It's too fucking hard, man. Money... Money, money...

It's too fucking hard, man. Money... Money, money, money! I was brought into this world and I'm checkmated into a life where I have to WORK to live. I'm sick of this... Sick of bills, bills, bills everywhere.
I'm going to take out several loans, spend money on whatever and then blow my fucking brains out. Fuck this world man.

Other urls found in this thread:

Don’t do it

thats how i would do it. max out credit cards and shit, kill some muslims, return home

Just "don't do it"? Why not though? This should be the standard man. You're gonna have to work your whole God damn live unless you're born into wealth, you're gonna get older and more susceptible to disease and such, staying alive leaves more possibilities of bullshit happening (which is far more frequent than good shit) and it's just fucked man

yo fam hop in, we all in the same boat dude.



at least you have a job, and depends where you live, you have a good quality life

I'm pos-graduated and did a certificate overseas last year, and now I'm living in a shit third world country and unemployed,

rofl , you could take loans , buy some nice guns and shoot up the banks instead

get creative

No, bro you don't get it. I STILL HAVE TO WORK in order to survive. Every week going to this place or another place, this work that work, all the way until I am an old fuck.

Banks are too heavily manned for my liking. If anything I'd just rob convenient stores one by one or something until I have enough money to fuck off somewhere, spend it on whatever and then off myself.

Just find a commune. You don't work for money, you work to live.

fucking millennials


No shit you fucking moron, welcome to the world you idiot. Wanna make it? Start working.

Find a female who isn't a THOT. This tends to alleviate some of those symptoms you got there.

7.5/10 would bleach

be a hero

Nah, man. Thing is, I don't HAVE to follow this fucking world. There are no rules to this thing. I'm going to buy a gun with the money I have left and rob people or stores.
THIS is the reason why people off themselves in the first place. Fucking money, man.
Bring me into this world and force me to follow your rules and all that, fuck this.

you can work in something that makes you happy, like sucking dicks for money

That sounds like my life.
Explain to me why I shouldn't kill myself

>oh yea, cause killing yourself is for pussies.
How about you focus on the good things.
1 you have a dick
2 you can masturbate
3 you can smoke weed.

Smoke a bowl, jerk off and play some Xbox. Stop being so extreme

lol what a baby. You think anyone else likes it? How about you move to fuckin’ bumfuck egypt and live off the land. There’s no money in that- just survival. What, you wanna be spoon fed and be like the richfags you despise so much?

Fuck it then. I say to you what Bartholomew Roberts said.

A merry life and a short one, have fun and die fast.

Buy a bow and arrows learn how to survive in the woods.
Ditch society.

No you FUCKING CUNT then the rest of us will have to deal with shittier loans and then well be fucked too. Why dont you just fucking drink half a gallon of bleach, and half a gallon of ammonia, and see what happens.

^ this
not everything is an HBO Drama OP, lighten the fuck up retard baby.
All I can hear is

But the skin tone makes it cuter

do it, shot someone, you´ll be famous

yeah, kinda both of these.

you need to find a job that you enjoy & wont bust your balls too hard. same goes for the female..

but if you cant, you cant.


hitler had two dicks, fuck you.

I don't despise the rich you dumb fuck, I'm just upset at the fact that they don't have to deal with this bullshit.
I'm not going to live off the land you mong.
Going to do as I said. Take out loans, maxed cards and then off myself.

yeah because it’s whiter than most niggers retard

Go out killing someone important so we all don’t have to be bored

I feel you user. It's always best to go out with a bang.

Just don't die a virgin

Learn how to play the system opie. There are things in place which allows one to become financially independent...Crypto, stock market, creating a business, etc

Kek. Public education folks, grow up and be a good little poor tax-payer!

You are right. We were born to pay taxes. Yet there are sweet moments that are worth living for. Like saving just a little bit of money and buying a nice meal. Small things like that make me happy. Try treating yourself with the thing you hate the most, maybe you wont hate it as much.

>Financial advise
>Recommends an obvious bubble

>I was brought into this world and I'm checkmated into a life where I have to WORK to live.

W O R K O R S T A R V E, T H A T ' S N O T A C H O I C E I T ' S A T H R E A T !!!

be me
havnt worked in years, i get money from government/benefits around £2000 a month and now im gonna start growing weed , i spent £700 today on loadsa growing gear

Its okay, only the strong can survive this world. Guess you are not one of us.

Go ahead and be a statistic. Less of you crying faggots the easier I sleep and the more money in our pockets, for we have taken your job.

Only in Europe. See Europe, this is why socialism is shitty.

Whats so bad about work? You know, there is a possibility that you could work and become rich, or at.least have enough investments to retire on.

Mark Twain almost offed himself , before he became successful.

You could literally start growing weed....easy 2-3k per plant.

Is it weird that I think of that quote a lot and you posting it made me feel less alone

Because people want hand outs user

This user has a solid point.

B-B-But user! Why would he jerk off when he can fuck a pussy?

Sounds like it's time to reconsider your choice of jobs.

Find something fulfilling. My job gives me a purpose in life, and something I can take pride in.

Darwinism at work - Nature kills off the weak.

Explain user....I work in entry customer service, shit is degrading.

>I have to WORK to live.

lmfao. With very, very few exceptions, yeah, you DO have to work to live. That's what makes the niggers so fucking mad.

You can always try to fake mental illness or some other disability, or maybe immigrate to a country that has a better welfare system than wherever you're at, but yeah, you have to fucking work at some point in your life, you miserable chickenshit faggot.

isn't that what most people do? all things considered.

your boss' dick isn't going to suck itself

Just going to point out that I am 98% European with 2% Gypsy and I plan on soiling my almost perfect genes by having sex with my Hispanic wife in missionary position purely for the sake of reproduction

>it's too hard
>why should I have to work to live?!
>what do you mean [explanation to my question]?!
>I'm gonna go kill myself because I'm a bitch
Dude come the fuck on. Nobody can stop you from making the choice you will, but I can tell that everyone WILL look down on you for killing yourself, even more than they would for you being a loser.
Want the truth? You're a bitch. A sad, weak little bitch, who's giving up because life is hard. Surprise surprise bitch: money buys shit and you didn't get the good fortune to be born rich. You have to work to make shit happen, and your time isn't worth fuck. You should be asking why you're not worth much, and what to do to fix it.
I lost my fucking wife yesterday and I don't cry. I fucking got up, finished processing in to the Marines, and put on my pants like an adult. If someone as worthless as my ass is worth living and living well, you bet even your bitch ass is tolerable.
So grow the fuck up and get rich if you want to be rich, man-child. No bump for your crybaby ass.

>I lost my fucking wife yesterday and I don't cry. I fucking got up, finished processing in to the Marines, and put on my pants like an adult.

lmfao, yeah, right, faggot.

Alright guys. You went pretty hard and upon reflection I'm critically thinking about a different job, one that makes me want to do it and get paid for it.
Just need to suck it the fuck up and do what I need to do in order to get what I want. Thank you all.

huge clean-smelling farts

followed by horrible death

and im gona be growing 3-4 at a time

Been living this dream for a whilenow OP
Currently 8k in CC debt and I still have like 15k left before maxing out
Not even thinking about looking back, im riding this torpedo till it blows
Feels fucking great tbh

Alright, look user, I'm about to do you a fucking favor. Its the only one you'll ever get from me and that much I can promise. Take it or leave it, but it would imbecilic not to heed my words. You're obviously no older than 30, inb4 millennial faggot... It's already implied. Our generation has no fucking gumption or problem solving skills whatsoever. And directly being born into a single white mother family I can honestly tell you, your success is up to you. I've been shot stabbed jumped beaten raped homeless hopeless hapless miserable hungry and tired over 70 percent of my life and I still have a dream and a goal in mind. It's never the obstacle in front of you it is the destination or goal at the end. Get another job, suck it the fuck up and learn the system to suit your priorities and fuck everyone else. Focus on you and only you. Make money fuck bitches eventually quite literally. Keep your goddamn head on straight and out of your ass and keep it down. Keep moving toward, invest in yourself emotionally and financially then party your fucking nuts off in your late 40s and have bitches eat fruit off your balls. Godspeed user

Don't kill yourself the government needs you to pay taxes

Just do it. Life is just an endless korean grindfest. No fun to be had.

>I don't HAVE to
Well the consequences of not are death or jail, so there ya go. You do if you want to live free.

fuck bills and fuck money then. you don't owe anything to anyone in this life


Its not 2008 anymore idiot

This. BERNIE 2020

Technically you can grow 6 at a time. Depending on your state, and local laws :/

>Is over 30
>still has dreams

You read that incorrectly, I never said I was 30. I'm 26.

Hope dies last,user

yep... just try to be on tv when you ventilate your brain box. Or in a play ground surounded by toddlers.

Until your crop dies because you've got no idea how to grow and can't sustain a living when you cannot into a full continuous crop rotation indefinitely. Enjoy being poor.

this is funny, i've been thinking about suicide for quite some time. funny
funny feeling is funny, is a little funny something funny, not quite right uncanny even

Yeah right you said NOT older than 30.
Well guess I should really go to sleep already before my brain completly stops working

im with you op
work fucking sucks, life gets bad real quick waking up early and wage slaving
good thing i have a passion to follow and live for :D

Nah you's good most of that shit was run on anyway. Sleep well sweet prince. Milf for inspired dreams

Fukin edgy teens

>shit in the background

fucking edgy trhead but that's a quality pic user, saved

Clearly HIspanic

Politicians NEED a payrise is about EQUALITY. Don’t KYS politicians NEED your taxes for their THIRD HOUSE.

What are you a rethuglican? Pay taxes more now!

Damn this is the kinda thread I needed to see.
I've been having such a shitty time at my work place it's becoming too much to handle. Just got to barely pay rent and Im completely broke til next week when theres another bill to pay to leave me moneyless until god knows when. But Im still here. Trying to live, so dont give up man, we all have shit to deal with :)

>Film all of your shenanigans
>Post to YouTube
>Name something like "Enjoying Life before Suicide"
>Pay off debt

>Mad because capitalism
>Implying anyone is gonna give you a loan anyway
>Using money you hate to buy gun that cost money to make and to pay out for others to build
You're right you are fucking retard so no big loss here but just use an exit bag, at least you don't go out a hypocrite too.

the absolute state of commies

Do you happen to be black OP?

t. about to get even more butthurt no-coiner


I've thought of something similar to this nearly every minute of every day. I was going to cut my GPS tether off and steal a car. travel the country side and rob houses/cars whatever for pills/money/etc.. Pay for sleazy hotels and get trashed constantly, eventually the police will catch me. That's when I shoot myself. How long yall think I can make it for and any tips?

You're an idiot that missed the point.

The point is to some it's not WORTH it.

Living just to WORK is okay for you, not for everyone. I personally don't want to be a wage slave.

Working doesn't bother me personally, it's the idea of how I feel taken advantage of. This society SHITS on its citizens.

Everything is about making profit. Education, material goods, entertainment, etc.

That's another thing. Most of school is horseshit designed to rob you of your time. What do I mean? I mean pointless as fuck GENERAL ED CLASSES. What a waste of tax payer money (and YOUR money if you go to college). It's a load of bullshit. Bachelors should only be 2 years (51 units = just general eds. Someone could have fucking done a 2 year nursing degree in that time. Waaaaay more useful. The one in my cc is like 41ish units for the nursing classes). Seriously, FUCK the school system for not preparing you for the working world early in life. Just useless inapplicable general eds. Retarded waste of tax payer money.

It's all greedy.

everything good needs something that is bad to actually be good. Working sucks, but many times the people you work with makes it tolerable. And we work so that we can enjoy peaceful weekends with people you care about or spend time reading, playing games or whatever
Its part of life mate.

plus, if you get loans somebody close to you, besides your loss, will have to deal with the money you spent

read "The Conspiracy Against the Human Race" by Thomas Ligotti, OP
you will enjoy it immensely

Im not OP but I'll see a description of it to see if i would like it but i don't really have time for myself for the most part.

move to Benin


>It's all greedy
No it's called competition nigger, you aren't the ONLY person trying to get ahead in a world where resources are all but completely finite. If you're too weak to fight for your piece of the pie, you don't deserve it anyway. You're more than welcome to off yourself, just go to a goddamn shooting range, take a gun from someone and wreck yourself. No money even necessary.

The only person you have time for is yourself, and the only thing you really have is time
Sooner you realize this, the better
Read the book, stop making excuses for your anger, stop being afraid of the things you know to be true

user NO.




I was there. Now im retire at 35


Don't do it OP

Oh boy, a bitcoin babby here to tell us how great his life is
Fuck off fagot