Will 2017 be the year of the psychological horror?

Will 2017 be the year of the psychological horror?





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>That Dane movie


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get out literally just looks like a key & peele sketch extended to feature-length

I guarantee you that's why he didn't elect to star in it.

I'm actually lookingforward to a cure for wellness

Is that the guy from that Black Mirror episode

Why did the actor from 15 million merits decide to star in some corny shit?


what's A Cure for Wellness supposed to be about

The only one of those that looks good is the Verbinski flick tee bee aech. And I'm 99% sure that Key and Peele one is a joke movie.

because he was friends with jordan peele and trusted him

yeah thats him. that episode was so cringey but i like it.

Keep it up senpai

>Lockhart (Dane Dehaan), an ambitious young corporate employee, is sent to retrieve his boss, Mr. Jones (Jason Isaacs), from a secluded "wellness spa" in the Swiss Alps. Arriving at the institute, Lockhart slowly realizes it drabbles in much more sinister activities and embarks on a mind-warping descent into madness and paranoia when he is unexpectedly diagnosed with the same "ailment" the other patients are experiencing and forbidden from leaving as the staff prepares to begin his treatment.

I've heard a lot of interesting things about Split, I'll be watching that one at some point

>Pardon me sir I think you have the wrong car
M. Night Shyamalamadingdong strikes again.

split looks kinda cool


Split does look good. But it's from Shameenalon. So it'll probably be shit.



get out looks really bad, Peele should have just gotten a real director for it and maybe someone else to help write with him


Dunno. I'm waiting for this to leak.

They all look pretty interesting. But only one can be Kino!!! One can be good! Two are disappointing!

So what's what!?

Kino: Get Out
Good: Split
Dissapointing: Life
Disowned BY Director and RT: A Cure For Wellness

Why are neckbeards so triggered by this film?

Why did the most autistic black guy ever think to himself, "Hey, I should become an actor!"

>it's 2016, and I'm still falling for an M. Night Shayalababa trailer


put a disclaimer before you include pro race mixing movies