How bad is it?

How bad is it?


not bad as being jumped by niggers

yuh got diabeeetus?

It's infected bud.

im afraid that kidneys gonna have to come out

that looks painful

Go to a pediatrist you fucking mongoloid

I am sorry. You are going to die.

Gonna have to get the toenail removed, gonna hurt like a motherfucker. Next time trim the nail properly

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8 no h8

That is the worst penis I have ever seen.

easily fixable, did you want to be in pain every time you walk? Why didn’t you sort it sooner?

I tend my own ingrown nails since I was 14 with, codine, alchohol, blade from a shaving razor and some big fucking balls.

Weeken the nail by making grooves on top of it from the end down to before it is ingrown and infected like [=] without the notches on top and bottom. So before your nail looks like {=} and after like [=]. When the grooves are deep enough, go very slowly down until you feel the blade go through the nail, (very painful) but do as much as you can take when you have actually cut as much as you can get tweezers and pull the end portion of your off cut down and back into its self this should RIP all the way down the groove you made as long as you weakened it enough , the most important part is getting what I call the root. Which is the bottom part nearest your toe in the outside corners.which is balls deep in inflamed skin, and puss, but once you get it you are free for months! Once the operation is complete, slop a load of germaline liquid plaster over that shit (also hurts) and you are good!!

I would go to a podiatrist. you can fuck it up and make it worse if you try to take it out yourself.

What would happen if I just left it?

Like so....

You loose your toe to infection.

The smell gets worse btw!

how do you retards let it get that bad? the only time i had an ingrown nail i immediately cleaned it out with hydrogen peroxide to avoid it getting infected

There's a slight chance it'll heal itself after some weeks by placing cotton under the ingrown areas, time during which you'll experience pain, pus secretions and bleeding, and that's the best possible outcome.
Go to the podiatrist, he'll just cut the excess on the sides.

I've had worst. Soak it in Epson water to draw out the infection.

Keep your feet clean, clip the nail correctly (not short like a fingernail). Anyway, you can avoid having them cut your nail out like this by just prying the skin back yourself and cleaning it out with an alcohol wipe.

These lines indicate where your nail actually is, and you need to get out everything under the surface,

The worse part is the nail doesn’t grown out, it curl down toward the floor digging in more and more,

If you leave it in, the pain of waking or moving your toe will eventually become worse than using my removal method!

Also as I said, you loose your toe to infection, if you are stupid enough to it remove it AND not go to the doctors eventually, you will just get a spreading infection! Toe>foot>leg etc

What the fuck is that?

>heal it’s self

Lol I bet you think god exists too

I had this on both big toes OP

Go in. They will numb your toe and cut the nail.

I did that, but what they didn't tell me is that the nail grows right back into the new slits.

I got a procedure to stop nail growth on both sides. no problems now

Yeah, even though I treat my own I have to keep on top of it once or twice a year, it grows back because I (we) cut out toenails like retards when we were younger because we grew up in a home with no daddy to teach us to do shit properly

I've had ingrown toenails and they can heal if you just place cotton underneath and let it grow straight again. Not as bad looking as that, tho.

It's ingrown on both sides and badly infected. My toes both used to look exactly like this. Go see a podiatrist and they'll cut both sides. It only hurts if you're a little fucking faggot like me.

I'm a surgeon OP.
I've done a few of these and its a simple procedure.
All we do is give you local anesthetic to numb your toe and surrounding areas, only really about half your foot although it feels like the whole foot.

We cut down the sides of your nail and remove them, this can take awhile depending on the severity of the ingrown part. Sometimes it curls around and dig in quite deep and makes it a little difficult to remove.
At most the surgery will take around 1 to 1.5 hours.

After its done you toe will be wrapped in gauze for about 2 days then you come back and we take it off and assess the healing. Along with this you will be given antibiotics to deal with the infection if there is any. (to me it already looks infected, you can tell from the redness, swelling and skin pealing). At most it will be about a months recovery and your toe nail will grow back after some time.

If you don't get this procedure then the outcome will be bad. The infection can spread quickly and soon your toe will have to be amputated any longer than that then you foot and so on.
Please go and get it looked at, its the only way at this point no home remedies will fix it as its gone to far.

Trust me OP, Walking without a toe is a lot harder than you think it is. Your body weight rests and rolls to a stop with your toe being there, without it you just sort of stumble around trying not to fall. I've seen patients that have take upwards of a year to walk looking normally again. So really get it checked out, man. You don't want to go through that.

I just got my ingrown toenails removed recently, hurt like all fuck but at least it was mostly numbed.

fucking surgery for an IGT? that's ridiculous. don't listen to this quack OP.

It's in a Doctors practice not full surgery.
That was be a waste of money and time.

Not actually surgery, got mine done a week ago.