How many think this will hold?

How many think this will hold?

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Only one way to be sure OP.


try it on your nuts, first, retard.

It will, the question is do you want to be found hung by a fucking patch cord?
Maybe you'll never amount anything, but I find it kind of dumb to deal with it by making sure you never will.

That sounds like a fun way of getting found


and don't do it.

>plug one end into music source, the other into speakers
>make it so it plays this on repeat when they find you

Nice thinking user

Wish me luck in hell

random question but one time i made a loop of rope and held the tip behind a door and lifted my feet off the ground. the top of the door had most of the tension on it so i just kinda had to pull down firmly on the rope behind the door to hold me up.

even though i was holding pressure on the tip my body was dangling by my throat so was this the same feeling as actually hanging?

does the tension thing make any sense why i didnt have to hold onto it super hard just pull firmly?

also not suicidal just wanted to know what it feels like.

This is already hell, you'll just reincarnate until you reach enlightenment.
gg insta re

It'll be fine just kneel or sit.

is it stupid to be afraid to go for full feet off the ground that seems like it would hurt a lot? does kneeling actually work?

Those dubs tho

try explaining again
No idea what I just read, but I can answer mechanical questions

>make a noose out of cheese wire
> wrap tight around neck
> secure to anchor at top of building
> super glue your hands to your head
> jump
> looks like you jumped off a building and pulled your head off
go out like a rad dude, user, not some baby bitch

i did pic related but with the loop to the right not the kind in the two diagrams.

i wasnt pulling myself up i just kinda pulled against it some and it would hold me up.

Even though one arm was up and i was kinda pulling at the tip behind the door was my full weight on my neck?

not suicidal i legit just wanted to know what it felt like without tying it off, thats dangerous

i was dangling tho

chester no

Apparently Sup Forums promotes suicide by not allowing you to post the hotline number... good to know.

Stupid faggot, hope you get a lifetime ban

Have engineering degree. The other side will fail unless you are sub 80 lbs is my guess. Stranded unwoven copper and nylon won't hold you. If you going kill yourself get a helium tank. Pussy

dont do it op

>on Sup Forums
>telling people not to kill themselves
kill yourself

ideally your hand would take half the weight and your neck would take the other half.
However, the rope friction at the top of the door can take a decent amount of force as well, so it's more like 50% weight on your neck, 25% weight on your hand, the door takes the rest (not an actual calculation).
The harder you were pulling with your arm, the less force was on your neck.
Also, I assume the rope pressed against the back of your neck, not the front. On the back it's not as dangerous as on the front because it doesn't cut off your airway or anything. Though it could still break something if you're not careful.
I guess actually hanging would be more painful

It will definitely hold. Whatever you're pulling should be good up to about 300 lbs. The problem arises when the plastic sheithing breaks away from the metal wire and the wire just cuts clean through whatever you're pulling

Not that it matters, but why are you wanting to kill yourself, OP?

I guess it did
OP, u there?

that or the number is spammed so much dont do it user


In memory of OP (some year)-2018