ADDERALL: my doctor brought this up, I can probably get a rx but have never taken it...

ADDERALL: my doctor brought this up, I can probably get a rx but have never taken it. Can any Sup Forumsros who tried it share their experience or give advice?

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More than likely, you're probably going to die within 3 hours of taken it. Trust me I know, many of my friends have died taking that scary substance. Id stay away

it is ok but i hate it while on medication you can get boners out of nowhere

If you need a drug to go about your daily life, you are weak and should fix yourself and your issues before treating imaginary diseases.

I take an XR (extended release) every morning along with a normal one. It feels like being on speed a little bit. You sit down and hyper-focus on one thing for hours at a time. It helps with focus and interest on individual tasks. Just don't be lazy, and actually do something with it.

You're on Sup Forums fucking with someone's post about a medical treatment. Who needs to fix himself?

why the fucks the fag asking for medical treatment on Sup Forums u fag

I take adderall to help with the apathy that comes with depression and it really gets the job done. It allows me to feel actual positive emotions and motivated to do shit other than sleep all day

take the rx and keep it for recreational purposes. on days you want to get shit done or just have a good day in general. if actually taken every day of the week it sort of turns you into a zombie

"U fag". Why're you taking out your sexually-fueled aggression on Sup Forums?
Same here too.

thx bro, what's ur dose, any bad side effects?

take it recreationally and sell the rest

Check out the experiences section of

People usually spend their time online escaping reality, but I see you've decided to be as miserable as you are in real life

Bad shit IMO. Unless you are literally run-full-speed-into-walls hyperactive, it’s far too much. Even if the paychological side might benefit, it is a moderately hard stimulant which by all othet consensus should not be taken chronically. If your doctor is just ”suggesting” it to you, get another doctor. This type of thing isn’t something that a medical professional should be bargaining with his patient, that’s literally how the perscription opiate crisis happened.

20mg instant release.
As for side effects go you probably won't get hungry for a while so you need to remind yourself to eat. Also sometimes on the comedown I get a solid amount of anxiety so I just take melatonin to help wind down

i'll buy your prescription, lets paypal

again, go fix yourself instead of letting the drug think for you. in 5 years, you will be useless because you never learned to deal with your issues, you just take a pill and it magically "solves" your problems.


>go fix yourself
>has never taken pharms

Thanks man. I'll just keep telling my brain to fix itself and it'll listen eventually I'm sure.

because who needs modern medicine amirite? if your brain has very physical chemical imbalances then just suck it up and get over it pussy. back in my day, all we needed was a bottle of whiskey to deal with our shit.

also, obvious bait is obvious

thx bros, I sincerely appreciate all the info. Here's why I might take it

>Got into rollover car wreck last year, get concussion
>Now frequently tired, difficult to concentrate and focus and can't seem to get started doing things
>Trying to get through last year of college

I used to buy Adderall off this chick in my freshman dorm. One time I was up for like three days straight on it studying for finals. The third day I was studying down in the dorm rec room at like 4AM and I swear I could faintly hear the Pokemon theme song playing on repeat. I looked all over for the source of the sound but it always faded away when I left the rec room.

that sucks man. do you think it actually made you dumber?

remembering new things yes, it's like the info I've learned is still there but I'm slower and too tired to access it quickly. My focus now and learning new material kind of sucks

>goodbye penis
>goodbye affect
>hello hyper-focus on whatever

>>goodbye penis
you saying it kills erections?

I have a friend who's been taking Adderall since he was a child, and it's kind of fucked him up. When he hasn't taken his pills he's actually wreck, and when he takes them he needs so much to make it work that he acts like a speed freak. It's tough watching a childhood friend go through that, and I fear I'll have to stop having around with him if he keeps it up.

Yea all stimulates like cocaine and meth make it harder to get an erection

You will lose a LOT of weight. Never hungry on it. Helps with focus. There are a lot of side effects. I would try Vyvanse. Send to work better, still eat on it and less side effects

I get adderall xr 20mg and they're fantastic. Unless you're using them for school, work or partying they're not much good. They make sleep difficult of you take then a lot. I find sex on adderall amazing, I go into beastmode

yep, vasoconstriction
you'll also hang smaller. Can be helped with good cardio

If nothing else you could sell it for a few hundred bucks a month

What do you pay for a 20mg instant release?

Side effects for stimulants like Adderrall is actually weight GAIN once tolerance builds- so like after 2 months of daily use.

Before that though yes it causes weight loss.

Just sounds like depression dude. Don't be so hard on yourself and go see a therapist.

This. It does turn you into a zombie and the entire day will evaporate away before you can blink.

I just drink a beer to wind down

To add to this, don't take it if you are hyperfocusing on the wrong things. It can be destructive to your daily routine in that way.

Shit works OP, but is addictive. Just be disciplined. I've recently found that taking phenibut (neutropic) along with addy makes the effects more stable and lasts longer throughout the day. Highly suggest researching before trying but in my case at least it has worked wonders.

I never realized this. Thanks for pointing that out

Seconded. Vyvanse seems like the best one to try first. It's extended release, works through a different mechanism, and easier to tolerate with things like coffee.

Stay away. I was prescribed it from age 12 to 17. Fucked with my head when i went off it.

It makes OCD so much worse. You start perseverating on everything. It can cause more anxiety too depending on the person.

I can't help but think my ex left me because her Adderall made her unstable.

It definitely can interfere with relationships if a person is just starting on it or still adjusting to it.

She was on it for a few years but when we were together she would get lazy with it or forget to take it. It was like being in a relationship with two people.

Anxiety disorders are like that. People can be completely different on and off treatment. My girlfriend says I am incredibly calm when I'm off my Vyvanse, and she treasures those moments.

I've been using noopept (no longer available) from stock I hoarded in bulk before phychotropics got banned from the UK. The focus you get is pretty intense, but the come down is a serious mood swing. I've found that vitamin B12 helps pick you up again and recommend it with just about any stack these days. Unexpected side effect from the noopept was weight gain. Fucking weird.

Of course, do your own research. I'm just some guy on Sup Forums