Since 00:01 today citizens of Ukraine can travel visa free in the EU

Since 00:01 today citizens of Ukraine can travel visa free in the EU.

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Welcome Ukraine ^_^

Haha russians so butthurt now ( not really )

First Ukraine, next Georgia :)

Only for 3 months, who cares.

send qts to Paris

but it's only for 90 days with no working intention travels

Not here nigger

human garbage

The few Ukranians we had here were pretty based and hardworking.

A bunch of them that had Mecidine degrees worked in construction for a year until they got good enough equivalency/fluency so they could go back to their fields.

>millions of ukrainians visiting their relatives in poland and spending that little money they have

welcome ucame

fuck you russia

and that means Araps to urine as well

get ready to be kebabed in great

quantities......................................................................................................... shclomolivich

What a people in Crimea and rebel regions? Do they get free travel too?

half of em are already in polan

I knew you would prefer Arab ubermanches


They can travel if they will use their ukrainian passport

ukrainians are not better than arabs

>he calls them


thats where you fucked up

Wanna know why this happened?

So we don't have the "We took hundreds of thousand of Ukrainian immigrants since the Ukraine Conflict started" card to play in the EU v Poland migrant quota discussion. Now the EU cans say "what migrants, they're here legally ))))))"
Fuck those kikes.


You maybe right actually.

Cockholes are nazis

If Ukrainians were actually untermanchs, you Germany would already have invited them all

Ukrainians are welcome 2bh, all I've met were pretty cool people

its one of those useless countries where you dont know why they still exist in 2017
like ireland, belgium, slovenia croatia serbia and all other balkan shitholes

Congrats to them.

So while people from a literal warzone can travel visa free to the EU, people of Kosovo need to first gib clay to Montenegro to be considered.

EU is cancer.


I hope All urines exodus to mooretugal and we colonize their empty lands



>inb4 100000000 HIV cases in Western Europe reported in 2018


Great. It would be even better if we let them work visa free in Poland.

why wouldn't they? you get paid to be a junkie in Holland

It's that stupid T*rk, ignore it

You need money to move to Holland

Oh great, more third world immigration

>believing memes or anything ahmed TV tells you

lmao you either need to work 12 hours a day as a Pole in Holland, or already have money to blow.

are you the ukrainian immigrant?

>Welcome Ukraine

Finally they will know how it is like having ukrainian bydło ;^)

hehe, we outplayed you once again, Jakub

>le polaks got shafted once again

thats what you get for not being born with high IQ

serves those fuckers right for wanting to be in the EU to begin with

Ukrainians are welcome, they're already the second largest group on immigrants here and every single one I met was hardworking and overall a nice person.


Ukranian mafia does not fuck around

they are Al Qaida tier

and will fuck you and your entire famitly up

>fucking up entire families of polak scum
Good lads

t. Mykola Jebiewdenko

Ukrainian whores are the best.

Don't worry they all are going to western europe not to ex-soviet-block shitholes

Nice to see that Russia is finally losing its grip. Maybe they'll start minding their own business now and stop fucking up Europe

Well they won't exactly be clambering to get into Portugal now will they. Like most of these countries they'll head straight for the UK.

Estonia is love.

The smartest kid in my class was Ukrainian. He was better than asians in Mathematics. They are welcomed

Poles will defend this.


Get your shit together Ukraine, if we managed to do it, you can too.

Hang in there.

Gibe back my tractor now!!1!

So, how many will leave never to return to Ukraine?

Its tourist visa only, those that wanted to do that already did


Yeah, sure. Just tourists.


Noice, we love Ukraine here in europe! GET FUCKED RUSSIA

they're our biggest immigrant group you islandnigger

Sup Forums is having a shitfit over this it's pretty funny.

WTF why can't USA have open borders for CUTE ukrainians???

I will head straight for Spain :)

Většina lidi budou pracovat nelegálně.

you are all white trash
why do you need more?

Time to prepare for Russian false flags though.

He's a biggot, don't reply.

it's only a 90 days tourist visa, it's not like full EU rights akin to R*mania

Hello friend. Have you had Feta and Ouzo today?

I could always just stay and take your jobs illegally :)

Now they can banter EU posters like Mexicans banter some USAians. Too bad there are few Ukraine flags here.

>Feta and Ouzo
what is ouzo?

Ouzo is an anise-flavoured aperitif that is widely consumed in Greece and Cyprus.

aaah, cause he's greek?

>letting Ukroscum into Europe
Hahahahah retards

Precisely so, my friend.

schengen counts for you too, sooner or later

I'll be savouring your women when I finally arrive :)))

>He thinks Brexit is going to happen

>savouring your women
Stay the fuck out

Europe got the biggest traitors in history as a friend. Good job EU.

why do you care if serbs can travel visa free or not?

Kosovo was a mistake desu

>Stay the fuck out
But I don't want to. I will have come to be sure.

If Ukrainian acts as a traitor to Russian culture, ethnicity, and blood, ruled by jews literally, working together with USA, what he will do to EU? I don't know. Good luck EU. I hope cockeholes will come back soon as slavic eastern brothers.

I dont understand you

I'm cockhole myself. Live in USA. What have we done to Ukraine? What kind of experiment?

hmmm yes no one would dare overstay that limit.

what exactly don't you understand?

I wrote it in Czech. Don't pretend that you don't understand that language, don't lie. I was in Slovakia and was talking to people in Czech and everyone understood me well.

Who will be responsible for this experiment? I'm not sure.

I only understand English and Slovak

хopoшo oтpaбaтывaeшь cвoи pyбли
этo мecтныe бapыги кoтopыe пo тpи paзa нa дeнь гpaницy пepeхoдят

You can't be serious

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