Huh... never saw it from this angle

Huh... never saw it from this angle....

How come the guy is wearing a plain white shirt

>more identity politics
the definition of a one trick pony

Thats it, really makes you think, im offically with her now. this propaganda totally changed my mind on politics.

>I vote based off of gender!
I thought liberals didn't want this?

That picture really makes ya think man.

>Huh... never saw it from this angle....

from here it looks like syphilis

well, this appeal to my fragile masculinity has swayed me.

i am now a #HillShill

it's a fake ad, but it's totally believable, innit?

I'm a man. Not a hipster cuck

Trying too hard to be a man... Beard, tats, stance=props

Wow that is such a strong argument about her political positions. Oh wait nevermind, it's just "Vote for me because I have a vagina".


this campaign is RACIST, but only to white people, who dont exist as a nationality, unless theyre to be criticised, in which case they may or may not be immediately reformed as a coherent, demonized entity, not to say that there exists racism against anybody, as that would imply institutionalized societal viewpoints which would rend the aforementioned arguments like wet paper*

also, im glad that the political sphere is taking part in dismantling stifling gender roles by satirically counterplaying the traditional campaigns inability to harness the consciousness of a society without triggering patriarchal systemic reactions with wartime reference based typographic memorabilia of a given frame of lifestyle reference, while still maintaining a solid recordation of nonuniformity, if only for the maintenance of a nonentity currently invoking said roles for educational dissemination

*not a criticism nor highlight of any given parchmentlike material for the purpose of cultural barrier destruction or strengthening, notwithstanding the obvious contributions of various ideologies to paper, papyrus, leather bound goods, parchment itself, & the metaphysical, societal, production, & metabolic consequences thereof

Guess I'm a #cruzmissile now


I am man enough to vote for a woman...

Are you?

Ready for Hillary 2016

fucking kek

He's not only the spokesman of Hillary's campaign

He's all the spokesman of a mature porn website. Maybe that's where Hillary knew him from.

Truth in advertising

what a little guy. They could at least get an actual man and not a professional beard.

Yeah, it's funny, I was supposed to not be racist enough to vote for a black guy, yet he's been voted in twice and I'm still a racist.

>le epic beard-sexual

it was never an official ad.
it was always either unofficial or a joke

>coming from the guy who slept with 50+ women
Careful little americlap, that guy would break your glass jaw in a heartbeat

this is some middle school tier shit
>ur gay
>xD thats the joke

I think her PR person secretly supports Trump or something.

Isn't this the "toxic masculinity" feminists hate?
Isn't this implying one has to be "man enough" to vote for a woman?

This is shitlord-tier.
Totally ineffective. What a mess.

makes sense

This picture is ultra stupid, carly fiorina withdrew from election

lmao you really think that? You must be even smaller than little guy here

Im sorry i forgot you would pussy out of the fight and shoot him.
>be America
>get shot

You're right actually, I wouldn't waste my time. You say that like it's an insult lmao

>tries to appeal to manly men
>with a douchey looking hipster from oregon with an ironic beard

Can someone please make a meme of Hilary naked holding a piece of cardboard with "#I'm with her" written in texta.

gtfo newfag

I guess I'm a #HillBilly now

probably because actual masculinity can be appeased to be hillary, they have to appeal to the wannabes.

