Why haven't you moved to Europe yet?

Why haven't you moved to Europe yet?

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i'm not muslim

If i wanted to see brown people i would just get out of my house.

Wow, Austria being one of the least imbecile infested countries in a metric. That's new.

is that joke about greece? either that's true and they have all been ignoring me when i asked them something in english


Because i want to move out of Europe

Have you ever considered moving to Costa Rica?

Is Finland cucked yet? The stories seem to vary, probably from being next to both Sweden and Russia.

>no gunz
>no big open rural places


>no big open rural places

>dat pic
I think we are at about 6% maybe 7

>all those houses packed tightly together like sardines

I want my nearest neighbor to be 20 miles away.

Thats wrong

Not even half the people in the UK can hold a coherent conversation in English


>Seriously? Is it even a question? At least our country gets to slowly decrease in relevance over my lifetime rather than already being a ruin full of nostalgic wannabes too brainwashed complacent to defend their own fucking society.

Yeah. Go ahead OP. Have fun. I guess it's only fair to see what you can of the museum before it closes.

tfw your nation got cucked by a country that never even invaded you.

Most Austrians speak great English. Their german isn't that great though.

I don't even need to know languages.
With my natural skills on body language and gestures I can communicate with anybody in this planet.

Because Mexicans and niggers don't feel all that bad when compared to mudslimes.

I don't speak English

jej, and I think the 22% who can hold a conversation could only talk about VERY basic stuff

being stuck here, nowhere to go

Look at all the non European master race butthurt

Stay mad because you weren't born in Europa faggots

Hopefully you learned from last time, Franz. I don't want to see you guys go through a stretch as bad as the 1900s again.

HAHA, Based Norway says fuck your EU

Can we just nuke the Anglos? They're the ones that globalised this world

Their German is a simple dialect. And it's my favourite one because it sounds so evil.

>only 95%+

3 of my mates went to fucking england without knowing a word in english shit just ruses me so much

>Openly acknowledge they aren't relevant in modern geopolitics
>Admits the Russians are Euros for once in order to shill for street cred
>Claims the fucking Congo as a 'success'

Need I say more?

that image aren't true


That's not how you spell Semite.

>Their german isn't that great though.

Wos zum Teifi host du grod iwa mi gsogt, du klana Wappler? Du soidadsd wissn das i da beste in meim Johrgong war beim Jogdkommando und i hab a scho a paar Einsätz im Sudan ghobt mit iwa 300 Leit di i obgmurkst hob. I bin a guat in Gorilla Kriagsfirung und da beste Schoarfschitz vo gaunz Estareich. Du bist nix aundas ois a lebendigs Zü. I werd di wegblosen so wias nu nia wer gseng hot. Des kaunst da merken. Du glaubst oba ned im Ernst dass du damit durchkumst anfoch an scheiß iwa mi im Internet z'reden? Deng nu amoi noch bleder Orschkriacher. I benachrichtig grod mei Spionagenetzwerk in Amerika und dei IP Adress wiad grod verfoigt oiso bereit di af was vor du Dompfplauderer. Du bist tot, Bua. I kan imma iwaroi sei und i kaun dia mit iwa 700 vaschiedene Sachen des Liachtl ausknipsen und des owa nedda mit meine Händ. I bin nämli ned nur trainiert in unbewaffneten Kompf sundan hob i a Zugang zum Arsenal vo die Marines und i werd des a voi ausnutzen um so an lächalichen Kasperl wia di wegblasn z'kena du klana Bimbo. Hättst nur gwusst wos fir wöche Foign da da owagscheita Kommentar dia bringa wiad hättst vielleicht dei Goschn ghoitn. Owa du hostas ned dau und hiatzt muast dafir bezoin du depp. I scheiß sowas auf di und des wiad da zvü sei. Du bist tot Bua.

>TFW the land of your fathers would rather take in achmed and give him your rightfully deserved NEETbux instead of allowing you to return to the homeland.

>pretty true but still we shaped the future of the human race
>I have always been of the opinion that Russians are Europeans
>Well sorry that we killed so many of your beloved niggers user

kanker op kanker amerikaan

>percentage of people who can hold a conversation in English

america: 100%

English is already our official second language.

Also Europe will not be speaking in English for long.

>america: 100%

You sure about that with all the spics and ebonics people you have?

I like owning a firearm.

>spics and ebonics

try again fritzl

It would be funny to see the stats for "percentage of people who can hold a conversation in Arabic"

Me too.

yeah most Greek people I have spoken to are decent at English so their just top kek you.

>The regulation of weapons (firearms, airguns, knives etc.) in Spain is very restrictive with extensive controls and prohibitions. Firearm ownership is limited to hunting and sporting, each requiring a license. To acquire a license it is necessary to pass a police background check, physiological and medical test, and pass a practical and theoretical exam. A local permit (valid only in the granting municipality) is required for all airguns of low potency (such as airsoft, paintball, etc.). It is illegal for those without a license or permit to use a firearm or air rifle at any premise. Licenses are valid up to 5 years and firearm inspection prior to license renewal. Sporting licenses are valid for 3 years. Police may inspect firearms at any time.
don't come 'ere then

Found it. 80% of UK residents actually use their English "almost every day"

If the french are at 40% there's no fucking way Germany could be under 80% because obviously knowing a few words is qualifying enough.

You know that there are Welsh and Scots Gaelic, right?


bloody angloids

>Hold a conversation

I have dual citizenship US EU, but nah, I'll stay in NY, it's ok to vacation in EU countries though.


you have brown people in brazil like we do in America? Wow, amazing.

>No denying that. You just don't get 100% ownership for your successor cultures (like us). Still, no one ever can take credit away from what Europe did do. We may joke a lot, but it was Europeans who laid the foundation for the modern world and for that everyone should be mostly grateful. There were fuckups to be sure, but by and large you found a world lined in brick and paved it with marble - brick by hard-fought brick.
>Glad to hear it. It's surreal how many people try to exclude them from the category.
>You have to admit Leopold made a fucking mess, bud. Not saying colonialism was bad I'm just saying maybe run your ship a bit better than not at all - you know?

Also - out of curiosity are you Flemish, Waloon, or neither?

>It's stupid to assert otherwise - honestly I

I fled the Netherlands Emirates 11 years ago and will never go back.

Are we counting Scots as just badly pronounced English then?

Who the fuck are the 5% here who can't speak the language, I had no idea retards made up that large a percentage of the population

That's why. Also they do not have free speech and are introducing concentration camps for "hate speech" users.

Wew Lad

What the fuck is Cyprus?
Pot calling the kettle black, you fucking third-world piece of shit.

Scots is English, mate. Gaelic is an entirely separate language.

>can get white wimins more

>no gunz
>hate speech laws
>mudslimes everywhere
>more Jew control (can't deny holocaust without being jailed there)
>won't be able to watch/play certain videos or games not politically correct
>every food product is more expensive

>Spain 22%

Seriously bros?

You fake ass greek afroheads.

Rounding errors.

You can deny them "people" status all you want but they'll soon be a majority of your country's citizens, and that's something you can't deny.

No, they're pretty fluent in English Greeks, everywhere, even on the Islands, think tourism, they have to be. Never had a problem communicating even on the smallest islands in English.

Who the fuck do you think you are? Americans are Europeans unless your name is one of the following:
>Tyrone LaDonte Biggumz
>Big Chief Flying Cow

Fuck off we are full.

Rotherham here:

الأَبْجَدِيَّة العَرَبِيَّة الحُرُوف العَرَبِيَّة

why so triggered lardy

>roundabout 5% of the British population isnt able to hold a conversation in their native tongue
Thats what this implies, right?

And I'm meant to just forgive my native homeland dwellers for being cucks? No.

I would live in a non EU country like based Norway.

Holy shit, my passion is firearm collecting. That seems like hell to me

Looks like "Europeans can all speak 5 languages" is just a meme

Thats meh pasta.

Waar in de VS woon je nu?

Feels bad man

At least I don't live in a village with a fucking straw roof, you goddamn ultra-nigger. I'd bet you're not even white.

Honestly I'm glad you think that way. Most of the continent tends to exclude us from the category despite our heritage.

I assumed our Belgian friend was in that camp - but if that's not the case consider me pleasantly surprised, Tommy.

Verrader. We gaan Nederland opnieuw groot maken, met Wilders als onze Führer.

En homos als jij mogen lekker neergeknald worden door al die amerikaanse kut negers.

well that just doesn't exist here

never seen a someone who isn't a cop/soldier holding a firearm here. Only people who hunt have shitty shotguns

I bet you live in a nigger ghetto collecting foodstamps to survive

When I have enough capital and high quality marketable skills I will move to a country that doesn't take my money and give it to invaders and piss on my feet, get married with prenup and have 7 kids and raise them with strong conservative values.

We're pseudo-cucked. Not in any way comparable to Sweden or Germany or UK, but we're definitely not Poland-tier either. Adjusted to population we're taking in horrendous amounts of migrants. Rural areas are very red pill but practically all comfy cities are infested with disgusting green-party libtards that have control over media and are able to impose multiculti agenda on corporations. Case in point: youtube.com/watch?v=_tObU0xki1c (A classic finnish song with niggers in the music video doing traditionally finnish things to show how progressive they are, half the comments are praising marxist agenda and the other half are pure red pill). We have a long way to go before we can start hanging lefties, but like every other EU country we tax honest natives like mad and punish entrepreneurs to let parasites live comfy lives while raping young girls and loitering in street corners.

There goes our 10%

kanker lul

When I have enough capital and high quality marketable skills I will move to a country that doesn't take my money and give it to invaders and piss on my feet, get married with prenup and have 7 kids and raise them with strong conservative values.

We're pseudo-cucked. Not in any way comparable to Sweden or Germany or UK, but we're definitely not Poland-tier either. Adjusted to population we're taking in horrendous amounts of migrants. Rural areas are very red pill but practically all comfy cities are infested with disgusting green-party libtards that have control over media and are able to impose multiculti agenda on corporations. Case in point: youtube.com/watch?v=_tObU0xki1c (A classic finnish song with niggers in the music video doing traditionally finnish things to show how progressive they are, half the comments are praising marxist agenda and the other half are pure red pill). We have a long way to go before we can start hanging lefties, but like every other EU country we tax honest natives like mad and punish entrepreneurs to let parasites live comfy lives while raping young girls and loitering in street corners.

why did you delete that, Soumi?

>percentage of population able to hold a conversation in English

>We're pseudo-cucked. Not in any way comparable to Sweden or Germany or UK
>Americans really believe this

Nee, jij.


Het is een woord, jij idioot.


Image had shitty crop, I reposted

No, I live in 95% white suburbs on the edge of Cincinnati. I'm surprised you'd try to insult by calling me nigger when I'm not the one who lives on a fucking island in the middle of nowhere, with a GDP smaller than what my house is worth.

you don't have to pretend on the internet Jamal

Indeed its a word and noth an expression.
Its an expression here but if you came further than your VMBO KANKER SCHOOL you would know its only a KANKER ROTONDE in English.

I live in techie scum San Francisco now.
I want to move to Hawaii or maybe Strayla next.

Once again- I'm not the one who lives on a Mediterranean island.

Post a pic of your house. You probably live in a goddamn mudhut.

Why isn't the UK a 100% fluent? That picture is shit.

het spijt me, f@m