Just a reminder that British government spent £9m of taxpayers' money on getting this shitty leaflets delivered to...

Just a reminder that British government spent £9m of taxpayers' money on getting this shitty leaflets delivered to every home in the uk

What kind of cuck citizens do you have to put up with this? I'm glad we left when the tea tax rose

>I'm glad we left when the tea tax rose
We left when they tried to take our guns

Just a guess, but id wager your govt spends a lot more money on a lot stupider shit than a pamphlet explaining their take on and concern with an issue that will affect the entire EU, so why dont you just put it into perspective there, Clive, can ya fucking do that for us, please?

Looks like a reason to vote leave.

> £60m for a fucking tree bridge

Did anyone watch Chris Packham on BBC's Spring Watch earlier, sneakily espousing the virtues of the European Union, in regards to the environment?

Or Channel 4 and their comedy about the Windsors, featuring an 'election' in which it was heavily implied that taking a stance that challenged the "status quo" was a little bit wrong?

I'm relatively unsure which way I'll vote still, but the media propaganda is maddening.

that thing looks sorta cool, just saying. It'd still be 10 s of millions without tree anyhow

see >I'm relatively unsure which way I'll vote still

pretty cool lad

You need to Brexit.

Britannia rule the waves!

Hmmmmn sort of like a central park for London

And only £60m?

I think that's actually pretty cool user.

>pedestrian bridge
What the fuck. How does this benefit anyone? Can you buy property on the bridge, at least?

In November 2015, planning documents for the bridge revealed that the public's access to the bridge would be heavily controlled, including tracking visitors' mobile phone signals to guard against overcrowding, an "enhanced" video surveillance system and granting "visitor hosts" limited policing powers under a Community Safety Accreditation Scheme, including the right to issue minor fines. The rules of the bridge would prohibit "any exercise other than jogging, playing a musical instrument, taking part in a 'gathering of any kind', giving a speech or address, scattering ashes, releasing a balloon and flying a kite."

fucking legs
how do they work

releasing balloons is now illegal in london

>britain anno 2016

Yeah, this irked the hell out of my mum and dad. They both voted exit (via post). I'm not expecting their votes to actually arrive, though, given the postal vote-related incompetence they've seen so far.


yo fuck the EU, it's just a waste of money and they have literally no power if you don't give it to them.

We left because they tried taxing us without letting us have any reps in parliment.