What does Sup Forums think about circumcision?
What does Sup Forums think about circumcision?
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Nobody here really defends it, cut or uncut.
Lurk more, newfag.
Uncut penis doesn't look like that.
Why dont you suck my foreskin and kill yourself
This. Nobody aside from men on Sup Forums and prostitutes seem to be obsessed with dicks to this degree.
Invention of the Jews
I think it's an unnecessary operation you can't urge for objectively unless it's medical reasons for it.
If we allow it we may as well allow certain form of female circumcision or cutting off your daughters breasts because hey, they aren't really that necessary in modern times and it decreases the risk of cancer.
fuck jews and niggers
Cut and therefore I prefer being cut, the idea of smegma grosses me out.
But I've never been UNCUT so I can't really say either way which is better. Not like I had a choice.
circumcision is the mark of slavery. Jews would historically circumcise theirs slaves to demonstrate their ownership of them. They would also force their slaves to practice the same religion and traditions as them.
You know what type of men dwell on what a dick looks like?
OP, you're a fucking faggot.
Cut btw, because my parents bowed to the Jewish overlords.
Your image is shit, those are both cut pensii. I have been both. Uncut sex was a lot better, fuck my life.
I just want Foregen to be successful
Though uncut penises only look like that if you don't take care of them. Ever hear of lotion?
Just buy a manhood cover and some baby oil
have fun with your dried out desensitizes half dick, you partial man
> Not like I had a choice
Exactly why a lot of people are agains it my man
Why was it better? More sensitivity?
Cutting is a jewish tradition.
You aren't a filthy jew, are you Sup Forums?
my foreskin doesn't go all the way to the head, its cuts off smoothly around the neck. That uncut pic looks weird. And based on the uncircumcised dicks I see in porn, they have the same shit as me too.
I feel like if your foreskin completely envelops your dick, you probably have a small dick.
lol if you think that one on the right is cut you're literally retarded
you know you can pull the foreskin back right
oh wait you don't because you have a mutilated half dick
i hate it
I've had both circumcised and uncut in me bum and the sensation seems to be about the same for both. Dunno what you're talking about.
aesthetic surgery with no downsides
>muh sensitivity
all those studies have been debunked
i guess the only downside is you might lose a millimeter of girth or something
Nah, you're deformed m8
>mfw all these cutfags are filthy jews
It marks you as slave of the Jews, the main reason why Americucks are the biggest non-semite group to get cut that often.
Oh Christ it's this divisive slide thread again. Really makes you think at the mental illness of shills doesn't it
I hate it so much I decided to restore. I'm almost over the Corona now.
shouldnt be arbitrary. i fucking hate kikes for making it so.
>all those studies have been debunked
What? How do you keep sensitivity when you cut off thousands of nerve endings?
A moist glans is so much sexier.
jealous cutfags with dried out half dicks
you might as well fulfill your inevitable destiny of becoming traps, because you're not real men
It's not done in babies for aesthetics you mong
I'm uncut and I prefer my men uncut.
mayb im just confusing retracted foreskin kek
>I decided to restore
How is it
Circumcision is against God's law because the new testament makes it clear that circumcision is no longer of the penis/foreskin, but of the heart.
But he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that which is of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter; and his praise is not from men, but from God.
Romans 2:29
and in Him you were also circumcised with a circumcision made without hands, in the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ
Colossians 2:11
Mutilating babies genitals, or anyone's genitals, is wicked.
jealous cutfag
Really funny, considering that Judaism indeed condones slavery, like Islam. - Or not so funny, if you're a burger.
Tell that to lukewarm Christians who haven't read their own book
Child abuse.
You are a fucking idiot. The one on the right is definitely cut because my dick looks exactly like that. I had this done in my thirties, you don't think I know what a uncut dick looks like?
My dicksize is fine but I got a fuckload of foreskin, it's like a wizard hat.
To anyone who actually cares this much about the problem I suggest you stop complaining and donate if you want a solution foregen.org
You post this shit all the time.
That uncut dick seems pretty femmy tasty tho, yumm!
brazilian subhuman ape with a disgusting anteater dick detected
feels good having an aesthetic dick
i'd kill myself if i had a disgusting uncut animal dick
most of you anteater toting faggots probably don't believe in braces either
I think you're literally autistic and should be put to death if you can't tell the difference
Prove me wrong
>protip: you can't
p.s. enjoy your shriveled up half dick
No, I can definitely attest to the fact that my sensitivity went way down after being cut. The first time I had sex afterwards felt like one of the most disappointing moments of my life. I got used to it after a while but it took a long time.
What are these? Mine is always 100% covered with skin, even when erect, and this looks fucking horrifying to me.
Tbh being uncut and erect there's barely a noticeable difference.
Cut fags are just mad they have less nerves. And are Jewish property that was sexually mutilated.
>Comparing braces to cutting off part of a baby's penis
lol stupid disgusting pedophile cutfag
>""""people"""" unironically defend genital mutilation
Damn, if those picks are what they are then I'm circumcised.
Fuck I just realized I'm circumcised. Those fucking jew doctors didn't listen to my dad when he told them not to do it.
Welp, less reasons to live now
Uncut master race reporting in. Blessed to be amont the 40% of Uncut Americans
Uncut > Cut but I don't mind either
>circumcision is no longer of the penis/foreskin, but of the heart
>there are over a billion people who take shit like this seriously
oh you mean two procedures both done for aesthetic purposes that also both have health benefits?
you fucking subhumans will do anything to justify your animal dicks
Lots of info here. I purchased a dtr device a little over a year ago and it's worked wonders for me. I'll probably be another 2 years until I have full coverage
Excellent! My frenulum (or what's left of it) is a lot more sensitive as is the section of my glans that's permanently covered. I have the normal gliding mechanism and the horrible jew scar is hidden. It's been like a second puberty. I wish a painful death on anyone who mutilates a baby's genitals.
If they truly didn't listen then sue
Look at the image I attached, the circumcised dick looks exactly the same as the one on the right hand size.
lol same
Mine is also covered at all times, I think it has to do with our genes from our ancestors, their bodies made more foreskin to deal with the cold.
You actually seem triggered. You are aware that african niggers also mutilate themselves. At least their not hypocrites and mutilate their women too.Oh and I'm actually a fellow burger
How old are you?
You make our country a kike-subverted embarrassment.
I had to get cut for medical reasons but uncut was definitely superior.
Can always try this...
Enjoy burning in hell forever.
>i'd kill myself if i had a disgusting uncut
not him but
''I'd kill muself if i had a disgustinting not mutiled arm or leg.''
stop fool yourself, nobody thinks this way.
stupid slave mutilated penis.
There's more of me in Sweden... Good, good...
Reminder that no uncut cock looks like that.
Shouldn't cut bits off your child regardless, should be outlawed.
From a fag perspective, I'd let them both in me, but I'd only enjoy sucking uncut.
Mods no ban, it's relevant
The popular wisdom in the medical community is that it cuts down on disease, and is generally a good idea. I personally believe that circumsision is a mark a of a civilized society, and should generally be encouraged.
The non consensual nature of the procedure is something I have reservations with, but vaccines arent technically consensual either, and most of us can agree that only fringe nuts don't vaccinate their children
1. braces aren't done for medical reasons, only aesthetic
2. uncut cocks look better and there is no legit medical reason to circumcise
Checkmate, cutfag
I know that feel. Let the hatred fuel you.
Threatening someone with something they don't believe in doesn't really work, lad.
I have like a 50% circumcision. Still have a little extra when erect but not an elephant trunk.
"mutilation" is sjw bullshit codeword
You would argue that braces are a mutilation too
fucking baboon
>Shouldn't cut bits off your child regardless, should be outlawed.
get out fascist
>I personally believe that circumsision is a mark a of a civilized society
Bruh North Africans and Muslims do it more than Americans, while in Europe very few do it.
>Drive around in the Jewnited Comrades of America.
>Halakha patrol officer pulls you over, takes out his megaphone and screams at you to step out of your vehicle and walk over to his vehicle
>You walk over to his vehicle
>He shows you the star of david badge on his chest and says "I've been tailing you for the last couple of minutes and I noticed that you don't lubricate your dry wiener as often as you should. If I didn't know any better I'd think that you have a naturally lubricated wiener. You don't happen to still have your foreskin intact, do you?
What do? I would be too scared to move, I think
true dat, I'd only suck uncut
circumcision is done for aesthetic reasons you idiot
>anteater dicks look better
if you want something with a foreskin go suck off a dog you fucking subhuman faggot
Hell is not a threat, certainly not from me, it's a promise, from God, for all workers of iniquity.
Whether you 'believe' in it or not is irrelevant.
Or you could better spend your money donating to the scientists actually growing your forskin back if it really matters that much to you
user, accept that your foreskin was stolen by kikes to make beauty products and do the next logical thing: restore
Yeah, if they came off with 2 or 3 of your teeth.
You're a dumbass.
Your dick was also sold to make collagen.
Jesus fuck, who has hair growing out of the head of their penis??
Performing this on kids is genital mutilation and will among other things decrease sexual pleasure greatly. I can't believe it's normal in the US and it shows how cucked you are by the jews.
The fuck.
jealous cutfag, you can't win
uncut dicks objectively look 9001x better
please, goy, buy my wonderful product to restore your foreskin!
My frenulum is nonexistent. How much sensitivity would you say you get from the glans alone
hot as fuck
Ever heard of wisdom teeth removal? Is that mutilation
is that not common amongst subhuman slavs?