I pay all my employees $18/hr

Your argument of "a raise in min wage will kill business" is bullshit.

If they can't afford to pay them $15/hr, then they don't deserve to be in business.

Case closed..

Other urls found in this thread:


Price controls in general produce a net negative for the economy and there's very little evidence for the benefits of minimum wage laws.

>If they can't afford to pay them $15/hr, then they don't deserve to be in business.

alright, lets close the government down

What is the business? How many employees do you have? How often do you hire people? Do you have barrier inhibiting require.e ts that prevent low-skilled and no-skilled people from being employed(2+ years in x-related field and other arbitrary demands)?

But OP you CHOOSE to pay then 18 bucks, so why should everyone be required to pay at least 15???

>all my employees

Paying the neighboorhood kids 18 dollars a day under the table doesn't count.


>1 store of 4 workers is the determinant for economic policies of 300 million people
Holy fuck you sell retard juice or something?

And yet you people turn around and immediately say that we need a vast brown slave caste who work for less than the minimum wage, because Americans won't [actually can't because min wage] do those jobs.

Anyone who is in favor of illegal immigration and minimum wage is a hypocrite.

Over at Bruce Power here people make ~$70/hr and they sit on their asses all day. I hear that sometimes they even leave some stuff to do for later so when they get called in for overtime they make ~$140/hr. That's BeaverBucks though.

What qualifications tho

Depends on what they're looking for sometimes it's IT, HR, decent amount of engineering. Some girl who got hired for nuclear waste disposal didn't even end up doing that just got transferred to something else right away. Think it's because they're at a nuclear plant so they safety pay or whatever that's called.

you are fucking retarded it has been shown that people in the US who live on the lower eshilions of society generally spend a disproportionate amount more than they take in. meaning that raising the minimum wage would boost the economy significantly, so far as there are people living on it.

here I found a paper that shows what I mean:


if this paper is true(I so far, only read the abstract) than raising the minimum wage would be the best thing the government can do.

I make $22/hr right now at my internship.

Why do you only pay them $18? Why don't you evenly split all the profits with them?

wages are just another form of socialist wealth redistribution. These lazy niggers have such poor work ethic that just doing something productive isn't enough for them, they also demand to stick their hand into my pocket, and the federal government backs them. despicable.

>Inflationary policies are generally good
-The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
Cool paper, bro.

>no experience
>apply for job
>"you have no experience"
>i will work for free to gain experience
>"that is illegal"
>still no experience


>no experience
>apply for job
>"you have no experience"
>i will work for free to gain experience


The proper way to handle that situation is to bullshit them into thinking you have experience when you don't. If you're being completely honest while job hunting you're either a nobel prize winner or a fucking retard.

I work at a marketing firm and I lied through my teeth at my interview. I eventually acclimated but I would have much rather gone in with some experience, it would have really saved me from some headaches and embarrassment early on. I don't think that anybody should miss out on legitimate experience because they're unwilling to lie/a bad liar.

If you need experience to sweep floors there is something very wrong with your country

Got any proof there Comrade?

minimum wage attempts to create an artificially cozy environment for the workers, but the rest of the world does not change. This means that you are either in on this manipulated economy, or you're out. And if you're out it's very difficult to get in.

>Federal Reserve Bank
>expecting them to say anything but "inflation is ok"

Experience in sweeping only benefits somebody who only ever wants to sweep. You can get a job as a floor sweeper, but no company will care that you have experience in sweeping when you're applying for a position that does not require sweeping.

I hope you have realized your error my friend.

Let's give people more money! The price of basic items will:

A. Go up. As a consequence of consumers having more money, and of basic goods requiring more to manufacture since they are now manufactured by people who make more money.

B. Remain the same or go down.

If the answer is A, have you really made life better for the people making 15 dollars an hour? Probably, by some margin, but what about the effect on people making 20 dollars an hour? They aren't getting a raise out of this, but they are suffering the downsides of rising costs, and so is everyone else.

A good argument is to ask you "Why 15?" Why not 20? Why not 50? Why not a hundred dollars an hour? Clearly there is some number which is too high for a minimum wage. What evidence do you have that 15 isn't that number or greater?

Then get rid of it. If you're not going to get rid of it, then you have to raise it to counter for years of INFLATION. And at that point I agree with OP, turns out the only reason you were in business is because of an artificial price floor created by the government to hold your labor costs down... you don't deserve to be in business then. Have a better product or service.

Getting rid of minimum wage would actually increase wages too, there is a reason you don't see shitty fast food business calling to abolish it.

inflation in itself is good for the US if it is gradual. it is particularly good because the US accrues a lot of it debt via social security without interest so given that, if the economy inflates the debt will grow smaller.

> Raise Min. Wage, now is $15
> Burger flippers making $15, same shit just paid more.
> Burger flippers boss making $15 demands more, now makes $20
> His Boss made $20, now wants $30/hr because of responsibilities.

You end up with a cascading chain of wage increases, it's NOT just the people on the bottom affected. It's like raising up the bottom floor of a skyscraper.

All this would do is raise the bar for people who want to actually work a paying job. Employers would abuse the hell out of this.

No retard, it's just to prove you can commit to a job.
The only reason you need 6 gorillian years experience to wipe your ass in America is the massive over abundance of college graduates which has completely choked the job market.
Changing the minimum wage won't change that

here is a bone to chew on Sup Forums

Sigh... just... I know this is a troll but, who else is just /tired/ of this shit?

Like... you're bombarded with it every day. I can't even make a stand anymore... I'm just tired...

Large cities in the US are uninhabitable for poor people with the exception of some awful ghettos due to inflationary policies. Inflationary polices have effects not seen by simply measuring inflation in the aggregate for the whole country.

Why do you pay your employees 18/hr? Serious question, what are the reasons?


forgot the link

I would like for someone to tell me why this is wrong, but "if you only make 7 an hour you only deserve to make 7 an hour! sucks for you, worthless loser!" is okay.

>I pay all my employees $18/hr

post business, location

But, you won't. You're a liar. Your only 'business' is being paid 2 shekels per shitpost from your mommy's basement.

>dox yourself or I'm right
Great argument

>leftist """""""economics"""""""

Close-down snow cone stands.

It's not about whether you can afford it, it's about whether it's worth it. Fast food workers are in no way shape or form worth $15.

A business will only pay someone what they are worth. If a person does not bring in more than 10 dollars per hour, why the fuck would they pay them more than 10 dollars per hour?

The minimum wage argument is fought entirely by people who have not worked actual jobs and don't understand how wages work at all.

>No other posts from OP
shill faggot confirmed.

>over abundance of college graduates
You mean over-abundance of whiny entitled manchildren with no drive or work ethic. The "experience" thing in low-skill job is to filter out the faggots who will throw a tantrum and walk out because you told them to do their job without saying please.

So go ahead and vote Bernie

Come back in 1 year and see if your employees not crying to raise min wage to $22

Why do cucks watch cuck porns?

High level buisenesses that only employ a few thousand people do that all the time

Telling someone what business they own isn't a dox stupid fake Aussie

More money distributed to wage laborers at the expense of capital is not a bad thing at this particular moment though

How much of a raise are you willing to give your $18/h employees? Because if the min wage is raised, you'll be forced to give raises too because the value of their labor just decreased, so they'll need to be compensated. They could, after all, go and work an easier min wage job for a small pay cut if you don't pay up, because all of a sudden they're only worth $3 more than a burger flipper when before they were worth over $11 more.

Do you even economics?

it is not "inflationary policies" that cause disparities in the cost of living accumulations, but rather the free market, simple laws of supply and demand and the such like can explain why the cost of living is so high in places like new york.

or do you think there was no inflation prior to the minimum wage?

Remove business tax
Remove minimum wage
Remove patents
Remove bureaucratic red tape and needless taxes labeled as fees

In no case has raising minimum wage shown to increase wealth. It has actually shown to increase unemployment.

There are other uses for an increased minimum wage other than "deserving it".
I would hope that spending time on Sup Forums would make you realise government works by making economic decisions and placates the people with social decisions.
Increasing the minimum wage would increase the buying power of the lower class
>b b but everything will get more expensive
That hasn't been shown in the past but even if it did the lower class still have a higher proportion of buying power compared to other classes than they did before.

It's pretty simple to look up the owner dipshit



Okay, so if a person makes more money, clearly they do better right?

That doesn't cause a companies business model, the yield curve model that some of you learned in econ 101 to obscure off now does it.
You see, if i own a company, and i've owned and still do, everything from drywall and paint only companies to landscape and IT consulting.

now if i pay my workers 100 million dollars an hour, do you think they will do better? if everyone does?

wait, how can i afford to do this, OH YAH, THE ENTIRE INDUSTRY PRICE GOES UP.

now, your on fixed income, retirement, social security.. you can't just raise your rate..


the solution is lower wages.. yes thats right you lower wages. YOU ATTACK PRICE MODELS OF COMMODITIES AND SERVICES, and drive down the cost.


firm economy, strong dollar, strong political outlooks.. granted global elitists don't want this.

but let me make it clear.

from a true economic standpoint.

EVERYONE benefits from a market place where commodities services and or goods are affordable and wages are within reason.

if mcdonalds pays its workers 15.. and trained professionals make 15.. wheres the benefit?

McDonald businessmen model isn't designed for this.


but lemme put this in your safe space.

can't afford to pay everyone 15 an hour.
can't afford to pay everyone perfect healthcare.
can't afford to spend time scheduling minors this hour not that hour and only these many hours..


raising min wage to a living wage only increases the price of everything you buy


this IS how it works.

stop being a dumb fucking tool to the system.


1 post by this ID

>Increasing the minimum wage would increase the buying power of the lower class

that is essentially welfare paid by the rest of society

Rent and housing costs specifically have increased by zoning laws that restrict the height of apartment building and land use laws that restrict where apartment building may be built. The free market does not make cities uninhabitable for poor people.

I wanted to say this, thank you.

I make $25/hr currently, if minimum wage goes up to $15/hr, I expect a proportional raise myself. If everyone gets a proportional raise, you've actually accomplished NOTHING except making the dollar worth less.

In a way, but the idea is to stimulate the economy.

The minimum wage has been raised before and none of that happened.

Ok so they get out of business because they literally can't compete anymore and all that's left is large corporations who can absorb the costs. Now they have less competition and even a lesser reason to raise wages or lower prices.

And what will happen to your employees who make $18 an hour? Businesses will increase the prices of goods to offset their losses. Your employees aren't affected by the minimum wage hike and now the cost of goods and services cost more. You've lowered their standard of living.

And what about the workers who aren't worth $15 an hour? They won't get hired. These are mostly the poorest and most vulnerable members of society. Employers would rather hire higher quality workers if you're setting a price floor for all workers. The minimum wage prices these low skilled workers out of the market, prevents them from gaining experience, and keeps them on handouts.

>law firms pay their employees more than minimum wage therefore minimum wage should be six figures

this is how stupid you sound OP

hey goys net productivity has increased and according to this aberage that totally disguises the variety in the market, we can TOTALLY afford to have the job market drastically reduced to few employers

Again this theory is disproven by history

All that extra money spent across the board on wages ultimately comes at the expense of capital gains though, most of which go to a select few very wealthy

>but they can just raise prices

Then, theoretically at least, they risk being undercut and losing business to their competitors

Nice argument.

Poor people spend money. The water would actually recede.

what increases the buying the demand is more important than the creation of buying power.

what drives revolutions in industry and prolonged growth of society.


smart phone and mobile device sales are stagnating currently, see bloomberg.

we need a new advancement that improves peoples lives, creates jobs and creates social wellness. so people reach out to embrace and take part.

the problem.

uneducated populations don't create new products or and or services they don't understand.

greedy corporations are designed to maximize current investor value.

and leaders just want to stay in power.

war used to increase gdp.
technology has slowed.
income to buy new technology is drying up.
and the new kids on the block aren't smart enough or better yet driven as entrepreneurs to develop it.

society looks as though its about to literally collapse.

kids are more about twitter and face book likes, than going out and creating something.

we wasted an entire generation. i just hammer this shit out sometimes, if something doesn't make sense or intrigues you lemme know. this site used to actually create more than memes and trolls.

I shouldn't need to spoon feed you
Link here, read the thread next time

>boy I sure do hate big businesses!
>let's increase the minimum wage and drive small businesses out of business and give more of a monopoly to big businesses!

Not if unemployment skyrockets.

Actually if you look at history this is exactly the case. The average age of minimum wage workers has been increasing. Because people fresh into the job market with no skills aren't as desirable because you need to pay them artificially higher prices. And if you look even further, black unemployment has a huge correlation with minimum wages because they weren't desired and were usually low skilled. It's when the minimum wage did not exist or did not catch up to inflation was it that black unemployment was lower. And it's very obvious that if you increase the cost of labor the quantity demanded of labor will decrease. Business will want to make up the money they lose by minimum wages. They will either employ less or raise prices or do what fast food restaurants are trying to do by automating everything.

>le minimum wage creates demand xdd!
False. You're committing a broken windows fallacy by saying that demand would increase. Overall spending would stay the exact same because you have to achieve the minimum wage hike by lowering the employer's disposable income that would be used elsewhere in the market.

Cheap prostitutes don't count, m8

Why would unemployment sky rocket. You said before unemployment would be a result of net revenue being lost, now you are saying net revenue will be lost because of unemployment.
How does that work? It makes no sense

And again

>instead of giving an argument I'll link through piles of sources you have to read to understand my superior beliefs

In a free market you can pay your employees anything you want, it's ultimately the employee's choice if they want to work for the pay you are offering

Your a dumb shit and I hope you enjoy bankruptcy

Kikes will just move their shit elsewhere to keep making those shekels.

Raising the minimum wage alone won't be enough.

>wow evidence I don't have to accept this.
Fuck off
>1 article with links backing up its claims
>a mess of links
Just stop posting next time nigger

You haven't refuted my argument you've just linked a source that I'm still reading faglord.

I did refute it when I told you history proves your hypothesis wrong.

and yet new york city would not be the sprawling metropolis it is without them.

Minimum wage needs raised because the extremely under valued cost of labor is suppressing technological progress.

>self check out is cutting edge technology
>literally just the same UPC scanners with some extra scales for weight verification

>Bernie's campaign can't afford it

Yet the Federal Reserve says minimum wages decrease employment...




What's the analytical reasoning that it is wrong? I'm looking at the full report here and it just looks like they conflated a bunch of statistics from 70 year period together without controlling for anything.


>businesses dont deserve to be open
>we deserve jobs

Bernie's campaign also produces nothing of worth and has stupid practices like refusing donations without having another viable system in place.
It deserves to die.

That's not the only city in the US and most poor people can't afford to live or shop in most of NYC.

Inflation can be good.

If you're in debt, it causes the debt to shrink. If you're poor and can't afford to save money, it doesn't effect you.

If you're rich, it compels you to actually use your money, rather than horde it.

What would they control for that isn't covered by the fact it's 70 years worth of data?

The cost of labor rises for businesses so workers get laid off. Many businesses fail because simply cannot hire workers at the new cost. Workers who do stay are the few who get to spend a little more as consumers. Guess how much the raise of a few compares to the cut hours and skeleton crews of many

But that's backwards the cost of labour rising does not immediately result in having to lay off staff while it does immediately result in greater spending.

Why not just lower the cost of goods and living?


>1 post by this ID


Do you think poor people are unaffected by restrictions on the housing supply or the adverse effects of minimum wage on low skilled workers?


>We sought to go back as far as possible—to 1938 in some cases—to make simple before and-after comparisons of job-growth trends 12 months after each minimum-wage increase.
>12 months of industries that we get to pick and choose
Source invalidated. The entire thing is about unemployment and doesn't even refute the argument about price increases being a consequence of minimum wages. As I said earlier, employers have the option to either increase prices or employ less people, and your source doesn't even successfully refute the argument that it lowers demand for jobs. It doesn't control or look for other factors that could be affecting their results like the bay boom.

This is what I meant when I said you throw a pile of sources at me. The original article linked to another article where it got its source from and it linked to the full report. You can't even make an analytical argument from your flawed shitty data so you just throw a bunch of sources you didn't even fucking read at me and claim victory.