Fellow white people of Sup Forums are there any race based insults that made you legitimately upset?

Fellow white people of Sup Forums are there any race based insults that made you legitimately upset?

I can't think of one single time and I think this goes for many white people.

Why is this the case?

because reverse racism doesn't exist

Because whites invented racism.

>invent everything noteworthy
>actually listen to a lower race insult me

hah good joke

That' kinda what I think it is. No one has anything good on us.

Because why the fuck would I care what a black person has to say about me lol. What the fuck is that even worth?

I laugh every fucking time. Its funny as shit when you one a Boy in response.
Its worse than the being called a nigger sometimes

There is no insult that bothers white people, because we know we're the best.


Nah, not that I am aware of, sticks and stones what not.

I wanna hear the slur if you were offended.

>poverty and racism as a justification for murder

SJWs are mental cases

It really is sad, honestly.

>caring about the opinions of butthurt shitskins


The only thing people find truly insulting is a harsh truth about themselves that they do not like. Call a fat person fat, and they are insulted, because they know, deep down, that they are a fatty fat fatty. Call a black person acting like shit a nigger and they will flip out because they know, deep down, that they are acting like a morally bankrupt savage, and that is what upsets them. They then take this self-hate and direct it at the person who made them feel bad. Their ego is that pervasive.

Call a white person 'white' and they could give a fuck, because acting white is to act with civility and respect in a society you help to build.

Yeah, when a feral black threatens me for being white and makes a credible physical threat.

>mfw people unironically believe this shit

I want off this ride.

This is a shop right?

What is there to insult? They just break our things instead.

>fellow white people of Sup Forums

Bait thread by some shitskin to find what gets white people mad when he's called a nigger


Holy fuck that first one.

Cracker and honky both allude to whites having power over blacks. They are not good insults.

This bait thread is fucking horrible because the only responses I'm reading here are "well everyone else sucks so...lol..."

You can call someone a spic or a negro, but everybody calls at least one white man "Boss."

When people call me a cracker I get legitimately upset. Abraham Lincoln didn't free those shits so they could talk trash to us

All cracker means is that we used to own them...

There's no slur that would offend me as a white person. I just get triggered by bold claims that I strongly disagree with.