Feels thread. What happened user?

Feels thread. What happened user?


niggy nig nig nig niggy nig nig nig
niggy nig niggy nig niggy nig nig nig nig


I'm the guy who went on the short trip with this girl and her sister.

She finally got back to me after I apologized and had to message her about other stuff

and ahe said "Ok thanks.

I don’t mind that you just left. I need to focus on getting work/getting out of Long Island/getting to do more of the things I want to do. I hope you understand"

I then basically just said

"I understand. If you want to talk, meet or hang out when things will be less busy don't hesitate to contact me."

I guess thats the best that I could say or do here... I still kinda wish that I could say something that could show that I wish that I could have another chance...

And I still need to get my book back from her, and yea....



Gf of nearly a year cheats on me, says I'd be a good husband but I'm not a good boyfriend. Over the next few months we try to stay friends, blablabla, my feelings are all over the place. My depression (which I've had for years) gets worse and adds anxiety /panic attacks and borderline alcoholism. One day I snap, like actually go insane, and try to jump off a building. It wasn't even that high, like 3 stories, but I was in agony and didn't know what else to do. Get Baker Acted for a few days (have to go to a facility for monitoring - the same place that they keep the actual crazies). I get out, kinda feeling okay, but my depression came back. My GPA is falling and my student debt is rising. I came into college as an honors student, and now there's a good chance I'll be academically suspended - a college dropout with nothing to show for it but $100k in loans that I now have to figure out how to pay for.

Anyway, that was a few years ago. I graduated, got a kick-ass high-paying job in my field, and I'm feeling great. I've got my whole life ahead of me! The moral of the story is that, regardless of how you're feeling today, never ever give up. You can make it.

I'm glad that worked out for you. I'd be a lot more glad if I could get my own shit together.


I just quit drinking after 10 years of getting hammered with vodka every day.

Shitting blood is the main reason I quit.

Sober for 5 days, it's a long time for me.

My mind is starting to sharpen up,
feels like waking up after a coma.

I'm getting redpilled every way I go.

I have a lot of nigger neighbors,
they like me even tho I'm white.
They always say hello and want to talk with me about random shit.

I was secretly racist like everyone else,
but the sober me is fuckin' Hitler!

They never did anything bad to me..

Sober me want's to kill them all.



The cat I grew up with, basically my best friend when I was a kid died late November then a week later a family friend, who supported us financially, died and it's just been down hill since. I've been really depressed. Was a super senior in high school but with this depression I haven't been getting out of bed and to school so they said fuck it and just graduated me anyway. Now in a week my internet will be turned off because I won't be able to afford it anymore. And just the other day my stupid best friend tells me she cheated on her boyfriend and that shes cutting herself and suicidal which is really stressful. Shes an idiot. Now I'm gonna try to apply for college and try to not go homeless.

Ate a lot of hotdogs.

I have faith in you, user

smoke weed

what every college slut says

>Anyway, that was a few years ago. I graduated, got a kick-ass high-paying job in my field, and I'm feeling great. I've got my whole life ahead of me! The moral of the story is that, regardless of how you're feeling today, never ever give up. You can make it.

That's pretty inspirational to me. I'm still completely fucked in terms of my immediate circumstances, but at least I have my mental health back. Now I'm trying to claw my way back into some kind of life. But at least I care to try.

Come join our Kik group Feels on Wheels!

We're a bunch of friends and fuckers who have been around for quite some time, and will be around even longer!

We have room for a few more newfriends, and would love for you to join us!

Join by Kik code, or pm me:

Username: Closescape



My Parents involved me in their love affairs throughout the most important years in my life to grow and bond with people. Now, I'm used up and hate myself.


I just want to fucking die

my mother and father got divorced when i was too young to remember and i barely knew him my entire life, but somehow i was still alike enough to him for my mother to resent me growing up because of that. so my mother treated me like shit, my two older sisters treated me like shit and i had a generally unhappy childhood, i grew up distrusting of everyone i met and had very few friends, and the ones i did have through some fucked up stroke of fate or destiny or whatever the fuck always moved away not long after i befriended them.

i tried doing boyscouts, baseball, soccer and other shit like that but sucked at all of it which made my mother resent me even more because i was wasting her time and money. the last thing she let me attempt was the middle school's orchestra when i got into 6th grade, and only because she'd played clarinet herself as a teenager and still had the instrument laying around, so it wouldn't cost her anything.

it was the best thing that ever happened to me, i was naturally good at it and i found a circle of friends that i stuck with all throughout middle school and highschool and most importantly i met a girl who i had a crush on for years before i finally felt comfortable enough to say something to. when i finally did she said to me that she'd always suspected i liked her and that it took me long enough, and so we started dating and it was the first time in my life i'd ever been happy, the first time in my life where i felt like there was someone else on the fucking planet who was actually see me and be around me.

it didn't last though. despite how well i did in the orchestra, my mother never supported my efforts and i began to grow jaded. "what's the point" i asked myself, "i'm never going to be able to go anywhere with my talent because i simply won't have the opportunity because of my shitty mother". i got more and more bitter and my girlfriend dumped me, i stopped caring about it and eventually quit the orchestra.



i became angry and depressed at everything, my grades went to shit, my mother kicked me out with a month left in my senior year and i graduated by the skin of my teeth as i couched surfed with various friends' families. I didn't even go to my own ceremony, i worked at my shitty job washing dishes in a restaurant instead.

i enlisted in the army right after highschool to get away from my hometown and served four years before getting out because my knees and ankles went to shit. i guess four years of marching band and the service took their toll on me. thanks to my security clearance i held in the military i was able to get into cnc machining in aerospace industries and i've been doing that ever since. the money is alright at least.

ever since i've lived by myself and never been in anothe relationship. i'm depressed and overweight now because of how much i drink and how much shitty food i eat and every day i think more and more about becoming an hero because i feel i simply don't have anything to look forward to in life.


Ever since I was a kid i've put up walls between me and everyone who tried to stay near me. I always thought that it was for the best, people didn't need me and I didn't need people. I am feeling fine, I keep watching tv series, movies, anime, I keep reading mangas and books so that I can run away from my meaningless life. I can't remember when or why did It start, bit I just know that if I suppress my feelings it's gonna be better for everyone. My father is bipolar and he doesn't want to cure himself so I can't ask my mom for help, she already has a pretty big burden.
But despite all of this, i'm feeling fine. Not happy, not sad, just fine. I know I have to keep going like this until I get a chance to run away from this shithole town i'm living in. I hope I can start a new life on my own, alone as i've always been

Sometimes I wish I was a woman because I wish people would approach me and confess their feelings for me. I'm too scared of getting my feelings hurt again or getting abandoned again. But I'm also desperate a relationship, because I miss holding hands with someone, and going to bed and falling asleep with someone. I get scared to sleep alone sometimes. It's been that way since my ex-fiancee left a few years ago.

I fall for people so easily. I have a crush on someone at all times. I am desperate. I am going to die alone if I don't find someone soon. I'll be 30 in only a couple months.

Here I removed the watermark for ya pal

I know how you feel but It doesn't get better, it just gets worse until you explode

I’ve been depressed almost all my life.
I didn’t have a horrible childhood. I was diagnosed with diabetes and let out the hospital right on my 6th birthday. My brother, a few years older than me, abused me physically and psychologically all the time as I was growing up. He was the one that watched me most of the time as my parents usually worked.
That being said, I don’t think it was all that much. But ever since I was in grade school, I’ve been sad all the time and it only got worse as the years wore on.
I don’t feel like I’ve earned the right to be so depressed, which only makes me feel worse.
On top of that, I’m lonely, short, otherwise psychologically compromised, and the only thing keeping a gun out of my mouth is the guilt of hurting my immediate family.

I've been depressed for 14 years and going, I have a few friends and a brother who loves.
I have even tried dating but it just makes it worse. I feel like I'm never good enough at anything besides being a peice of shit and someday I just want to end it all.

Gf of 6 years pretty much broke up with me. It’s been a hell of a ride and we’ve been through a lot of shit. It’s not the first time we’ve broken up, it’s also not the first time we’ve almost broken up.

I can’t help but feel like this is my fault, I drove away the perfect woman for me because I never changed. I never brought on change, even now I can’t show her that I can change. I lied for no reason, I acted suspicious, and I told her what I will do better but I never did anything better.

On the other hand, she also contributed to this relationship failing. A lot of the time our arguments were because of her handling situations differently than I would. She emotes and reacts more serious than I might. She had the power to get angry at me for little reason and it’d become a big problem.

got this friend whos suicidal, hes been giving away a lot of his stuff. i guess so people have something to remember him by. I dont know how to help him. he has a real shitty life. both parents are dead(since he was maybe 12) and hes at this really sucky job. He already has a therapist but i dont think it helps very much. i try and check up on him as much as i can. maybe i should try harder? idk i just feel bad and dont want him to an hero


Im a 12incher can someone redirect me to the right thread to share my massiveness.

I feel my depression growing, being lonely with Valentine’s Day coming up, people treating me like shit, and self hatred

I know i've thought of that too but if I think about last year I know that I feel in the same exact way. Nothing has changed. As I said I'm not happy but I'm not sad either. RN I'm in high school and I don't have much money of my own but i'm thinking of going to talk with a psychologist even if to get the money i'll have to work in a restourant in my town but only on saturdays so that i can tell my family that I was out with friends till very late (they finish working at around 2 at night). As I said my family has already enough problems, I can't put this burden on them.
Thanks for the advice tho, it makes me really happy to See that someone listened to what I had to say

I've been avoiding family, it feels really shitty but I just don't really want them to occupy all my time. They want to plan a family vacation, but I only get 2 weeks a year from my shitty job. I took a week off without telling them, didn't want to see them, didn't want them to think "oh well user has plenty of time, let's occupy it doing stupid bullshit." It's the same whenever they know I'm off, like holidays and shit, they always plan for me to come and I'm kinda sick of it.

But really they haven't done anything wrong, I just want to be alone. But being an asshole about it gives me bad feels

There's some other stuff but I feel like it's ancient history now and this is a long enough post as it is

You should see a therapist because I haven't seen one in 13 years and it just gets worse.
Hopefully they can help
And remember someone somewhere might care for you

I'm half drunk and have a laundry list of problems and noone else to tell em to. Had to move back in with the folks recently, not because I'm a fuck up but because they are getting on in years, mom is dying of cancer and dad is going blind, trouble is there are too many bills pilling up, I only work part time and go to school online, my wife and child are staying over at her sisters because the county is threatening to condemn the house due to my mom's hording and between trying to get about 30 odd years of garbage out of the house and catch up with way too many past due bills, take care of my family and pass my classes, I dunno it's fucking stressful.

Thanks dude, sometimes what we need is just some kind words. I wish you the best of luck

I guess my real question is what do I do? How can I cope if it doesn’t work?

Thank you, but even kind words can do so much.
Try and better yourself slowly and remember take it day by day.

Same thing happened to me back last year except she then sealed the deal by cheating with a co-worker as a catalyst to force a break up.

Wish I could tell you its easier almost six months later but its not. She's already got a new guy and I'm alone in our old apartment with a bottle of vodka. Fun times.

My dad is probably going to die tomorrow. He's in the hospital, and the main machine keeping him alive is going to be removed. I never knew how much I looked up to him until I moved 2k miles away. I've got to keep a brave face for my family. And after I bury him I'll have to work my ass off to catch up with bills. At least I have a woman who loves me. Even then I feel like if I get a job in my field I won't be able to spend time with her and she will resent me and either cheat on me or dump me. And if that happens she'll just hate herself. Being an adult sucks, but now I feel like I have to make my dad proud. He was always a hard worker who made time for his kids.

See my gf has yet to cheat, but because of the way I’ve acted she assumes I am, and that I hate her, and that I want to be done with her when in reality that’s not the case

The only communicative interaction I have with people is through text.

I'm severally depressed and I want to kill myself everyday, bunch of shit has happened in my life(long story) and basically the only friends I have are assholes/don't really care about me, I really want to buy a gun and just end it but I think I might have a arrest warrant(didn't show up for jury duty), I tried hanging myself once but that didn't workout very well, I might try the exit bag method next. Wish me luck Sup Forums

I’m sorry to hear it’s come to this user. I know I’m not important in your life but just know that you matter, if no one else will say it I will

Good luck and I hope you find some happiness in death

Missing jury duty at least is not that big a deal, probably no arrest warrant or any other penalty

It's one of those technically illegal things that it's not in their interest to pursue you for



I don't really understand how people become inspired by other people's stories with the infinitely different variables of each other's lives, but im happy it worked out for you. Had I attempted suicide, getting over the anchors in my life would have been enough to make sure i did it right. Out of curiosity, what is your field of study? The thing I cannot understand moving forward academically is how to know what you do. I have not had an inkling of real responsibility in my life and have never figured anything out on short notice that wasnt some bs essay. I was thinking the military to kick my ass into shape, but i have documented depression that i didnt even follow through treating properly. I got a job and i overwhelmed myself with just thoughts, i hadnt even worked long enough to choose something to become a bill, but when people ask me i become a coherent and insightful ted talks on life. How do i help myself?

dad kicked the bucket when i was 17. everyone around me was sugar coating things so hard, i didnt even realize when we went to the hospital it was for the last time. he wanted me to hug him and i was all awkward
>just give me a fucking hug, son
pushin 30 now and its fucked me up pretty hard. save everything. every photo, every shirt, every memory. good luck, user

Oh, I was supposed to state what happened.
People just forgot about me - I'm not the type of person who you hang with to have everyday fun. So everybody finds their good buddy they can do anything with and reasonably hang with them.
I just fade away because I'm not there - out of sight, out of mind; as the idiom goes. You only talk to me when you got nobody else to talk to about a particular subject or just nobody to talk to at all. As these young people I know get older and actually begin a professional life these random communications have understandably become much much more scarce. They have other people now.
I never tried to stop becoming relatively non-existent to any of these people - it's what I wanted.
They just all seemed happier without me.





you're a good son, user. good luck

Try starting a new hobby. Like, an actual hobby though, not vidya or comics or anime or any of that shit.

Maybe pick up a martial art. The training and practice will get you in shape and give you something to look forward to, and plenty of people in martial arts/boxing/MMA don't smile or get very talkative with the rest of the gym/dojo, so you won't look weird if you don't get talkative with everyone right off the bat.

Just keep your chin up buddy. If you managed to get into the military and hold a cool security job, you're sure to go places

you'll miss them when they're gone: trust me. force yourself to do what they want, it will make them happy, you'll get over it, and have the memories

How old are you?

I want her back bros
I miss her so much
She'll never know how much I love and care about her
She's the one person in this world that made me truly happy
Not a moment guess by where she isn't on my mind

Did you tell her that? She made my life so good that i had less time for her and it came crashing down along with us.

A sage user once said "basing your happiness on how many women you fuck is a dark, lonely path to destruction."

If you miss this girl so much, you probably began relying on her too heavily for happiness, company, and validation. You should go hang out with your friends, or work on making some new ones. It'll be a lot more wholesome for you in the long run.


I started letting myself 'fade' at at 22 or 23 - I forget exactly when my disposition changed so it could even be earlier. Never thought about when it started until now.

I did my man, I did
I didn't rely on her I just love her a lot, still do

Time is valuable user. You only have so much of it. It sounds like you feel guilty about feeling that your family wastes your time. I understand not wanting to spend every vacation with them. Even broaching the subject with your family sounds like an emotional chore. Just remember it's the only family you have. If you don't enjoy the time you spend with them you'll just resent yourself for resenting your family. Good luck user.

user. First of all, go to rehab, second of all. Try new things, try finding a new passion you really enjoy and try making new friends. You seem rather lonely and meeting people and doing something new would probably help you. Also try going to a therapist if shit gets too bad, there is no shame in getting help.

My dog died June 2016, and not a single day goes by that I don’t think of her at least a dozen times a day.
I cry about once a week too.

That sounds like some shitty regret to live with. Thanks for the advice, and the perspective.

I'm not sure what you mean though.

She let me think she was my best friend, Sup Forums.

We met through an online friend my freshman year of uni, and we really hit it off.

We laughed at the same shitty Filthy Frank videos, we both liked comics and photography, we played vidya together.

She was there for me to talk to when the girl I was starting to fall in love with stopped talking to me.

We started dating, and I had never been happier. I felt like I could tell her anything at all, and she let me think that she felt the same.

I still remember the first time I met her in person. It felt like a scene in a cheesy romance flick, where she rounded the corner and we recognized each other without needing to look twice. I held her in my arms for the first time, and nobody had ever felt more real before. Holding her made me feel full of something good.

We spent that first night in my shitty toaster car parked out in the woods, making love and not once letting go of one another. I got all choked up when I had to drive home, even though she told me the night before that she wanted to come to the same uni as me.

I went to her graduation, met her family (who all fell in love with me, to the point that her mom told me I could come to see them any time I wanted, even if her daughter stayed behind), and that summer we started our summer classes together.


Hang in there brother. It gets easier.

Yea you sound like a fucking bummer to be around

Try harder or die. Life doesnt care. Fuck off.

Lost $3k gambling when I'm in a financially desperate situation

I keep opening up to the wrong people and the ghosts of my past are starting to haunt me

I can't get past certain feelings of injustice in my life and it weighs down my emotions

I have to have a difficult conversation with my parents who I've never been close to about how I feel about certain people in our life (extended family)

It really isnt all that bad but topped on with mental illness/depression/nicotine withdrawal and its hell to think about

What's your problem d00d? You sound pretty insecure.

Hey man, fuck you. Let user feel.

youre a piece of shit. tbh I'd rather hang with user than a single second with you. I bet everyone feels the same too.

Getting to come home to her after work every night was unreal. We'd stay up playing games, watching crappy DVDs, exploring the city, taking photos together. I spent that first month in another world.

It was concerning when she refused to get a job for the summer, but I wasn't worried. The uni had finite meal plans that you could share with anyone, any time, even if you weren't there. I'd be fine going a little hungry as long as she stayed fed.

We were on a coffee date one morning when I first started worrying. Both of us were interested in a threesome, and we met a couple online that said they wanted to swing or whatever. Didn't mind that we used her phone to talk to them; all her nudes were there, and she was definitely the better looking one out of us. I got on her phone to look over when we had planned to meet with them, and found out she had agreed to meet up with the guy alone. She had said I was totally cool with it, when I hadn't even known she kept talking to him. I talked to her about it, and she told me she had been drunk and that she would never have done it, how sorry she was. I couldn't really be mad, since she said she was drunk and I trusted that she wouldn't go behind my back.


You sound like a fucking bummer to be around. Fuck off.

Aw... user get a new pet, it's not to be a replacement but more so you can care and love another animal in this world. Cause you seemed to have really loved your dog, I bet you're a nice person to animals. Remember the good times you had with your dog, even if she is not with us anymore.

I hope so because my life is a lot more enjoyable without any of those obnoxious needy people that are so desperate to extinguish their feelings of loneliness because someone hasn't spoke to them in 7 hours.

call your local vet/shelter and ask if theres any opportunities to volunteer. you cant get puppers back but you can help the ones still here, it might help, it might not, but doggo wouldnt want you in constant morning

Not that guy but honestly, loneliness can make people feel really bad about life, you shouldn't be mean to people just cause you think they seem boring. Also don't tell sad people to die cause really man, do you have any empathy?

anons bickering:
we're all here for a reason: sometimes it manifests in hate and anger. try to let it pass.

We never wound up meeting with that couple. She said she didn't want to do it anymore, and I wasn't sure I did either.

We were out at a restaurant when it happened again. Since two quarters and two of my phone wouldn't add up to a dollar, I would use her phone to play games and watch videos when she was busy, and I gave her some old iTunes gift cards since she was nice enough to let me.

I was watching some video when she got a text from one of her friends. "I feel the same ;)"

I would never have dug around in her phone if not for what happened only a few days before. She had texted this person that she missed their body. Scrolling back, they'd been messaging each other for a while, and almost all of it was overtly sexual. She missed the weight of his body between her legs and the feel of his beard on her crotch. I had no idea how to feel.

It wasn't a guy at all! It was her FEMALE friend, she swore! They always joked around with each other that way, the same way we did when we were still just flirting. She would never hurt me.

It hurt HER that I doubted her so much.


My 6 year old was sobbing his heart out in bed last night and when I asked what was wrong he told me that "It's like you don't want me anymore". I've been busy at work and spending a lot of time on the computer, growling at him when he interrupts me. Apparently he's been feeling like he's just in the way all the time. Really hit me in the feels so now I've gotta face the fact that ive been a crappy parent and find a way to fix it. This afternoon we just hung out together and played ball and I just really focused on him. Hopefully it's not too late to stop being a disinterested parent.

I suppose I do have some because I want those people to be happier without me. Those other things I've never done to people either, that's tactless and a good way to become a pariah. But, I admit, I also don't care about their feelings or being lonely or sad cause I do anything truly practicable about it - and I've never felt lonely in my life.
I might change - I'm just articulating my feel out here for the first time, I don't know all my opinions on it yet, ya?

It's been almost six years since both of my maternal grandparents died.
My grandmother's liver shut down from the insane amount of pills she was prescribed. She had shingles near the end, it just defeated her utterly. The day she died I was supposed to take her to the doctor. My father went in to wake her up and she was already cold, died in her sleep. I woke before my alarm to police interrogation.
On my way back to my room to shut the alarm off, I stalled. Her door was open, she was just... there. Gone. I started stripping gears in my head.
And then the voice of the biggest dick on the local police force broke through.
"Just keep going."
Snide and pompous as always.
I don't know what I looked like when I turned around, but he grabbed his side-arm. He was afraid.
I didn't let them see me cry. It took everything just keeping it together.
I blamed myself. Still do.
I was the one getting her to the doc multiple times a week.
I was the one keeping up on her information.
I should have done more research on the garbage they were forcing down her throat.
But I didn't. I failed and my incompetence cost her her life. This woman raised me through most of my childhood and I let her die.
And it has never stopped hurting.

keep it up, user. one of my earliest memories is feeling similar to your son and its fucked me up good and hard

> being lonely or sad cause I CAN'T do anything truly practicable about it
My trips went to waste with that error

I had to trust her if I really loved her, right? Trust is vital for any relationship. I was being a bad boyfriend for hurting her that way.

It was a week later that I found out why she didn't like me doubting her.

It was a late night after an early morning, and I just wanted to fall asleep next to the girl I loved, but her phone kept going off with the shrillest ping anyone ever heard any time I would start fading out. I was going to turn it off and just set my own phone's alarm to an earlier time for her when my throat closed up.

She got a "nice ;))" in response to a picture of her fully naked body, one that I had never even seen before. Believe you me, this girl LOVED to show me her body, too. I scrolled up, and she had met him on fucking Tinder. I backed out of the text log.

At least ten different people in that week. There was no reasonable doubt about it. She got lost on the way to one guys place, and took a picture of what she thought was his door. She had gone parking with a guy from her class. She met up with that couple from weeks ago and fucked both of them AND one of their friends.

I couldn't even make it home without falling down against a building and shaking until I couldn't cry anymore.


Life is hell, multiple family members who I was close to killed themselves, and another died before Christmas last year, I didn't get to say goodbye to him. They all actually believed in me.

it's not your fault, user. remember the good memories. it sounds like you were a good grandson and helped her a lot towards the end. if she loved you she wouldnt want you blaming yourself for the inevitable. good luck