Is it possible to feed a newborn baby with male sperm instead of female breast milk?

Is it possible to feed a newborn baby with male sperm instead of female breast milk?

This has to be the most degenerate thing I've seen in a while. Lmao


I agree he looks abysmal in that pic, absolute degenerate tier.

i was just wonder

report this faggot

what the fuck how does one come to think of something like that. thats why I love thi site

Anyone know?

I think this is how people become gay


well played this is the Sup Forums i miss.

yes but not for long

Why is consuming semen normal but eating female eggs isn't?

to the FBI

how long?


for having a thought?. how cucked are you faggots anyways.

It's possible?
Should you do this?
Do you have a baby?
Do you have a sperm?
So the answer is implicit

6 inches

so it can survive just from sperm

every gey couples that adopt kids doing that

all of my faith in humanity relies on whether or not this thread can answer your question

Test it in yourself

got no baby around

Lacks critical lactates. Not a good idea for nutrition, although it is good liquid protein.

no. semen contains orders of magnitude more zinc than breast milk - both when comparing per liter and per other necessary nutrients.

zinc is both toxic by itself and fucks up with your copper intake. this is relatively harmless for adults, as they have built up reservoirs of all the stuff their body needs, but acute lack or overdose of certain metals will get very unhealthy very fast for babies.

It has been tried by experts, you may proceed.

how do you plan on getting to the eggs?

Wait for the woman to lay them, duh

ok cool thanks

No. It would die within a day or two due to lack of nutrition. A few really good days, but it might not be worth a brief life in prison.