Animal testing is wro-

Animal testing is wro-


its not the testing that they object to, but the conditions and treatment of the animals.

Nigga it’s all over the news

87 mice just got cleared of cancer, that’s being treated pretty well

Nazis were early adapters of animal rights laws.
Believing in animal rights is literally what Hitler did.

Yeah, but over the experiment 90 mice got cancer.

I don't think most people give a shit about animal testing on mice aside from the small percentage of loonies.

People don't object to animal testing as in, they think animal testing shouldn't be a thing, they object to the methodology that some companies use when using animals in their tests.

I'd argue that the life of some animals is worth more than that of some human beings, and human testing should be encouraged when the subject is classified as filth (for example he browses Sup Forums, specially Sup Forums etc, basically people that only exist to make humanity worse and will never breed anyway).

Why 90? That's weird. Why not 100?

10 died from the treatment
never trust a statistic you did not make up yourself

That's still a pretty good statistic.

Because that 10% of mice represents niggers, they can’t get their cancer cured

5 years too late too save me mum

Your mom made Tide pod memes on Facebook 5 years ago?

I think you might be literally retarded. Do us all a favor and don't breed.

your'e mom was a mouse ? is your name Mickey ? Jerry ?

>i love tide pod memes on facebook
That's on you, nigger.

>Implying any of that research will prove useful to humans

get help

Help finding good tide pod memes? There are none.

Hitler was bound to the earth by gravity. You not floating around means you're a nazi.