Show everyone how retarded you are

Show everyone how retarded you are





your mom



I don't know

nobody knows

1 in 10 = 10%
1 in 100 = 1%
1 in 1000 = 0.1%
the one i would expect to give 5 more often than any other is the first one, but all are possible

100% chance OP is gay

a = 90.033333333%
b = 9.033333333%
c = 0.933333333%

You stupid OP




How is this supposed to be unsolvable?


Four foot one

its got to be the last one . as i am a democrat

What is a program?

I just don't know


Because there is a chance that a totally different program is running on the computer.
So if there are infinitely many programs that could run on the computer, then the answer would be d: all are equal, as the probability for each one is 0.
But, as it is a COMPUTER, thus it has a FINITE amount of operational memory.

If it is, for example, 16GB, then you need to calculate the subset of all programs that are possible to implement with 16GB of ram that gives you a number between 1 and 10, 1 and 100, 1 and 1000 each, and then multiply the numbers by of each category by 1/10th 1/100th and 1/1000th, and then normalize the whole thing.

But as the amount of ram of the computer is not given, we have to additionally have to make a statistic over the number of all computers (because it is a random computer) and calculate the average probability.

Also, you could take into account only all programmes that were ever written by a human up to this point.

The only thing I'm certain about is that the answer is not D if the ram is finite.
An interesting thought: all programs of all categories can switch categories by adding

result *= 10;
result /= 10;
at the end of the code.
but that is one more line.

The problem is truly unsolvable.

What is a computer?

Oh yeah?!
What is a number?


There is no computer program. You never pressed enter. It's all lies, it never happened.

Why should I even try to solve it when it's called "the unsolveable problem"?
I would just press the button a few more times or simply check for an internet connection to browse porn

What is Occam's Razor?

The answer is A, B, C and D at the same time.
Because it is impossible to write a computer programme that gives you random numbers on deterministic, computer.
Thus, by assuming a contradiction, you can derive everything. 1 = 4 and A B C D

>Implying that the computer is running multiple other programs that aren't mentioned in the answers.
>Implying what the computer does with the numbers matters at all if the final result is still a random number in the range indicated by the answer.

Given that it's presumed that the computer is that of a modern one, and that even old graphing calculators can generate numbers under those parameters of the answers within a second or so. the amount of RAM above a stupidly small amount (we're talking below numbers possible by vacuum tubes) the actual amount of RAM is a non-factor.

And what exactly are the fewest assumptions in the case?
Assuming that it is one of the three programs presented? NOW THAT is a very harsh assumption.