So just how the fuck are lawful gun owners the problem Sup Forums?

So just how the fuck are lawful gun owners the problem Sup Forums?

Because MUH FEEL also yall rasis n bigots n cisshit.

who gives a fuck

Bcause the gubment realizes IF we were able to get our shit together and assemble they wouldnt stand a chance. This is why we are kept at eachothers throats with race, 16 genders, immigration, red vs blue, etc etc.


This user, this right here. You are through the looking glass user.

>So just how the fuck are lawful gun owners the problem Sup Forums?
I'll take this bait. Because you (lawful gun owners) haven't provided a reliable way to tell the difference between you and the unlawful gun owners.

To be fair, the onus isn't on you. But you should want it to be on you. You have the opportunity to get everything you want if only you would lead the way.

Las Vegas. That. That was a problem.

bc you guys are inbred alternative fact living heehaws.

i'm pro guns but not by stupid people. i think more americans need to be trained how to use them, like a drivers ed course in hs but for guns. our cops can't shoot worth a shit

The problem is society.
We glorify violence way too much.
Its in our music, its on television and movies, its in video games and so on...

Now there's nothing wrong with a littel bit of hollywood violence.
But people need to realize that this is reality.
And teach their kids values.
Show them the irreversible damage that violence does.
We can't keep raising kids in this fairy tale world where their actions don't have consequences.
Because now everyone is so quick to take action without thinking twice about what theyre doing.

>threatening violence on the populous
wow I love gun owners now

Legal gun owners?
Don't you need like, laws, like if you wanna be, like, legal?
You know. Like gun laws.

Why would I want the onus to exercise a right to be on me?

Should I have to prove I am not a slave? Should I have to prove that I am not subject to unreasonable procedures?

Maybe I should need to prove that I will not yell "fire" in a crowded theater.

Further, you seem to refuse the notion that a lawful gun owner can become an unlawful gun own at any point.

>Why would I want the onus to exercise a right to be on me?

>You have the opportunity to get everything you want if only you would lead the way.
You can show us the path to having your gun-toting nirvana. Have an answer to non-gun-owners' anxieties.

>being this retarded

It's not legal gun owners. It's all gun owners. Crooks, hunters, whoever.

So I have an idea about this. We take everyones gun. Niggers, hillbillies, "daily carry" types. And it's taken by heavily armed government types. And if they resist, in any way at all, they are summarily executed. No trial. No plea. They either give up the guns or they die.
On the plus side, it gets rid of a lot of niggers, and a lot of "don't tread on me" types who, frankly, everyone could live without. But more, it hammers in a fucking lesson that they should have learned at waco: If the government wants to come in, they're coming in. And they'll use a battalion of tanks to do it.

So fuck the second amendment. Nobody gets guns unless they're authorized. And if you're one of the tyranny fags who blah blah alex jones blah blah democrats blah blahblah don't tread on me hurrr durr the first step of dictatorships is to disarm the people blah blah? You don't trust government? Then fuck off to Somalia or leave enough money to cover your fucking funeral when you're shot in the street.

Jesus Christ man thats not how gun control works

>gets raised by parents who instilled values and ethics in the child
>oh yeah it's movies and songs that make me kill people

No, but it's how it should work. And it will shut up a lot of whiny assholes and a bunch of niggers "ma any honky try take mah guh' i fuck dey ass UP!" and then suddenly, almostl quietly, their head explodes in cloud of retardation and blood.

And then...there will be peace.

Thanks for letting me fuck your wife left $3 on your bench

a gun barrel. Pushed into your mouth, shot dead in front of your kids.

the gun splatter writes out "I surrender!" in all caps, all over your kekistan flag.

Not saying you're wrong. But let's say that's on one end of the spectrum. The other end being everyone open carries, even babies, and everyone is quite simply allowed to shoot each other.

What's the middle look like?

People like you getting into power are the exact reason there should be an armed populace.

First its gun owners, then its something else, political opponents? execute them. maybe the gays? gone. intellectuals? wiped. 4channers? permab&.


using the argument "fire is best put out with gasoline"

No they shouldn't. I come into power and shoot fattiees who wear camo day to day thinking they're going to one day be in a firefight. You sit and clean your guns and sharpen your knives mumbling "one day" until that one day does arrive, and bullets are flying everywhere and the gun tumbles nervelessly from your hands.

Because the only time you've been close to being under fire is when someone shot next to you at the range, you fucking chickenhawk.

And just the gujn owners. Because godddamn you white about this shit more than women whine about theirs stank ass cunts, and frankly it would be so fucking satisfying to see you lined up beside your nigger bretheren with a huge sheet covering your bloodied corpses.

They don't secure their weapons.

this is bait. High quality bait but bait nonetheless


Not really. I genuinely think this. I would love to see the 2nd amendment struck down and cause the fatty right-wing panic attack they've been prophesying for years, and then see them systematically gunned down.

And the niggers, that's just icing. Because they all have similar "go out in the blaze of glory" bullshit dreams, and really I can't stand them. So 2 birds, one stone.

And both sides would finally just have to shut the fuck up. Drag that french faggot la pierre and his kike lawyers out of their office on K Street and hang them as traitors on the steps of Capitol HIll.

Some people are just actually that retarded, user.

Who the fuck ever said they were?

b-b-b-but CHEMTRAILS!


CNN, MSNBC, ABC, Gawker, Huffpost, Jezebel, Vice, Hillary, Obama, Biden, Bernie, liberals, niggers, jews, muslims, SJWs, communists, ANTIFA, anarchists, trannies, feminists, bugmen, soy boys, and goy toys.

Your fallacy is: non sequitur. Those are some pretty antisemitic dubs, btw. Reported.

See im A liberal and I dont give a fuck if people have guns. its when they start going tard shit walking down the streets with it in their kkk cloaks that I think those specofoc people shouldnt have it. guggerment needs to keep their shit as is.

Agreed. The only ones that can be trusted is Infowars, Breitbart (until they turned on bannon) and a litany of fly-by-night right wing rags with reporters that use dodgy aliases, don't check their sources, or in fact don't have any method of factchecking at all.

It's the only way you can really get to the truth. Also, the earth is flat, the moon landing was faked, so is the Space X launches, although physical evidence exists and is presented, it's all fake because...illuminati. Which is still a real thing. And Beyonce and Jay Z run it.

Fuck the kikes. Hooknosed whiny cunts.

Nigger and Jew hate are two of the handful of things I agree with the right about.

also give up on the false flag/fallacy/blabbity blah blah bullshit. Take your debate club bullshit and fuck off back to high school with it you fuckin' poindexter.

Boy you are an uneducated fuck

whatever you say you red sea pedestrian fuck. I hope you're shot in the face and your corpse brutally raped by your russian masters.

>liberals, bugmen, soy boys, and goy toys.
at least this shitlib admits that I'm too smart for him, unlike the rest that try to LARP as my intellectual superiors

Oh yeah, you're moderating the roundtables on the Peloponneseian war.

Time to spin up your copy of American Sniper and masturbate to your armchair military fantasies.

Wrong you stupid bitch. Commies will never take over the US


I've actually studied the sources of a few of the "fact Checkers" They are bias in their research.

of course they won't. Because we're gonna put one in the head of president retards buttbuddy.

That’s the spirit

Under fucking rated

I mean what is it like 50k a year people die from guns? This meme is kind of shit considering those numbers. Maybe if it was like 1000 people it would actually make sense.

Of course, but that doesn't really matter because their target audience are fence-sitters that can't spot logical inconsistencies, and shitlibs that have already made up their minds and will follow along as long as the propaganda isn't an obvious and complete dumpster fire, because they want to believe. The "fact-checkers" project authority and the gullible and willing fall in line. It's a simple con.

that. that was a set up to make you say exactly that

and there's the russian thinking at work.

"Well, russia is bad, but we've done some bad stuff too"
"All media is biased, so it doesn't matter"
"nothing matters. have no model for standards, they won't ever be 100% followed"

It's a stupid philosophy and you're a stupid person for buying into it.

Ironic that the radical left is trying to go with the jingoistic ra-ra-kill commies because the cold war never really ended meme. The cultural marxism that their ideology is rooted in is a direct result of the communist jewish Frankfurt School fleeing Germany in the 30's and setting up shop in the USA. When McCarthy spoke of communists that had infiltrated American government, he was talking about these communists. Now the left talks about "killing communists" because the Russian president thinks it would be cool if we had borders security and stopped bombing people in the middle east for Israel's benefit. It's the kind of hypocrisy that might drive a man to utter shock and amazement. Maybe the useful idiots really just can't follow along and that's why they don't pick up on their own glaring inconsistencies.

they're not the problem, they're remarkably defensive for someone who owns objects exclusively and specifically for killing yet claiming to be responsible with them.

The problem are the people who abuse the system, who have something fundamentally wrong with them yet are able to get their mitts on the means to kill people a bit too easily.

Get your head out of your ass you entitled little worm, you're not the problem you're just scared and whiny because nutjobs made your hobby look bad.

“Donald Trump is Hitler”

>Also liberals
“Hand all your guns over to Hitler rednecks.”

Already exist you dumb fucking niggerkike

Well, i'm of the mind that both sides are a bunch of retards. Anyone with rainbow hair should be gassed. Anyone carrying a torch and a kekistan flag should be beaten like a baby harbor seal for fun because they're a bunch of smug cunts.

Embracing radical middle-roadism is the only true way. Balance or die. Bury Richard Spencer and..whatever his blue haired tranny counterpart is in coffin alive.

I don't think he's hitler. hitler was smart. I think he's a little bitch over his head and a hardcore fucking retard.

its really easy to get an illegal firearm, Americans should be happy most good people do it the normal legal way.

sorry not necessary "illegal" more unregistered, check your local laws kiddies

except in shitty blue states guns dont have to be registered. in fact, in my state, it is illegal to register guns.

You tards have been afraid the guberment is gonna git ur guns for decades. Nothing ever happens, but you sure spend alot of energy doing nothing good for the country.

Shhh, adults are talking

LOL what ever kid. Fact is all you have to do is open your fucking eyes and not believe everything your told. Do your own research and an objective attitude. And yes all media is bias and they all lie. But if you decide to stay a sheep and believe everything they tell you go for it in your own little dreamland. One day you will wake up and wonder what the fucked happened. The all you will need to do is look in the mirror.

>So just how the fuck are lawful gun owners the problem Sup Forums?

Because the implementation of the Left's Socialist Agenda requires an unarmed and passive population.

>> "the adults are talking"
>> is a redneck soyboy "uh need muh gurns or du gubment come fur me" manlet

I love the fact you inbred retards actually think you could do shit if it came down to the wire.
If they really wanted to, all moral implications aside, they could drone strike your fucking trailer park before you'd even know what was going on.
You morons really think your little AR15s can do shit against that?

What a lame copout. I could write a fucking thesis on the phenomenon of risk-averse low-info types proclaiming "both sides are retarded" but I really don't believe you, so I'll say this: did you post or not? If so, you obviously carry water for the neoliberal establishment.



That lame, 1000x debunked argument is the calling-card of extreme low-info brainlets. Congratulations, you are the most dense brainlet in this thread. Why? Governments can't employ artillery and air support against their own citizens in an attempt to control them. After the dust settled and everyone was found to be dead, the government would come to realize that there were no citizens left to control. Thankfully, no government on earth is as stupid as you are, and even the most corrupt governments enforce their mandates with highly vulnerable boots on the ground, as a human occupation force can engage and control a populace, while a guy in a fighter jet or an autonomous killing machine can only destroy. Even African dictators realize this, but I guess you're just a special kind of retarded, lol.


>soy boys, and goy toys.

You're on Sup Forums dude
Go outside and get laid.


Wake-up call: most studies want to project a particular result. Doing digging on any 'study' fielded to the benefit of transgender transitioning, quality of life and other such promises are usually pigeonholed pretty hard.

The real problem, unfortunately, is that people suck.

short sighted logic: the post.

but hate speech is protected by the 1st amendment.

>this isnt a noticeable problem

I will say that I am not entirely anti-gun, I even keep a rifle for self defense. I just think a line has to be drawn somewhere, and that more background checks and required training should be required to own a gun.

what's wrong with the freedom to assemble and express ideas

see that's the problem with liberals, you act like you're open to free thought but in reality you're only open to your own values, and you're afraid of ideas that conflict with your own

you don't get that the whole point is to accept each other even if you disagree. NO MATTER WHAT.

nice cherrypicking you've got there.

awww, cute, i remember my first post too!

what threat?

not necessarily

i'm placing this thought process, intelligence level and edge at about 7th to 9th grade, maximum 10th grade.

i remember talking like you when i was younger, and hearing other friends talk like this, like we really knew what we were talking about.

you're undeveloped

wow. you are literally Josef Stalin-tier fascist

Because there are many gun suicides in our nation and a lot of nigger violence. If you can't hold suicide victims or niggers as accountable, you'll need to find a scapegoat.

This is the logic they use to paint law-abiding gun owners as the problem.

>And then...there will be peace.
no, then the strong are free to abuse the weak. if there are no guns, there is nothing to equalize people. i could kick in your door and beat you to death with a hammer and there is literally nothing you could do to stop me

ITT: kids who aren't even old enough to drive, much less own a gun, argue about complex social issues using knowledge and opinions they have gained from 4th grade and cowadoody

i wanna see someone come to your door and take your mommy away from you

i bet your mommy is fat and embarrassing, and that's why you're so sad and angry

imagine her crying while i slide my gun into her fat mouth, and hear it click against her teeth, as you watch her worthless fucking brains shoot all over the floor

>i come into power and execute people i dont like
well good for us you're a soyboy manchild who lives in a basement

How is that cherrypicking? That is literally the data with a clear correlation, and likely causation.

I don't think its accurate to call Stalin fascist. An incredibly authoritative and at times needlessly cruel dictator? Yes. But fascism generally implies right-wing ideology, while Stalin was a communist.

>Not really. I genuinely think this. I would love to see the 2nd amendment struck down and cause the fatty right-wing panic attack they've been prophesying for years, and then see them systematically gunned down.
but you would not be a member of the team that kicks down a man's door to take his guns and kill him. you would be safe in an office somewhere. you have no balls

and 90% of police, local and state, are pro-gun as fuck. and the ones that are not pro-gun, are smart. they know that storming into a persons house to confiscate weapons will likely end up with dead cops

>dead cops
>implying that's a bad thing


they lose their temper and shoot friends/family members
their children find their guns and shoot themselves or others
niggers break in and steal their gunz

you forgot to factor in american niggers packed in groups

niggers are the problem, not guns

honestly if you can't truthfully come to terms with this your brain isn't fully developed

america's real gun problem:

Except everything you've got there is wrong