Need help with HTML CSS

Need help with HTML CSS.
I created my html file, and in the same folder i created a folder called "css", i linked it with

turn off caching in your browser

this in head, rename tabla.css with your css file, both in same folder

Why are you calling it ".css"? Those files are typically hidden. Rename it to "css" or "stylesheets", as I prefer.

Post a pic of your folders.

you need the filename of the css file


still seem to have the same problem

What nigger?

my bad, wasn't paying attention

It's probably not a cache problem. Post your fucking file structure.

ok then your reference isn't correct. If it's in the same folder, it should just be "style.css" or "./style.css"


This dude solved it, i deleted the full stop before css/
Somehow on my pc it works without this but in my college it only works with it

usually people who just start learning html/css don't turn off caching so that's usually my go to answer with questions like this

Your link tag is missing the closing quote for href.

np user, gl with coding

What? I never turn off caching, been a developer for 5 years. I only ever need to clear cache if I'm pushing code to a live site

unless I'm pushing [...] *

thanks, and thanks to everyone.
thread abandoned

Wait, I fucked up. I just woke up *~*

ur wlc

what IDE do you use?

not op there but use sublime3 for css, html and related

how do you see what changes you're doing to your webpage without deploying it to a server with localhost?

Your href was fucked. ".css/style.css" is fucked. You could try "./css/style.css" but relative links are for niggers.

use bitnami wamp, kinda bullshit but works for localhost

I use eclipse ee and apache tomcat because I usually write web apps with java server faces. for some reason I have to turn off caching in chrome for changes to css to show up.

Shift reload to ignore caching.

You need to clear the cache by going to "C:/Windows/" and then delete the folder "System32"

BOOM! Cache is reset.

LiveServer extension

agreed. fuck relative links

What is wrong with relative links?
If you don't have a shit ton of CSS, put that shit right in your HTML file, it'll speed your page up. Further, head to google, and look up HTML minifier, and minify that shit. It's all about speeed

You are dumb.

ctrl+F5 does a non-cached refresh in most browsers



Clear your browser cache

oh nice tip, thanks man. never knew that was even possible

>You are dumb.
How am I dumb? Let's compare github accounts, faggot.

ctrl+f5 also does the same thing fyi

> Why are you calling it ".css"? Those files are typically hidden. Rename it to "css" or "stylesheets", as I prefer.

This is moronic. You are dumb. I don't need to see your GH account with 3,000 moronic, laughable commits to know this.

Go back to your frontend bootcamp, kid.


If you start a file with . in GNU/Linux, it will be hidden, you stupid fuck. Post your Github account.

CSS goes in one directory, with subdirectories if you need them, and you load them with // like God and Tim-Berners Lee told you to.

i wouldn't take it too serious