>"I could be a pretty girl, shut up when you want me to"

What did she mean by that?

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She's talking about The FemCrit Continuum!

Shut up

She is talking about her ex partner telling her that she needs to be quiet when he wants

This song is about her feelings of being pretty but realizing how silly it is to try so hard to be someone you're not for someone else
Quite Shakespearean if you ask me

She's referring to Capitalist Realism!

please shower

what if she talks too much?

>telling girls to be quiet

I hope you edgelords don't actually do this

i tell everybody to be quiet

Most woman are not cappable of doing anything besides being pretty, thats the only goal they could archive, when they try to be something else they fail so most of their opinions are shit, thanks god some of them notice that but when someone not the alpha ask for "shut up".
Woman are passive for nature so this is the best relationship she had.


Clairo doujins when?

stop acting like you don't love Clairo

Sage for viral marketing.

I take it as her basically inviting some dickback to objectify her. not that she wants that, but more as an anecdotal way of commenting on how shallow her relationships have been.

Ilya would tear you apart.

girls get too excited and start talking too much and try to act cool its annoying

She's sarcastically saying she'll fit her orbiters' expectations for her to smile, look pretty, and shut up to fit their weird idea of the perfect gf.

She was fully aware what kind of audience she'd attract with this video.

It's alright Claire. You've gotten your 2 million views. There's no need to over romanticize landfill lyrics.

Why does she look so different in the interview than she does in the video?



>being pretty
How can she realize that if she is not pretty at all? She is cute at most.

shes part of the tumblr ironic self-hatred thats baiting ppl into thinking they're pretty.

lol im s0 ugly pls compliment me user

is there some mandatory speech law for all americans under 30 that every fifth word has to be "like"

claire leave

>open video
>"so it was, like, the first, like, original, like, pop song i made, like"
>close video
dumb whore