What happens when people stop using Sup Forums?

What happens when people stop using Sup Forums?

they change foreber

I assume their lives get substantially better. I imagine they're a lot happier, their lives are more successful, and they have a better social life. But what do i know?

They dont wanna come back

Sup Forums will get shutdown. Websites with no traffic don't last.

they come back 3 years later, more disappointed then they were the last time they came back

No, I mean what happens when everyone stops using Sup Forums?

Why don't they last?

Nothing. It gets slower and slower- the time between posts. Servers will be scaled back and Sup Forums sold to a low level banner advert company until its eventually shut down on one pretense or other. Its already begun. We used to have firestorms of activity though not since moot left. Traffic spikes now and then but it used to be a rollercoaster sometimes and I'm sure those days are over

world peace followed by a global, perpetual orgy

That's the mystery, no one knows
>don't forget
>you're here forever
>just you and me
>just you and me

Citation needed

No traffic. No one is using it. They shut it down.

......... Monica?



O my filing god its so true. I used to love it, now its just a yearly crop of dumbass 19 year olds and a citadel of trolls trolling trolls. I'm so damn sorry I ever grew up.

Most go back to work , some stay at home watch life pass them by with no escape from ''the circle'' . The few that remain will try taking their life , not really wanting to die . When we look into , alot of ''us'' just go back to pretending to be the person society has accepted .


but what happens to the world?

So get fucked by entire world, and you can't defend yourself?