Find an ideal film role for her

find an ideal film role for her

*Borat voice* MY WIFE


bbc porn


sucking my dick

my gf

Sue Storm
Serwa from Prince of Nothing

She's literally designed to go Blacked.
Blacked written all over her pristine white face.

Her life will not be complete if she doesn't take the big black dingus every which way in 4k.

If I was her husband I wouldn't be able to resist doing interracial home videos with her.

She should create a Youtube channel on how to be a great housewife. Make vids on cooking, sewing, gardening, throw in a bit of ASMR.

Then marry me and have my children

My girlfriend, I meet her in a low point in my life, unsure of where to go or what to do. Though I carry a down trodden attitude, she finds herself oddly attracted to me, boosting my self esteem and making me a better person. Her love is able to redeem me in ways I never thought possible, her smile and happiness makes life worth it in the darkest of times. We eventually get married and have two children, one son and daughter, who represent the best and worst of us in several ways. She passes in her 60s, leaving me alone with only her memory and a void in my heart, similar to before we met. But I overcome my depression, as she would've taught me, and know that I'll see her again someday, whether it be this life or the next.

Taking a big ole BBC up the pussy and ass

being my pusy mistress


German housewife who gets raped by soviets

She plays an actress on a show within the movie. The show is a cable action drama about a super hero. In the movie, she absolutely ruins the show and it gets cancelled. Then she turns to drugs and ultimately kills herself. And nobody ends up caring.

My black dick fucking her cunt.

Truman Show mini series with her as the new Truman character


She literally cannot stop choking on a trillion giant nigger cocks


face of a blacked star.

Central role in "PLEASE GOD NO MORE: the 36 hour gangbang story."

Why is there such a demand on sullying aryanesque women?

the victim in a 3D or VR first person murder porn

fuck off shitlord


A boyhood style filmed documentary about being my loving and faithful wife with segments including us going to church, raising our three beautiful children, and growing old with me as we see our kids grow and become successful.

Final scene
>Surrounded by all our friends and relatives, even the deceased due to force ghost sorcery.
>"After all these years user, finally I can say I had its a wonderful life"

>Mfw this isn't a wonderful life.