Who’s the strongest woman in America? Hillary. And it’s imposible to find anyone more inspirational

Who’s the strongest woman in America? Hillary. And it’s imposible to find anyone more inspirational

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vault.fbi.gov/hillary-r.-clinton/Hillary R. Clinton Part 11 of 11/view

Please list ten accomplishments of hers so I can understand your insanity.


Do you consider her leading the charge against Bill's Bimbo Eruptions a sign of strength?


Then there's all those bills she spear headed through Congress while she was a senator!

As Secretary of State she was spectacular. Need I say Benghazi?
Shame about Ben Foster, that friend of here who committed suicide. How did he get rid of the gun after he killed himself? Doesn't matter because Hillary and Company made sure his office was cleansed up before the police came looking.



Vince Foster, you dumb fuckwit


Top fucking kek



I want to see Hillary Clinton fight Tara LaRosa

>got kicked off Watergate investigation for unethical behavior
>married a state attorney general and rode his coattails all the way to two failed presidential runs
>intimidated women her husband raped and made a few disappear
>used insider trading to get rich on beef futures
>cucked her cheating husband with Webb Hubble
>killed Vince Foster
>had JFK Jr killed to clear the way for her senate run
>sold uranium to Russia, who then sold uranium to Iran
>violated various laws on classified document handling and campaign finance, then intimidated the FBI into not pressing charges when she was caught
>collapsed on 9/11 anniversary and was thrown into a van like a side of beef




citation required


So many of these are veritably false. Post evidence for your retarded claims.

she's white brah, so no. even oprah would beat her.

you act as if the republicans werent behind the burning and lost mail

Die, faggot.

her phone number is in this pastebin from weiner's laptop

(((paste)))(((bin))) /NfcM6YfF

vault.fbi.gov/hillary-r.-clinton/Hillary R. Clinton Part 11 of 11/view

anthony weiner laptop contact directory, numbers confirmed working. if you call, record it so we can hear the lulz




19 year old homeless Meth addict down my street is more inspirational than that cunt.



The strongest and most inspirational? It's not Hillary, it's Elizabeth Warren. Period.




Ouch, the most corrupt women being replaced by the most toxic, please no. Don't even start with her.

OP here, glad to see someone on my side. Hillary is innocent.


Seriously. Hillary is innocent

This is all OP samefagging but still entertaining thread

At this point, these women are more inspirational.

Kek ty user.

Hillary be getting a call from me

>Who’s the strongest woman in America? Hillary
I'll take "Who is Janet Yellen", up until today




>lost 2 elections when everyone was shilling for her
Thats an accomplisment right?


1 Year, 2 Months, 28 Days later... Still don't regret it!

>thinking all of these are real

Hold My Beer!

>let 4 americans die in benghazi
Bush started a war in the wrong fucking country after 9/11. Why is it we still mention benghazi?

Please. WTF are you smoking?

he does what she want

My favorite accomplishment of hers is.... Wait what has she accomplished again?

This woman

And this one

Good god, what the fuck is wrong with you?

What's her phone number?! Also yeah she's a piece of shit.

She's canadian you retard

>The American Right Wing in a Nutshell
>Trump increases taxes on middle class Americans.
>Trump's first military order kills 8-year old American girl
>Trump attempts to repeal and replace healthcare with a far-right draconian version that will harm his own voters.
>Repeals Net Neutrality. Handing over the reins of the Internet to the Telecom industry.
>Keeps GITMO open
>Stock Market drops 666 points
>Pass tax bill that gives the same elite he called out during the election giant tax breaks.
>Film remake staring all transgender homosexual minority non-republican liberal female cast is announced.

Our next president Oprah.

NOPE-rah 2020!!!

>Our next president Oprah.

This is why the rest of the world considers us a fucking laughing stock

Do you go to Tumblr? Are you female/Genderqueer/trans? Not trolling, I’m legit curious.

Anyone who's inspired by Hillary Clinton was probably inspired by their high school guidance counselor.

I’m genderqueer. And no, I don’t go to Tumblr anymore. Why ask? Upset I’m telling the truth?

>still believing that a white woman is the strongest
Oprah 2020 you racist bitch.

No. I'm a left-centrist.

The far-left is full of radicals that hate nazism and white supremacy so much they turn to authoritarian tactics of violence and chaos, making the left look like a bunch of extremist.

The far-right is full of alt-right trolls that circlejerk memes and bash on easy left-wing targets (SJWS, Feminists, etc) then clutch their pearls whenever a film featuring a strong female character is released.

I'm on the side that wants to fix this fucking country and gets us back on the world stage as an international figurehead and not a rogue nation laughingstock.

>still treating the presidency like a high school popularity contest

This is why the US is a laughing stock.
Enjoy your "now I'm homeless healthcare"

Fuck Hillary
Fuck Warren

They think they can get black people to just keep voting for them by paying lip service and being shitheads in their actions. Young blacks supported Bernie and straight up didn't vote for Hillary.

>This is why the US is a laughing stock.

Support progressive candidates this election season, especially third party candidates.


let me guess. youre black. a lot of good trump is doing you right?

lowest black unemployment rate ever!
tanks oba.., oh fuck it was trump

Kiss my black ass, cracker.

>Fuck Warren

Why Warren? Sure she does occasionally vote with the Corporate Dems, but compared to other Congressional Democrats like Manchin she's perhaps when of the best. Why does she deserve to get fucked?

thats actually kind of a fantastic ass... some homo


spread cheeks


Tulsi is the only dem I think I'd support if she ran. She also happens to be a woman which is, apparently, super important.

holy shit i thought that was part of a leather couch

You wish.

because she's a marxist cunt who doesn't even believe in the nordic model (or she would be for simplifying the regulatory and tax codes). She just wants bigger government, and more fame and money--she has one of the most lavish lifestyles of anyone in the senate.

She was given a position at bloody Harvard purely for her politics. Fuck her.


She's not a Marxist but otherwise I agree with you.

Friendly Reminder That Poe's Law Is Always In Effect.

Nordic model?

It applies to literally everyone nowadays though. People are either so intensely invested in some ideology that they look crazy to everyone else or they know nothing about what's going on and it's obvious to everyone else.

SJWs: Everything is fascist!

Old left: Is that you, CIA!?

liberals/Dems: AAH! RUSSIA!

GOP: Trump is gross, bad, I disagree with that stuff he said, maybe the Russia thing, but idk I like Trump and support him all the way

Alt-right: Go Trump! Gas jews and homos and blacks and white nationalism is good but I'm not a nazi, got it!?
