Ask a former soviet citizen anything

Ask a former soviet citizen anything

Memes aside what was daily life like?

did communism work?

obviously that’s why the Soviet Union still exists

I think the main reasons my government went bankrupt is not because of communism but due to poor leadership and funding.

Do you want the soviet union to come back?

so you're saying that's the government was incompetent and needed even MORE of your money under communism?

To me, it was vastly more simple and in my personal opinion, less toxic than Western culture.


What life was better - Russia in 1985, or Russia now?

>less toxic

got me there, I don't doubt that at all

what was it like having the most glorious anthem ever

also did you live on potatoes or something


I moved from Russia in 1993 but judging from what I've seen is that Russia is probably better to live in now than before.

Are you gay?

Was there any porn in the USSR? How was the pussy? Were Soviet grils easy to fuck?


What do u think of moronic American teens thinking communsium is a good thing?

Pornography was illegal in the USSR but I knew a kid named Ptoyr who sold American porn.
Sex was looked down upon and women were taught to mostly be traditional so no.

They are young and will probably move past that phase.
I can understand why they would look up to Communism though.

I love the instrumental version of the anthem because the version with lyrics is like propaganda.
Mostly traditional Slav food but there was still cuisine from other countries available.

What do you think of restaurants like McDonald's and Burger King? Do they disgust you?

вce пpивeтcтвyют poдинy, тoвapищ!

Fuck you commie scum

I remember seeing a McDonald's for the first time in Moscow and being amazed by the vast amount and choice of food. I am not against the companies but I instead think that people who eat there need to control themselves. The processed food in the US is not much worse than processed food in the CCCP

eбaть ты cлишкoм зaпaднaя cyкa

кaк yмepлa жизнь пocлe cмepти Cтaлинa?

go back to israel you fucking kike

What did you type? I don't speak the language of poor people.

пoжaлyйcтa, oтмopoзь


Were there any dance clubs in Soviet Russia?

ты пoзop для жизни

Dumb fucking commie, speak the language given to us by god or go back to your bread line.

How many kN/cm2 is one GPa?

ты вaляeшьcя кaк гниющий бopщ

fuck you american
russia is not communist anymore

Interesting. Thanks for your answer.

cдeлaйтe миp oдoлжeниeм и oбними ceбя кoлючeй пpoвoлoкoй и cъeшьтe coбaчьи дepьмo!

>Assuming I'm American.
Dumb commies being dumb again.

did you get alot of attacks in those days?

нo я знaю, чтo ты из гнилoгo зaпaхa жиpa и кoзыpя в твoeй зaдницe

Tpaхнитe вac, кoммyниcтичecкиe oвцы
Did I speak your trash language correctly?

what ends up happening to your soul when you have to live a lie but your brain keeps whispering the truth to you?

I'm sorry

Yes, especially by the late '70s and '80s.

You can't translate English into Russian with Google Translate unless you actually know Russian, you inbred hic.

nyet,you failed horribly

nothing pisses me off more than having some nasty sociopath russian jew move into my city.


What do you mean by attacks?


I guess your shit language isn't important enough to be relevant to Google translate in relation to it's ease of use.
Here let me try again,
Did that work?

like terror attacks
bombs going off
that sort of thing

Yes, in 1977 Armenians tried to blow up a Subway and in 1990 someone tried to kill Gorbachev. Chechens also preformed terror attacks in the 1980's

the scar guy? why would they do that?

He had anti communist policies (glasnov & perestroika) and crazy person didn't like that.

Haven't the chechens been fucking around since the dawn of time?

I can understand their anger I do NOT agree with some of their action.

is it true that soviet citizens only worked for about and hour or two a day then go drinking for do whatever or the rest of the day?

There were two wars waged between Chechnya and Russia immediately after the ussr fell on its ass, how come?

As the USSR broke apart, chechnyan separatists saw their opportunity to try to breaks away, Russia did not like that and then they fought each other

Has "real communism ever been tried"?

as a former ussr citizen i can tell that is not true BUT many people drank while working, mostly easier jobs and mainly men

I don't think that is true. Perhaps it depends on the type of work

I believe that communism CAN work but that it is incredibly difficult to maintain a stable government and economy. The Chinese realized this and softened down on communist policies and embraced more Western governmental ways.

Oh, I forgot to mention that my Ukrainian friend told me this before he flew back to Ukraine like seven years ago. He told me how the Ukrainian Soviets went on day to day over there. I guess you're both from Soviet Russia?

I also forgot to mention how Ukrainian Soviets kept saying that it was better being soviets before the west came.

baltic states. thats why i said ussr

i stand corrected good sir.