Race War in South Africa coming very soon

>“We are at war with whites who took our land and we now want it back. We want our land and we want our wealth; if you stand in our way we will crush you,” Malema said to cheers and applause.


We will fight the good fight and tot he last man, because there is nowhere else to run.

All that I can hope for is that someone out there will support us in some way and supply us with weaponry when the time comes.

As Churchill said:
"Give us the tools, and we will finish the job"

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If I had any say in it I would import you guys into Europe.

Whites only, of course.

Rhodesia 2.0.

Why is Africa for blacks while Europe is for everyone?

>6% of the last popular vote

Nothing to worry about, Saffer

This is the same guy who repeatedly sang "Kill the Boer" at rallys

didn't the white europeans and the current blacks living in south africa arrive roughly around the same time and then the blacks killed the existing tribes?

Their party only started a few years ago and they're rapidly growing.

Well give them hell. Maybe hire some muslim mercs or something because cucked Europeans won't fucking help and US of A won't either.

They are growing faster than any other party. Their numbers are increasing daily.


Earlier today there was a Saffer thread about "it's not so bad, after all, nothing has happened to me personally yet."

They're quite the angry lot

they obviously haven't seen what happened to zimbabwe after they chased out all the white people.

Kill enough niggers and Africa will belong to the white man

Sure, as they suck in the low-hanging fruit. To grow further at the same rate will require them to appeal to a broader, less militant electorate. If they don't, they stay at much the same size. Either way, no problem.

Oh look, niggers violently taking things from white people without consideration of any potential consequence. Who would have thought?

But Obama said reverse racism isn't real?!

Because you imported shit tons of racial groups to build the foundations of your nation while plundering the resources of their countries. Now the after effects are sticking to your country.

tl:dr You break it, you buy it.

>To grow further at the same rate will require them to appeal to a broader, less militant electorate.
Promising shit for free usually does the trick.

[conspiring hands]

Watch your kippah schlomo.

Jesus, save up for a fucking plane ticket and get out of there. You can't raise a family in those conditions. After the niggers all die because there's nothing to leech off of, you can fight against the asians for the land.

Yes that sounds like a typical sheltered faggot from the Western Cape.

But it won't be like that for long. Hundreds of thousands of blacks are being bussed into the Western Cape every year, so they will also start experiencing what the rest of the country has for the last 20 years.

The Western Cape is the bastion of white liberal progressives in South Africa who have lived in a bubble for the last 2 decades, so you can just dismiss anything those faggots have to say.

I have experienced shit that would make normies require trauma counseling for life.

Do theywear red like this because they're communists?

>take back wealth
Sounds like a communist party

No, we will fight and we will win.

So I guess nigs blame whitey everywhere in the world, huh?
They're obviously pissed at how their country has gone downhill in the last several years. It's hard to remember now, but in the mid-90's there was great hope that S.A. would be able to continue it's role as the economic light on the 'dark continent.' There was initial success even despite the white flight abroad. Then the nigs REALLY took over. It's been a downward slide ever since. What prosperity they had is running out and they need someone to blame.

> we want our wealth

Every major business in that country was probably created by a white person

God damn Boers are brave patriots.
Wish we had ones like you at home

They are

>We are at war with whites who took our land and we now want it back.
Weren't the Boers the first to settle South Africa?

God Speed white south africans

I spent a few months in durban, and it shows what happens if the leftist spineless worms get their multicultural utopia.

Blood and death, and a lot of it.

Stay strong, after we crash the EU with no survivors we'll help you out. Get Australia involved too they love stomping abbos.

Due to other niggers chasing other niggers, yes

Fucking commies, USSR has been gone for not even 30 years and this shit is already coming back even here

Marx is literally the devil

We arrived at the same time relatively speaking.
They came from the north and migrated Southward and we came fromt the South.

Whites only encountered bantu tribes 100 after landing in the Cape

>mfw looking at my ID

It was always broke.

>6% of the population want to genocide you
That's 6% too much.

didn't they learn from zimbabwe

>Bantu niggers claiming it's "their" land when they immigrated to South Africa AFTER whites

If you unite you will surely win, brother.


While the muslins take europe the white man will take africa

that could be a nice turn of things

Madacasgar would become new UK,

What african countries would be the new european ones?

>imported shit ton of racial groups to build foundations

t. jamal

Just no.

Colonization, mercantilism and industrialization modernized the world and is responsible for the modern high starndards of living. As far as "plundering resources", Africa, India, ect. are still resource rich.

This is just an excuse for gibs and extortion.

If this war happens, I will happily welcome the refugees to my country.

Sure thing Rhodesia.

To be fair, we occupied it about the same time, we just cam from different directions.

But Shaka Zulu and Mzillikazi wiped out about 2 million people during the Defecane which left the interior uninhabbited.

They know

I support the Africans on this one. Protect your land. And stay on your own continent. I will go back to Europe as soon as possible.

What are you talking about

Zimbabwe is a post-colonial paradise

Only Western racists think it's a failed state

>Be in Uni lecture and have a guest talking about treatment of IP
>Starts talking about IP treatment in different countries
>Someone mentions they're from Zimbabwe (White)
>Guy clearly dodges talking about how awful Zimbabwe is says he knows many great (White) Zimbabwean entrepreneurs that have come from the Uni

Had a light chuckle

sterker deur stryd

When I left SA in 2007 this guy was considered a joke, Julius the ANCYL idiot that couldn't finish woodcarving class.

Now he leads the third most popular party in the country which he created a couple of years ago.

You can bet he is a threat you fucking doos.

SA has been doomed since 1994.
The writing is on the wall.

I think we've learned will enough to not try to live somewhere if the natives are still alive. Kill them all or do not try to occupy the land.

You forget, that Rhodesians are far fewer than South African whites (we have the same size white population as Norway)

And the Rhodesians occupied their land in the late 1800's whereas we have been here since 1652.

Are you going to have enough weapons? I worry South Africans will be "condemned" for defending themselves and sanctions will be placed.

Beating Asians are harder than Black's cunt Asians can shoot straight

That is my worry too.
We will be outnumbered atleast 10 to 1 and outgunned, but the liberal cucks in Europe and the US will try to paint us as the boogey men.

Build a wall and make the kaffirs pay(lol) for it.

yeah exactly it won't just be you versus the blacks, it'll be you versus the world

I wouldnt worry about it my fellow anonygoy

That's actually a good point, sorry for talking about shit I don't know senpai. I hope you kill them all.

Ask Putin to fund you lad

>Zimbabwe is a post-colonial paradise

Yeah that's why Mugabe begged for foreign aid to stop starvation


OMG! Can I come? I wanna slaughter some people.

I'm serious. I'm of European descent, slaughtering people is a part of my culture, so you can't criticize me. Otherwise that is Europhobic.

Isn't racism a crime in SA? How are they allowed to say this?

We did not import anything.

We created our own independent Boer republics, which was destroyed by the British empire so that the Rothchilds could get their greedy hands on the biggest gold reef in the world.

It is the English who imported indians and niggers to work in their mines.

Apartheid was specifically created to try and reverse this by creating black homelands.

Half tempted to get a plane ticket to s Africa but I need to know if I can get weapons and ammo the gov here won't let mine on the plane

Those countries were shit when Europeans got there.

Lyrics from a song I love
Showdown by skrewdriver.
If white sorry you have 30+ iq and are better at everything like crops and help africa. If black I'm glad you know your betters.

I'm in OP, just keep Sup Forums updated on the where and when

I'll be over there when the time's right

They don't like to talk about that

India still relies on the railway system that the british empire built. Now that they're gone the streets are being shit on and the muslims are terrorizing the Hindus.
Fuck off

This guy and the president himself sang "Kill the Boer". It took many court cases and the only thing that happned was that they were asked to stop singing it at public events.


He also likes to sing "Bring my machine gun"




All white Africans welcome here. I hope Trump will save you guys.

Yeah, I'd consider flying to SA to help out. Provided one of you "saffers" could...

A) Tell me where to join the zookeepers.
B) Let me stay with them.

Also, is English common in SA?

get out while you can. If you stay, you deserve what you get.

>we want our wealth
Wealth without whitneys.... Some dirt pies and cow piss drinks?

Nah man, we whites have ceded too much. No more running.

Why can't we just deport the Mexicans and bring in Boer farmers? That means more grain and beef, that equals more burgers and the Boers don't get murdered then memory holed

Yes, virtually everyone can speak english.
Any help would be appreciated, but this is our fight, so wouldn't expect anyone else to get involved. Weapons and supplies will see us through.

But Malema is a Pedi, they're not even true South Africans, and he was allied to the ANC, the commie organization that used immigrants like himself to betray the whites and the native blacks

Technically he has less a claim to the land than the whites do.


Without sacrifices, the white race won't survive. Period.

That being said the BEST thing that could happen to the white race is for the blacks to genocide every last man, woman, and child in SA. Hopefully while this is happening white people are smart enough to record the violence and upload all of it to Liveleak.

Perhaps 5 million whites, brutally murdered by blacks, will be enough to convince white men to get off their fat fucking lazy asses and take the world back and put an end to multiculturalism once and for all.

You have my sympathies, looks like shit will hit the fan some time. The sad thing is that you would probably get very little international support for defending yourselves and they would just expect you to leave for Europe. Despite the insistence that Europe should be a home for all races these people think Africa should belong to the blacks.

If it's another Rhodesia situation I might volunteer, but considering I have no military experience I would probably just join the red cross or something, not to mention I don't want to be labeled a terrorist by my shitty government.

It's already happening.
Boere have the highest murder rate of any ethnic group in the world. It's a slow genocide.

But the world doesn't give a shit.
You had a SA President on tape several times singing to kill whites, accused of rape, and saying that taking a shower cures AIDS.

Where's the outrage?

>Hundreds of thousands of blacks are being bussed into the Western Cape every year, so they will also start experiencing what the rest of the country has for the last 20 years.


No problem, also forgot to add:
We still have an entire generation of military trained men, many of whom saw combat in the border war. They are getting older now, but the expertise will be invaluable.

We also have a history of fighting against dire odds. Boers vs Zulus, Boers vs British Empire at the height of its power etc.

The only reason the English was able to set up the Natal colony is because the Boers knocked the stuffing out of the Zulus. The Zulu king Dingane who betrayed adn slughtered the boers was murdered by his own people as they fled, because they knew the boers would not stop chasing untill he was dead.

I don't think we have ever fought a war where we were not outnumbered or outgunned.

What are you people fucking stupid? It's not your country. LEAVE. They don't want you there but you people just can't take the fucking hint.

Thank you slavery. Blame yourselves.

That won't ever happen. Stay home.

Honestly, fuck all this here in the US, I will gladly go and assist you Afrikaners if this really happens, I'll do whatever it takes

>To grow further at the same rate will require them to appeal to a broader, less militant electorate. If they don't, they stay at much the same size. Either way, no problem

Yeah like Mugabe, right? Right?

Because the Western Cape is run by the DA and is the only province not ruled by the ANC.

So they bus people in to change the demographics (more blacks) so that they can rule it as well.

Their tactic is to bus people in and then they set up shacks in areas not planned for housing. Then shortly after they start rioting and protesting because they do't have electricity and water.

The ANC and EFF have stated many times that they will make the Western Cape ungovernable.

whites should leave already. let the blacks fuck themselves over.

don't overestimate your opponents.
recently, french military in Mali, helped the mali's national army.
French soldier were astonished how the african soldiers were coward, stupid and disorganized. they can't even stop a bunch a muslim with truck and ak.

Now just think about non trained black people. They just can't even compete, they flee at the first wouded man.

Yet, while people still don't fucking get it: mass media, mainstream news, and mainstream entertainment are important!

Where are the videos and high-res photos of these crimes and the crime-scenes? Where is the little cute blonde girl whose head was cut off by some nigger? This is what needs to be exposed to the world.

White men all want to fuck around in stupid ass trades jobs instead of doing shit that matters like building news agencies, creating TV shows, and movies.

I'm the only one beating this drum and no one listens. I explain this to white men and they get fucking enraged that I had the audacity to question their 'brilliant' job as a fucking plumber.

Furthermore, we need to increase the genocide and speed it up. This means getting arms and training to the blacks, and propagandizing them. I want to see blacks mowing down thousands of white SA college students. That will get white men's attention.

It's a shame it has come to this.

I would 100% support accepting Afrikaners and Boers and Rhodesians or any other whites in Africa as refugees

You think Trump has a chance in hell. I can't wait until this election is over.

Fuck you Yank, my family has lived in South Africa since 1684, how long has your family been living in the US?

If I should leave, then you should leave too faggot.

See this is the difference between white people and black people.

If there were some group of blacks somewhere that had a nice state/city and a good functioning government and just generally had a good thing going, it would never occur to me to deliberately try to come in and fuck with it.

White South Africans should just move to Namibia and settle that whole country.

I bet it'd be nice. There are already about 160,000 Whites in Namibia. 220,000 in Angola.