Alice has daddy issues shes

Alice has daddy issues shes
she sends nudes to more
also very kinky

very kinky

also her real name is emily
her dad rapped her best friend and now hes in a jail

holy fuck jesus christ, this is true. she does have daddy issues.

alice is a bitch

time to exterminate these thots.

ill drop address once someone gets dubs ;)

what app is this (and the kink list)?

what does alice even look like


thats discord and the kink list is on some dumb website
here you go

rollin. How did you find this chick? Like is there a discord kink group or something?

she used to be in a bdsm server got kicked but honestly im doing this since my friend dosent have a spine and not expose her even though she cheated on him im just here to get my anger out

le 56% face, r u le 56% face user?

she is the 56 percent

What should I do with this information, user

if you want fuck with her but dubs get nudes and address

I've seen the name Alice posted for years now. I avoid the weeboo-shit threads.

Give me the red pill and I'll see if it's worth time

why the reddit spacing
iok but she basically upfront says she loves my friend in his face but sends nudes around to 3 guys and 2 of the guys are helping us push her to end her life shes a weeb bdsm whore who loves high elo players and jumps on any person cock who give her attention

where she live? I wouldn't mind a kinky girl riding my cock


does it really count if me op got the dubs? i want this to go on a little longer

yes, plus you just got dubs again.

You post the rules you have to play the game

for now ill tease with this pic


And OP is now a faggot

Normally I would say no but you just got dubs twice in a row

The dubs have spoken
