Why didn't the Japanese just invade the Soviet Union from the east?

Why didn't the Japanese just invade the Soviet Union from the east?

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Because Russia took collectivism focus and even taking Vladivostok wouldnt have caused them to capitulate

Main reason being is that Russia is basically impossible to invade from the east because Russias borders were set up with that in mind.

Japan could take what few towns there are in the east, but due to Russias lack of warm water ports and land based transport being times more expensive, you'd be doing the Russian economy a favour as they'd no longer have to spend more than its worth to transport supplies to said towns. A problem that still plagues Russia today.

They did.And got fucked.

How would they accomplish that?
As soon as there was any serious threat from the east the soviets would just sabotage the infrastructure and the japanese would basically be stuck in siberia.

1904 my dude

Sovietshit-Japan NAP still working until 1945

Small balls

They tried it in 1938.

They were overextended as it was

They tried several times before WW2 and got rekt.

>yessu Russian sordier, taku it in the assu!


Invade and conquer what, miles and miles of endless tundra?

I'm convinced the only reason Russia bothers with that land is just so no one else can have it, and not because the land is of any use.

Nippon stronk

>just invade the Soviet Union
Soviet was stronger than China and Japs thought they have to attack America for oil to keep imperialism and then got fucked

>conquer enough oil to supply your pathetic 19th century army in 1931
>don't even notice you have done so
>declare war on half the world instead of looking closer
Superior East Asian IQs



Russia is practically one of the the hardest places to invade on this planet. This has been proven time and time again throughout the history.

>weeaboo gayporn
That's an argument.

>don't have plans for keeping territories
>thinks America will just give japs oil but not gets mad



But they did
And lost



Thousands of miles of frozen forest.

Trying to beat Russia is like punching a 400kg American in the gut.

They can't cycle through the snow?
Japs prefer fighting in warm jungle climate?
Attacking colonies would be easier?