Can we make a /gore/ boards and keep that cancer out of Sup Forums? the 14 year old edge lords have ruined it

can we make a /gore/ boards and keep that cancer out of Sup Forums? the 14 year old edge lords have ruined it.


i counter your gore with extreme loli. your move faggot.



Is this more your style then?


is this more ur style?


14 year old edgelord spotted.

The rekt threads didn’t ruin Sup Forums. It’s normie pussys like you that ruined it. The rekt threads make Sup Forums


sorry for not saying "rekt" and being a 11 year old edge lord.




loli purges ALL cancerous material, even gore. loli will win this war.









i wish. i just lurk other gote sites




seems there is more loli than gore in this thread, give it up kid. you cant win.



Some of us have lives. Unlike yourself.

thats what i thought faggot. loli purges gore, no need for that shit on Sup Forums.

I could keep it up with you all day. The point is moot, though, because well, you're a retard pedophile.

>wants to take content away from Sup Forums that has been a part of, and ultimately defined Sup Forums since its inception
Sup Forums was ruined when you people thought it needed pruning and threads removed
this isn't your clubhouse, nigger-- if you want a secret hugbox, go get discord you cunt.

>inb4 someone says loli doesn't belong on Sup Forums

and you are a retarded serial killer. its about even.

>loli doesnt belong on Sup Forums

said literally no one ever.