Seems like every girl has done it, why is this so common now?

seems like every girl has done it, why is this so common now?

How has this not 404d yet

it's not common at all, you've been brainwashed by russian bots

Because you’re on Sup Forums

Idk man

uh question: If you're allowed to choose you gender can you identify as a dog and fuck dogs without consequences?

He has no idea where that bitches mouth has been! That's just nasty.

It has always been there. With the interwebs people find they are not the only ones. Others find things they never imagined and their world is shattered and they become scared and uncertain because nothing they knew for certain is actually true. They then double down on strict defined roles, identites, "correct" behaviors and social structures.

I'm sure it's a thing somewhere. Bestiality is legal in some parts


...Do you know what a gender is?



You be surprised, now it's a spectrum. For fucks sake, its gotta suck being a doctor and trying to give accurate medical advice based on your body when the person identifies as some kind of car brand. Like for fucks sake, its an extreme I know though this is literally the day and age we live in.

the world is losing its mind? (((they))) are still in power?

>How to get e coli, the porn

Some people just need to be put down. The dogs too.

aren't dog mouths cleaner, assuming he hasn't just eaten his own shit

I... I don't think you know what a gender is

No... They've just as much shit in their mouths as humans have in theirs. Only differences is most, keyword MOST not all, of their shit can't infect humans.


boy or girl

If you identify as an attack helicopter, can you fly?

girls are objects. boys are fuckable.



Because the Jews have won

makes sense since the orange man is speaking truth and supposedly doing more for the country then it's gotten since jfk. 43 of these fuckers when all we wanted was the one guy to take us to a golden age til his death bed. it's game over. and we're to blame for not saving them from themselves. that's how They get to write us off. something that had to be done for this greater 6 feet under put em in a coffin nigga good.

i'm here to jerk off in the dark watching a bitch getting fucked by dogs and we got this one kid talking about fucken jews.