I just ate some of this chocolate, what movie should I watch?

I just ate some of this chocolate, what movie should I watch?

i just drank whiskey and im holding in a fart that could very well end up as a shit

what movie should I watch?

problem child 2

You now realize you're breathing, user.

nothing beats a snickers desu

You haven't lived until you learn to let go, user. Just full on, shit your pants. It will give your life perspective.

Why hold it in? Context please.

And don;t fucking run to the bathroom to clean it up either, user. Let it stew awhile. Just let it stew.

Come and See
Night and Fog


is this the same don cherry from CBC

i live in the deep south where there's an extremely slim chance my state will ever approve of medicinal marijuana. my cousin had to move his family to oregon in order to obtain treatment for his five year old daughter who has some sort of neurodenerative disorder that causes severe seizures among other things.

i look at that picture and wonder at this weird country we live in with all these imaginary borders under one flag

Chaplin is good if you're looking for a chuckle.


aren't drugs illegal?

if you dont mind reading curse of the golden flower


Valhalla Rising

In the U.S. cannabis is legal in 4 states and D.C. for recreational use. 20+ states allow medical marijuana.

pretentious shite


Jokes on you I'm already a mouth breather.

hillary better make it illegal again
fuck obama

The best part about this movie is that even though it's STILL hilarious today, it still manages to tug at the heartstrings. Particularly if you are a lonely user.

Fuck, Chaplin was so good as the tramp in all his movies.

Sorry, Jamal, we dont need you as a middle man any more.

This was a decision by the respective states. What the fuck did Obama have to do with that you moron.

DUDE you can't see borders from space LMAO

enjoy your irritated skin and shit smelling rash that will itch for weeks
why did god make our shit so painful?

God didnt make shit, that was Vishnu I think

Evil Bong or Surfer,dude