Why don't governments just kill poor people...

Why don't governments just kill poor people? Round them up in fema camps or something and just exterminate them en mass or something like that?

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Gulags aren't "american" enough

In most countries, the poor vastly outnumber the government. They would violently overthrow the government.

Because it would be better to round them up and have them do manual labor.

Manipulation of the poor is the only way to make money. Look around you, at this point most poor people are so far in debt that there is no way in hell to get out. The only way to get ahead in life is go to school which means debt for the vast majority. Need a car to get to your job? Debt. Need a house to park your car near? Debt. Either of those things break? Well we have debt for that as well. Until we go back to slavery the rich need the poor to be in debt so the poor will work for the rich and just give the money back while consuming as little as possible.

And they're already doing that for peanuts to create comfort for the elite.

One word: VOTES

if there was no government then upper class would enslave or kill the lower class. The real problem is how the lower class keep getting dumber, very likely because of gov handouts

Because then we wouldn't have cheap labor without importing it. What we should do is kill the willfully ignorant. The ones who refuse to learn other languages and claim the world is only thousands of years old. Basically nuke Kansas, Iowa, part of Missouri, and most importantly Texas. Fuck Texas.

Governments are poor people. Gresham's law drives good money out of circulation and what you are left with is akin to a circus to which you are a participant.

I'm sure that the people in power would consider you to be poor as well. Be careful what you wish for you asshole

> poor vastly outnumber gov

Yes but gov could take out a city like Dearborn remotely, this isn’t 1977

Big deal.
What are they going to do run around like it's Tienanmen square with sticks in hand and try to break what few things or services they have? They'd just be worse off than when they started even if it worked.

>califag complaining

Sorry, you fags are most likely to be the first ones to die in FEMA camps or a big earthquake, whichever comes first.


Then who would scare the shit out of the middle class?

I audibly kek’d at this. I moved to California when I was 5, lived there for 8 1/2 years, then got out of that shithole and moved to Texas.

It's not the government handouts that keep you dumb. It's the fact that information costs money. The really poor don't have continues internet access, schools in poor neighborhoods don't get newer text books, and so on. Plus the nutrition required to maintain proper brain function isn't as cheap as empty calories. The government decided that ketchup I'd a service of vegetables. It's made from a fruit and you hardly get a quarter of a full serving dipping chicken nuggets. Which is what American schools feed you. Plus now they get less food in order to fight the obesity epidemic. So the kids are hungry. That distracts them. The UK is no better about this. In fact there the prison food is better for you than the school food. Developing brains need proper nutrition.

It seems like it's happening already. People say it happened after Hurricane Harvey in Texas. They're being put on FEMA prison ships apparently Google it before it's banned.

Is a serving. Fuck you auto correct. Sorry. Distracted by the game

Oh. Ok. Nuke California as well. So long as Texas goes. They have been holding back the entire nation's school system. dallasnews.com/news/news/2014/09/15/texas-textbook-wars-an-ongoing-embarrassment

Texas is trying to make us all stupid. Fuck them

>implying Texas causes everyone to become stupid

Really makes you think that Californians lack in basic logical reasoning as well.

I'm ready to break into the closed down Sam's club near me with a pickaxe and find the secret underground FEMA chambers. Wish me luck, thanks Trump for the tax plan!

My high school kicks ass academically. However, I agree that Texas has shitty education in general

I'm actually from Kansas. I was a junior in 1999 when they took evolution out of the curriculum. Then some of the teachers handed out pins for their youth group which said "Darwin is dead" and other basic violations. That's why I say fuck Kansas.

Texas doesn't use Common Core, but agree that it needs to update its own educational system.

Why don’t we do this with the mentally retarded people either. Two logically unanswered questions

Looking at all those twisters are making you all kookoo

More importantly they influence what goes into textbooks. nybooks.com/articles/2012/06/21/how-texas-inflicts-bad-textbooks-on-us/

So they're actively hurting us.

So you know mentally retarded people that arn't poor?

How the fuck does a retard have more money than you hahahahaha

Yes this please .


Because then, whoever has the least money out of the remaining people is the new poor, and so we still aren't actually rid of poor people. This goes on forever, or until humanity is just one person.
There HAS to be someone on the bottom of every ranking system. That includes wealth.

>all them guns

even a fag like you can catch a bullet from a firearm held sideways



yes, trump

guys that's the fucking alien from /x/ that got us shut down

No it wouldn't. That's if you want to pretend as if everyone is relatively poor compared to someone else. Isn't how it works.

You sound like you vote Democrat.

Fema was just a random example didn't necessarily mean that part of the sand box.

Poor people don't really produce or provide anything. Even in other civilized places besides the US, other first world countries.

>be US federal government
>encounter extraterrestrial alien with potential to cause major consequences to earth
>keeps it
>encounter illegal immigrant who at most is a puny human threat to some few other puny humans
>annihilates it

cant be slavemasters without slaves

They are killing us actually, chemtrails kid

thats a dumb idea. better would be to round up retarded faggots like OP

If you kill all of the poor people then all of the people on the next tier become the new poor people.

Californias economy is bigger than almost every countries except for like 5. Californias economy is bigger than fucking RUSSIAs for fuck sake.

No they don't. There is a difference between being poor and not having money or assets, and having money and assets. They're not relatively poor the next rung up dummy.

They need the poor to fill there sweat sho .. grocery stores.

When you wipe out the entirety of the poor working class who are you going to replace them with to re-stabilize the economy? The entire economy tanks and all of those middle class assets depreciate immediately.

If they were vital to the economy they wouldn't be poor. Stop trying to pretend as if they're useful. You're not poor unless you're lazy and useless.

are you the same guy who made the "kill the disabled people" thread ?

And yet it's full of dirt poor idiots. I guess the world needs more ditch diggers than philosophers.

Well how much do they charge for flu shots if you don't have insurance? It seems to me that big pharma is doing a good job of wiping out the poor


cuz there will be new poor people always duh faggot

Yes you are, fuck off already idiot. Seek help because you are mentally ill .

Now you're projecting about your own mental issues. Go take your anti-psychotic schizo meds friendo


All of the menial jobs we typically look down on are jobs held primarily by poor people, people below the poverty line. Those jobs all immediately become vacant and you actually think nothing changes, you vapid cunt?

Whaats uo gger ur a faggot nigger
roodypoo candyass kikewad spic
gkys GKYS you fucking nigger wad

oh you poor simple minded kid.

If people are working jobs that pay enough to keep them below the poverty line. They chose to be poor.

Literally anyone else could do it. There would be plenty enough people left over to keep doing those jobs.

edgy, careful not to cut yourself samefag

Those people would then become the POOR people you fucking idiot. You can't be this stupid.

In order for an economy to function properly there needs to be poor/ambition lacking people to do the garbage but necessary jobs that middle class/high class people don't want to do. Go back to school you moron.

No they wouldn't. They could ask for more money to do the job and unionize, with less scabs willing to be retards either it's monetarily worth it to do as a job that pays them a living wage, or it goes out of business until someone else finds a more efficient way of doing it. Chances are the job would be cheaper and easier with machinery anyway and it's just some bull shit hand out job they give to poor people since they'll probably just withhold their paychecks because they won't do anything about it like take it to court. It sounds like you just want to exploit poor people. You're a monster.

Get in here fags! Sup Forums is raiding again!!!!!!!

There is no such thing as a garbage job you brainless cretin. It's amusing you'd attempt to tell me I need more education while making a moronic assertion that if a job provides enough monetary value for a higher class person to employ others to do it; that if the job is not worth the monetary value to do... That some idiot should do it anyway. Are you sure you're not a NEET or something? You don't sound like you understand business enough to actually work at one.

That's the joke retard

lol ur a nigger
tu veux être une faggot? ça va.
Mais Je veux la mort de ta peenpeen

this is what world wars are for

Keep telling yourself that dude. You are not convincing anyone and all you are doing is lying to yourself.
You act like you are on some kind of pedestal that doesn't exist. It's really cringe-worthy as you just spouting nonsense that anyone with an above average intelligence can see.
You are not honestly introspecting in regard to your own views. You are not acknowledging your own bias.
Your stovetop analogy does not fit and is intellectually dishonest and you know it.

If I'm acting like a spoiled child you are acting like a retarded chimp.

une faggot qui ne peu pas penser
Les gators et les serpents de l'eau sont plus intelligents que tu
hahaha *l'accordion et le banjo*

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Because the rich need them to use as a threat against the middle class cucks they are using to further enrich themselves.

Also, you can never get rid of the poor by killing them. If you want to get rid of the poor - kill the rich and redistribute.

This is simple Economics 202


You don't kill a snake by cutting off its tail.

Selon toutes les lois connues de l'aviation, il n'existe aucun moyen une abeille devrait être capable de voler. Ses ailes sont trop petites pour que son gros corps disparaisse. L'abeille bien sûr, vole de toute façon parce que les abeilles ne se soucient pas ce que les humains pensent est impossible. Jaune, noir. Jaune, noir. Jaune, noir. Ooh, noir et jaune! Secouons-le un peu. Barry! Le petit déjeuner est prêt! Ooming! Attends une seconde. Bonjour? Barry? -Adam? Pouvez-vous croire que cela se passe? - Je ne peux pas. Je te récupérerai. Regarder précisément. Utilisez les escaliers. Votre père a payé de l'argent pour ceux-là. Pardon. Je suis surexcité. Voici le diplômé. Nous sommes très fiers de toi, mon fils. Une carte de rapport parfaite, tous les B's. Très fier. Ma! J'ai une chose qui se passe ici. - Tu as de la peluche sur ton peluche. Ow! C'est moi! - Viens nous voir! Nous serons dans la rangée 118,00. -Au revoir! Barry, je t'ai dit d'arrêter de voler dans la maison! -Hey Adam. -Hey Barry. - C'est du gel? -Un peu. Journée spéciale, graduation. Jamais pensé que je le ferais. 3 jours d'école primaire, 3 jours d'école secondaire. C'était maladroit. 3 jours collège. Je suis content d'avoir pris une journée et fait de l'auto-stop dans la ruche. Vous êtes revenu autrement. -Hi Barry. -Artie, en train de pousser une moustache? Cela semble bon. - Pourquoi Frankie? -Ouais. - Tu vas aux funérailles? - Non, je ne vais pas. Tout le monde sait, piquer quelqu'un, vous mourez. Ne le perdez pas sur un écureuil. Une telle tête brûlante. Je suppose qu'il aurait pu juste sortir de la route. J'adore cette incorporation d'un parc d'attractions dans notre journée. C'est pourquoi nous n'avons pas besoin de vacances. Garçon, assez pompeux ... dans les circonstances. -Bien Adam, aujourd'hui nous sommes des hommes. -Nous sommes! -Bee-hommes. -Amen! Alléluia! Étudiants, professeurs, abeilles distinguées, s'il voust plait

I masturbate with peanut butter.

Are you poor? Who decides the level of poverty? If your retired father considered poor?

>Who decides the level of poverty?
You do realize that's already an established metric and not an arbitrary thing that the next level will lose money without them. Poor people are by definition dependent on the wealthy, not the other way around.

u are 1 fukin cheeky kunt mate i swear i am goin 2 wreck u i swear on my mums life and i no u are scared lil bitch gettin your mates to send me messages saying dont meet up coz u r sum big bastard with muscles lol fukin sad mate really sad jus shows what a scared lil gay boy u are and whats all this crap ur mates sendin me about sum bodybuildin website that 1 of your faverite places to look at men u lil fukin gay boy fone me if u got da balls cheeky prick see if u can step up lil queer.

Because reincarnation exist. And it's quite possible that you'll be poor in your next life due to your actions in this life. We need to experience both sides of the issue.

>And it's quite possible that you'll be poor in your next life due to your actions in this life.
Not if you kill all the poor people. I don't think you quite understood the question.


the people would obviously have political officials, figureheads, and leaders willing to take the helm in accordance with traditional morals you see today, or even some new moral standards. See > every coup ever attempted ever.

That's a bridge too far from reality. Come back to earth and join in the fun.