Why are there so many Scientologists in Hollywood?

Why are there so many Scientologists in Hollywood?

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They have the most money to take

The church deliberately targets celebrities to use as recruitment tools because they generate so much publicity

an insular society of ignorant degenerates with money.

How is that girl so ugly and so hot simultaneously

butterface and that tracksuit is making her hips look better than they actually are

Actors be stupid.

They are the anti-jew

I dunno. Decide for yourself.


For famous people, it's clear money laundering/tax benefit scheme. None of them really buy this bullshit.

most gullible retards are too poor for scientology
rich gullible retards can advance in their church

Do you even know what you're talking about?

because scientology is a religion tailor-made for narcissists

Scientology helps people become better versions of themselves. What's wrong with that?

what are YOU talking about?

>most gullible retards are too poor for scientology

sign a billion year contract with seaorg and join their slave ship and you can get free audits.

I'm talking about you not knowing shit
How is it a money laundering scheme for someone who decides to join one day?
If that were the case every mobster and drug dealer in the US would be scientologists

It might be money laundering to the people who run it but none of its followers get that benefit

watch louie's scientology documentary. the scientology exercises are similar to acting/drama classes. and the networking probably helps you get jobs.

Hollywood attracts young idealists who don't have a penchant for critical thought.

If you are rich or famous, scientology helps you find more connections.
As an added bonus you get the poorer and less important members of the cult as slave labor who fulfills your every whim.


And if anyone you know and love disagrees, you can never speak to them again.......ever.

I remember seeing them walking around looking like POW's as a kid. They would never look you in the face and avoid eye contact at all times. Many of them looked either completely miserable and paranoid or straight up cynical. It's a weirdo cult that's even creepier in person but I think they've been making themselves harder to spot in public, changing their uniform to try and blend in