really. I see skeptics as the result of forces of life that can only result in skepticism. In fact, this being a free will thread, to be precise I see skeptics fulfilling the fate of skeptics. And as such they are just as meaningful as the believers are in this cosmic play called life. Like I said I appreciate your opinions. Sorry if I offended you.

Philosophy literally means the study of knowledge. For something to be considered knowledge it MUST be true. It just happens to ask a lot of questions along the way, but that's the fun part