How does it feel to be a bigger circlejerk than reddit?

How does it feel to be a bigger circlejerk than reddit?


Go make me a taco Paco.

Sup Forums almost never completely agrees with each other inside a thread.

Calling us a circle jerk is just inaccurate.

Nigger please. 85% of you circlejerk around Trump

i feel like you may be happier over on reddit than here

Not nearly as good as you must feel, high on your delusion of moral superiority.

Not an argument
Show me one example of a political discussion on here that doesn't involve spewing jidf memes or yelling shill
Protip you can't

Almost all of us also think a kilogram is heavier than a gram, too. So what?

death to trumpfags

I think its great to be a nimble navigator

It's not a circlejerk if I like it.

Criticize him on here, even if he is who you are voting for and you get bombarded with highschool faggots saying jidf, shill, merchant memes and of course stupid canned responses like
>i wonder what he meant by this
>really makes you think
if that isn't a circlejerk idk what is, it is basically hivemind downboating

Well, yeah, but it's not ACTUALLY downvoting, so it's okay.

The kids who take the stormweeny shit seriously are the one's who really shit up the board
For instance being redpilled is just believing whatever some faggots on an anonymooose anime imageboard shitpost about

Sup Forums and the Alt Right are totally NOT a walking stereotype. Only the SJWs can't think for themselves!

Here you go
Now suck my dick

>le anonimoose mask


If you insist
Oh yeah I forgot that Sup Forums tends to have merchant meme profile pictures

>it's a "I don't like what they're talking about so they're bad" episode

No it's a bitching about the echo chamber that most of this place has become episode

This picture is so right, I bet none of you pussies would ever show your face. You even vote against your self interest since non of you are productive members of society. Bernie would help you with health care and if you ever decide to do anything with your life, free college would be waiting for. Cowards don't hide behind anonymous posting

Almost all of you think the vagina is an alien conspiracy to keep the white man down.

>profile pictures
>Sup Forums

>how does it feel to "X"
>hmm really makes you think
>Sup Forums btfo

Talking about on social media accounts
You've seen the twitters and youtube accounts I'm sure