Hey Sup Forums I want to be institutionalized. Any tips?

Hey Sup Forums I want to be institutionalized. Any tips?

Live pre-Reagan.


Couldn’t that be linked to schizophrenia?


Go check urself in, retard


just pretend to be paranoid. Really easy to act out. Be twitchy and overreact to simplest things

I know I could but does it actually do anything? Does it help?

The reason I want to be institutionalized is because I’ve been showing the tendencies of a sociopath since I was 14. All I do is hurt other people because I was emotionally fucked since the start

Drug overdose or suicide attempt.

Claim your god.

I think I might jump in front of a moving car on my way to class tomorrow

Don’t need to make any claims. It’s the truth.

I'm "dealing" with the same scenario, just discovered that I'm likely a sociopath, it doesn't sound like you are one, a sociopath wouldn't really give a shit about being a sociopath and seek out help.

I’m just doing it so I don’t fuck over the wrong person. I’ve been scamming for drugs and using people for sex or money since 14. I don’t want to end up in a ditch because being murdered is for pussies and cucks

Ask your mom for a Pepsi

Also why not talk to a psychologist/therapist? Have you done that yet? That's one of the only "treatments" for sociopathy

Shameless self bump

go to an institution and ask to be institutionalized.
or you could walk around a place close to your institution and yawn over and over again. Repetitive yawning is a symptom that people pick up on, i've heard.

My family has a history of mental illness. My brother had a therapist that only made his bipolar depression worse. My father had a psychiatrist that put him on the wrong meds and pushed him to the point where he was too depressed to raise a child. I don’t trust them

I get that, fuck going to one of those

Sound alot like me

My family thinks I’m the only normal one. They all have mental illnesses except my little sister but she’s like 12-14 i think

In what sense? Drugs since 14 or using people?


Most all of what you said, been doing "drugs" since 12-13, I lie, manipulate, and steal, all for my benefit

Also my mother has been on antidepressants since I was born

Damn, don't wanna try those, they seem like they make you numb

What drugs? I started off with adderall at 13ish and was on to oxy at 15

Yeah my family has some mental illness to,

My mom rarely ever shows any emotion she just works and reads. It kinda fucked me up that both of my parents were on antidepressants and mentally fucked up

If you go into a hospital and tell them you've been thinking of hurting yourself they'll put you under psychiatric care.

Doing vyvanse (ik pussy shit) since like 11/12, weed at 12, psychedelics here and there along with some nicotine, all nothing major

Parents and siblings?

Yeah damn, my mom's been on anti depressants in and out, also has really bad occasional anger issues/abusive tendencies

Yeah don’t get on oxy; my cousin overdosed on heroine when I was 16 and I just cut oxy entirely. It ruins lives but it wasn’t gonna ruin mine

Also have one brother he's been on anti depressants too, anti depressants

you need to get a therapist. you don't have to "trust" them, but you should see one.

I'm curious, what resources have you used that make you think you could be a sociopath

My parents never hit me but I was molested and my extended family that I was really close with (cousins were like siblings to me) split up when I was 11 and my grandfather died. I started to become detached and after a girl called me out for using her I realized that that it felt kinda good to leave someone hurt and that’s when I started using people for pleasure.

Sister is a psychology major. She’s the only person that knows I’m like this

Use more jewish stars in your artwork

Not mine but I’ll try

I can't really recall when I became "detached" certainly before 6th grade, I can clearly remember me manipulating and lying, actually I only realized I have sociopathic tendencies very recently, I always knew I was fucked up, but I never defined it or actively looked for anything to label me

Only been hit a select few times, not many at all

Told my girlfriend, wow that was something, never thought I would shed my walls and open up to someone that much,

It was around 5-6th grade for me too but it got really bad in highschool

All I wanted was a pepsi

I’m only with my current gf because she’s a nymphomaniac and I was molested when I was 4 and I feel like I need to be used or use someone for my benefit so it the best of both worlds

Is coke okay? They drank all the Pepsi yesterday

I'm at the end of high-school (been held back once or twice), yeah its gotten so bad, trying to calm it a bit, I steal straight from loved ones, I lie so much to people, I control them through lies and other things. Care to tell me about how it "got bad" in high school?

Why're you making kids at cock A.M.?

And also my last 2 girlfriends left me because they figured out I had legitimately zero feelings for them and was faking it the whole time

I'm in my first actual relationship, it's been extremely interesting, I've discovered how fucked I am

No all I wanted was a Pepsi and you wouldn't give it to me

It's wierd I'm faking a lot of emotions, but I still feel I am gaining from this relationship, so I don't know, maybe it can continue this way, but it's likely bound to be over when she ends up seeing the full me

Go skating with a bunch of cholos and Tom Araya.

>Psych major
>starts diagnosing everyone they know
They need to institutionalize people like this for being stupid

Using girls for sex then telling them. Scamming people for money or info so I could either buy drugs or open fake accounts under their name and make legally questionable purchases because it’s funny to see people getting fucked over. Worst part is most people in high school liked me because I was the funny fat kid (180 at 5’6)

No I opened up to her because I’ve been wanting to say something since I was 16 and she’s the only person I trusted. I just lucked out on her wanting to be a psychologist

Fuck you, you’re getting a coke

My current girl is on to me. She constantly asks if I really love her and I really don’t but sex is cool

I'd say most of that describes me too, except the using girls and telling them stuff, also wow the purchasing things under fake names is hilarious

I still open PayPal’s under Canadian women’s names for scamming


I don't know if what I feel with my girlfriend is love, there's no way this is what all the hype is about, I should be perfectly happy with this girl well I am extremely happy with being with her but I feel that what people call "love" is missing, can you relate?

Not at all, I was miserable without her and miserable with her. The only difference is my right hand gets to take a break

Not that my mood has necessarily improved with her coming into my life, I'm still emotionally fucked up and depressed, I just mean when I'm with her or thinking about her I'm not depressed and fucked,

No, thinking about her when I’m not with her makes me slightly more miserable because I hate her personality

Generally, sometimes I'll well get into little "strifes" also I get paranoid she's pissed at me about stuff

Oh I see, well we're in two separate relationships


As I said before, I’m only in it for sex


But honestly if you’re happy then she’s good for you and try to keep what you have

Yeah that's what I'm going for

How often do you go out with her? Like any social outing? I rarely leave my house unless I’m going to class or work. And when I go out for social things it’s with the people that I’ve been friends with since childhood

If you want to go to a psych ward for a few days walk down the yellow line of a street and say your depressed.
if you want an actual asylum, your going to have to commit some serial killer level shit and get sent there because youre insane. Even then, you still might just go to a prison instead

I’m going for psych ward. My brother got it for flipping a stolen car

Sorry for being vague about flipping the car. He drove it into a ditch off of a side rode in a different state when he was like 17

I do school online, I leave the house to either get drugs or hangout w/ these 2 people Ive knows for years and my girlfriend, well it really varies, she's in college, she was just on break where we hung out a lot multiple times a week, now it's around once a. Week, genr we hang around her house, go to movies, get food.

I’ve only left my house to hangout with my girlfriend like 7 times. I don’t really like being with her or out in public so a mix between the two would be hell

Also how smart are you? I’ve heard a major trait of sociopaths is good intelligence

Damn, considered a relationship with a dominatrix? I don't know if that's your thing, for me it seems like it might be beneficial in some senses

Never taken a test though I'd say I'm more intelligent than the average person in a lot of areas, not all though

My current gf is a dominant nymphomaniac but not a dominatrix. She’ll pin me down during sex and hit or bite me. It makes me feel used like I was when I was molested

try to kill your psychiatrist or try to kill yourself in front of your psychiatrist.

Don’t have one. Scroll up

Go to the emergency room. Say the words "I want to kill myself" they'll lock you up in the looney bin for atleast 3 days to determine if you're safe to be on the streets.

I’ve been really smart since I was a kid in math, science, history and English but in certain classes that required creativity and writing that wanted me to convey a feeling I’ve always struggled


I was in the hospital for a procedure last month. When I was about to be put under I told the nurse that I was ready to be euthanized

Find a hobby that gets you out of the house

I can't really give a fuck too much about stuff that I know is pointless or uninteresting, like math class for example, it makes sense and I understand it all but the knowing I'll never realistically use what I'm learning, and that it can be done in simpler ways like a calculator makes me unable to care, also I relate to that, and same, it's hard to understand basic poetry and shit like that.

Why would I do that?

Math just always made sense to me. It was unchanging and didn’t have any hidden meaning


Also liked history and science

Do not sleep for 3 days (straight), it's gonna help you with that.