Sentences that could only come out of a:

Sentences that could only come out of a:

or any other far away, strange and depraved place in the Commonwealth.

I'll start



I've got word of another settlement that needs your help

I'm enjoying this thread immensely so far


There's is nothing wrong with this. Tour larpers deserve death.

>Bahhh, im incapable of driving past a cyclist


have my whole folder






Spent 5 minutes trying to make this video in to a webm that Sup Forums will post, hop you like 16 bitrate.

Lost hard. I hate roadie wankers




>I look just like lance dopestrong in my skintight cycling shorts
who are you calling fag, fag


I am cyclist but 99% of cyclists wouldnt know how to hold a line or be safe on the roads. That 99% deserve a tour de hospital. Or even better a coffin.



>now hae
He fugged ub


Is the girl in that photo black? Minorities shitting on other minorities is my fetish.