Is it just me or is weed culture just the most degenerate thing ever...

Is it just me or is weed culture just the most degenerate thing ever? I personally do drugs my self (opiates recreationally) but i would never touch marijuana again. It’s literally the worst fucking drug ever, you become anxious, lazy, paranoid and you achieve nothing. Everyone who smokes lies to themself about how good weed is. It’s a losers drug. I dont see the appeal. And I seriously cant name and successful people who smoke. And weed culture, holy fuck, the amount of praise and glorification that weed gets its fucking retarded. People think this drug cures everything and makes you a genius. Rant over. Please discuss.

>most degenerate thing ever
>never met a nigger

i personaly like it, im not getting paranoid or any this shit, it will not make smart, when im high im more stubid

>if you smoke it, doesn't that make you a...

Obama smoked weed.

That aside, certain strains have effects similar to other drugs. Not quite the same, but the experience is definitely similar.

It's easier to manage addiction, than say getting hooked on dope/smack. Most people who use cannabis, aren't that great with self-control to begin with, and gravitate towards weed, than harder drugs.

It doesn't necessarily make you a genius, simply amplifies what's already there; I.E. if you're a lazy fuck, and smoke indica's you're just setting yourself up to be forever couch locked.

I definitely liked smoking sativa's for the stimulant effect, but will admit there's often times still a fog associated with it.

Yeah micro-dosing is a thing on cannabis, I as well, if I smoke too much, get too caught up in the mental aspects, rather than the high itself. Thus become less productive.


it's cheap, not a whole lot of long term health effects, and if you commit to a session you can get close to blacking out.

what more could you want?

you could say the same thing about alcohol, some people drink it and ruin their fucking lives and some just have a good time on the weekends. Just dont bake yourself into a couch and act like a faggot/do nothing and you should be good. I would say a lot of the faggots who center around weed do so because it resonates with their already inherently lazy selfs.


And jusy to clarify i dont use heroin, i do oxycodone

Lol those are always fun, I would tell myself I'd try to achieve that state, but then pussy out/un-able to smoke after 2 bowls

oh well thats fine then at least it's not heroin. totally different drug. hits totally different receptors.

420 bruh just sMOKe everyday XDDDD its just a plant LOL rick and morty 4 lyfe xddd

I dont know man but when i did smoke, here in Australia we dont have the luxury of strains AFAIK, we usually had asian bud, which is dog shit, and hydro bud sprayed with bug spray or something, always got super paranoid off them. Im down to try a proper strain one day when i visit california and see how a proper strain feels like but otherwise weed is just not fun.

Can't just say"marijuana" these days

They separate the different parts. You can get stuff to counteract anxiety and depression for example.

I have arthritis really bad in my mid 20s and have used opiates but since they created pure CBD strains of weed oil I can smoke that and get no mental effects and only the physical effect on my arthritis. Thus allowing me to stay off opiates for longer in my life...

You on the other hand do those for FUN. Fuck you, you hypocrite degenerate close minded piece of fucking garbage.

So smoking weed drives people to socialism? Seems 100% legit. It all makes sense now.

edibles my guy

Kill yourself shouldnt you be in school?

Have fun almost dying from opiate withdrawal.

I shouldn't even joke about what I just said, your life is fucked. Please be safe.

smoking weed makes me stronger and more intelligent, and generally a nicer and better person

perhaps youre just fucking retarded ?

>being this fucking new
are you literally posting in class right now?

I am so sorry dude

Yeah maybe thats why it left a bad taste but regardless weed will never compare to oxycodone

I fucken love weed but also fucken hate weed culture. I usually just have a smoke like an hour before bed, chill out then go to sleep. I don't get why anyone would want to smoke during the day.

no actually it just makes you appreciate everything more, maybe you are just an egotistical retard who cant differentiate between that and yourself?

The fact that you’re calling me retarded yet post a photo of a woman you masturbate over just proves how much of a beta make you are, leave your house and get a girlfriend

bum and shake weed are always good for making extracts.

make brownies, wax, or hashish.

you wont regret it.

opiates are really bad for you, you should try kratom. When you take it before you eat it feels like an opiate high and its all natural. I know of people that stopped doing H and switched to kraton.

Also, dabs bro. Gets you beyond high, if you smoke a lot and have a tolerance or just want to get really high on THC do some dabs.

Opiate withdrawl? Opiates are fucking expensive in Australia mate, im lucky if i can afford to do them more than 2 times a month, my life doesnt revolve around getting high

running your errands stoned actually makes the menial tasks enjoyable

it makes fun stuff more fun (most times)

Not heroin, oxycodone.

>I seriously cant name and successful people who smoke.

thats like saying aderall is not pharmaceutical grade meth.

When I went camping I used to have a smoke on the last morning and pack up my shit and hike back out of the mountains high. That was nice.

I mean yes and not at all

>Not being a stronger, more intelligent and generally nicer person while sober
It doesn't alter your base personality, if you are a shit person without weed, you're a shittier person on it. The difference is that when you're high you give less of a fuck about petty shit, that isn't "nicer" it's called being passive and you only think you are more intelligent/stronger. Retarded is thinking a drug is gonna make you smart despite killing brain cells to smoke it. Fucking degenerate little faggot.

Agreed. It fucks up your memory, joy, ambition, ability to interact, and takes years to get over when you stop.

Weed gives you the illusion that you're doing something when you aren't, so you sit around and achieve nothing.

okay so don't do kratom, continue ur habit and destroy ur body

adderall is not pharmaceutical grade meth.
desoxyn is pharmaceutical grade meth.

amphetamine is not methamphetamine. it is a carbon different.

in the same way, drinking alcohol is not methanol. they are one carbon different.

methanol will make you blind permanently, ethanol is fine.

Honestly you just need a good work ethic, I smoke on the daily and I do things just fine.


The cannabis community is filled with degenerates yes.
But some aren't at all.
There are those who are misinformed on every aspect of it, have 0 clue on how it affects you, use slang that i try not to understand at this point (wook, custy, packs, etc)

I grow but i dont smoke. I dont think their is anything wrong with smoking in private (not walking down the street or in a store blazing it up because "its legal fam" or some stuoid degenerate shit like that.
Being sober isnt that bad, with that said if you think smoking weed makes you a degenerate or a retard while on the other hand you drink alcohol without a second thought, you desserve a award in Darwinism because you are a dumbass

I find the opposite is true, weed helps give me focus, I love smoking a joint before the gym or before I start work. Effects everyone differently though, OP is clearly just a fag who cant handle his weed

not that guy you cant really say adderall is just pharma meth, granted its fucking close

Yep. OP's a hypocrital drug addicted moron.

Detention mr. Mommys gunna be mad at you

Half the weed culture is degenerate as fuck.

But half are professional as fuck. I'm 45, IT professional, making $200k/yr, quality Normie family life, pillar of the community. But I smoke weed instead of drink for by evening cocktails. Many are like me, Morris and respected, but pot heads.

1/8 a day habit and trying to smoke less by smoking cigars

>opiod addict hates cannabis and cannabis users

Youre such a retard stop giving out stupid and bad advice. You should only use kratom to wean OFF opiates for good. You might as well switch to suboxone if your gunna telling them to get hooked on another subtance, especially kratom, the best one for tapering and breaking addictions. Idiot.

Weed is bad for some people, good for others. That paranoid feeling you discuss compliments some personalities well (most notably those who are naturally confident), and levels some people out into a more reflective and introverted mind set.
Personally I grew up having smoked weed a lot, my father was a stock broker and he (and all of his friends) smoked, every multi millionaire that I know will smoke from time to time. Personally I am in dental school and would describe myself and above average in terms of productivity.
Each to their own, it doesn't work for everyone.

I dont drink either. Dont go clubbing or anything like that, not my cup of tea

CBDa/CBD is great for epilepsy, cancer, appitie stimulation, and inflamation

THCa/THC is a good alternative toward pain meds and appetite stimulation

CBG (rare) is good gastrial intestinal issues

High amounts of CBN is good for insomia

High amounts of CBC is also good for cancer

Its not a all in one, but particularly CBD is the best, it is the best medicine known to man with epilepsy.

Thunderstruck (ACDC x ACDC f2)
16.3%cbd and a 1.9%THC

well have fun choking on your vomit and being the scum of society. at least pot heads benefit society with taxes instead of filling hospitals with shit heads who hate the world like you. Please never quit taking opioids. Test the limits on how much you can take too. Only inject it.

in this case you are wrong because they hit the same receptors in the brain and mimic it

Cannabis is more in between on the brain. It does help your brain cells but it slows and weakens certain parts of the brain.

Yeah, this is weak bait

On a serious note, what community doesn't have degenerates in it?

>benefit society with taxes
Woah champ, slow down there, the tax revenue from weed is a recent development in the past 10 years. OP is a shitlord for popping pills but weed has been a detriment on society for just as long and is still a cash crop for gangs all over. Self-medicating is always going to be considered degeneracy, so stick that up your holier-than-thou ass fag.

It's not the wonder drug that these head cases think it is, that's all I'm getting at.

Have a military friend that takes desoxyn, that shit is cash. I believe it has a an extra methly- chain, not just one carbon atom
Ethanol will still make you go blind due to alcohol poisoning though, if you drink too much.

they don't hit the same receptors with the same strength.

the methyl group in methamphetamine increases the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.

they have different pharmacodynamic effects, as they have different binding affinities.

they also get broken down into different compounds metabolically.

amphetamine =/= methamphetamine

>yfw you realize it is only a cash crop for gangs because it's illegal and not taxed

you mean methanol, retard


Well don't you sound fun.

methyl is carbon. a methyl group is just carbon. obviously it's saturated with hydrogens but that's not relevant.

methanol is a carbon with an OH.

ethanol is two carbons in a row with an OH.

methyl, ethyl, propyl, etc. all describe the number of carbons.

I dont need alcohol or weed to enjoy my self, going out to a nice cafe with friends or for dinner is fine. And picking up women and getting to know them is great to. Women are better than any drug you can take

no, methanol is a given to make you go blind
even 1% methanol to ethanol in solution will make you lose your vision
But iirc, ethanol itself can do the same thing if you drink wayyy too much

Hahaha, OP admits to doing opiates. I think we're done here.

>yfw even if it were decriminalized it would still be a cash crop for gangs
>yfw people turn to gangs for drugs because doctors don't prescribe them the drug they want
>People who do drugs are degenerates by default

I know. People do blow it of proportion.

> And I seriously cant name and successful people who smoke
> literally every millionaire rapper, ever
> Hugh Hefner
> Robert Downey Jr
> Johnny Depp
> Seth Macfarlane
> Bill fucking Gates
This is either terrible bait or your knowledge is minimal at best.

You say that an extra carbon atom makes a world of difference in the drug
>But the formation those carbon atoms take with hydrogen and oxygen make no medical difference

I'm an avid pothead and I'm here to say that the stigma is wrong
I'm doing great in school and in winning competitions for engine repair and my future looks bright af
I smoke every day usually once when I get home from school and once before I go to bed
I had bad insomnia for years and smoking actually got me off my sleeping medication (which made me feel like a zombie) I also have depression and I think that it has a positive impact on my life
The only reason I would quit is when I decide to have kids (they don't really know what it does to breast milk and I'm not risking fucking up my child because I wanna get baked) it's all about self control

it has to do with what it is broken down into.

your body peels the hydrogen off the -OH group on the ethanol/methanol.

with methanol, it makes formaldehyde (methanal), which makes you blind.

with ethanol, it makes acetaldehyde (ethanal), which causes a hangover.


>people who do drugs are by default degenerates
I hope you like shitty music, because any music worth listening to was created by somebody high as shit at some point

This. It should have been the end of the thread. Niggers are the most degenerate thing ever.

I have been smoking for 6 years now (daily / regularly for 4 years). I quitted about one week ago. I enjoyed the high less and less to the point I dont even want to smoke it again. The sad truth is that OP is actually right, I have never felt better (mentally and physically) since I quit that shit.. I'm kind of a quiet guy usually but weed just turns me into a depressed antisocial lazy loner and I never want to feel like that ever again

correct about the hydrogen part, not the oxygen part.

dunno how much you know about organic chemistry.

carbon can bond to up to 4 things. its normally bound to 4 hydrogens. if you want to bind it to something else, you have to remove one hydrogen so it can bond to that new thing.

the hydrogens are typically ignored in drawing the structure of a molecule, because they are just understood to be there.

hope that makes sense.

Successful doesn’t always mean celebrities lmfao, i mean people who actually contribute to society in their day to day life.

>Smokes twice a day

You are saying people in the weed culture think it cures but please get more knowlegde about the weed culture people who smoke it are not thinking it cures. People in the weed culture know it is kinda helpfull in a painkilling way. The other people who don't smoke it for painkilling are just for fun relaxing. Your point of view is different but here in The Netherlands the culture is different, maybe because its legal here and people just respect the use and don't use it for the kick. In the way you use drugs like it's normal thing it gives me my point of view like you're a kick loving junkie.

How do opiates not make you a lazy worthless fuck? Troll harder opiate heads are pure zombies

Lol give it time user, I only did oxy 30s for 5 years. Then one night someone caught me in a moment of weakness (went to pick up sorry late at night, got switcheroo'd and was only presented with Boy, didn't want to deal with GF at the tone boxing about not getting anything) and here I am +3 years later. Left work stuck currently in a parking lot right now waiting to pick up

tl;Dr just give it time and you'll do heroin

I used to smoke all day every day and do any drug I could get my hands on so I think I've made a lot of progress


I know a little, and I knew that -OH bonds determine how your body breaks a substance down
I just remember hearing of people going blind from drinking too much store-bought, controlled liquor
Maybe they drank it in such high amounts that the minute amount of methanol built up and damaged the optic nerves

>yfw even if it were decriminalized it would still be a cash crop for gangs

It would be a disastrous blow to gangs. Pot prices in legal states are so low, largely because of easy access with no need for spics to tunnel and ship overseas in an anus. I cry at how little you have to pay for weed in legal states compared to here. It's one of their biggest cash crops, which means fewer guns, and a harder push on harder drugs, which pot smokers will be 30/70 willing to move into, the majority will be too lazy because they can spend ten bucks and get high as fuck for a month.

Have you ever tried oxycodone??? You’re literally the same exact person but clear headed and way less anxious about everything. You’re just mellow as fuck and you can live your life perfectly, if not better. Im not advocating anything tbh. I am not gonna lie to my self and act like im a saint who doesn’t touch drugs, but if im gonna get high on something its gonna be an oxy.

> richest people in the world smoke weed
> poorest people in the world take opiates and live on streets

Yeah wow weed really makes you worthless compared to a pill head who eventually resorts to stealing from their friends and family for their cheaper heroine fix

congrats user, can relate to that toke one for me

No fucking way oxys are garbage. If I wanted anti anxiety I'd do ativan or micro dose. Not to mention the withdraw is garbage

>Feeling like an opiod makes you a better, less anxious person who can live their life perfectly
Yea, you're an opiate addict waiting to happen, if not one already
Also people will feel this way about any drug, as long as it's their drug of choice
So if this is OP, you just did the same thing as these potheads you hate kek

Bill Gates’ contribution to society isn’t enough then, I assume ? You’re just a fucking moron with a chip on his shoulder. So your girl left you for a guy who smokes huh ?

perhaps. sometimes companies make mistakes in producing alcohol.
what's neat is that since methanol and ethanol are so similar, its basically impossible to separate the two by boiling. they boil at a very close temperature. so any store grade drinking alcohol has some small amount of methanol in it.

it's more common in things like wine. fruit juice has some methanol in it, naturally.

so yeah in theory i could imagine someone could get blindness from incredible amounts of alcohol consumption. if not from just small fuckups in factories, from the small amounts of methanol present naturally.

Yeah because you’re not use to feeling laid back and you constantly worry about what others think. The paranoia is a result of it being illegal and criminalized for so long, tl;dr you’re a pussy just move.
It relaxes your mind and body. I worked everyday high, it only makes lazy people lazy. Your stigmas are so old and out of date next you’ll tell me Satan wants me to smack crack and join the circus after one puff of the maryjuan
Again you’re a baby ass, goes is with the anxiety.
>And I seriously cant name and successful people who smoke
First of all, your grammar is garbage. Second, Snoop Dogg. Third, do research because there are tons of people who have.
Fourth, do you even ancient Egyptians, bro? They used cannabis for everything
Tl;dr this is a load of barnacles

The irony is two fold: one, anyone I know that went to the needle did it while still doing oxys.
And two: almost a decade of use, and I've still never used a needle. Foil smoke for life