Sup Sup Forumsros I fucking hate myself

Sup Sup Forumsros I fucking hate myself.
I really want to end it all.

What is the most painless way to commit suicide?
I will even livestream that shit

Also I have no room for any sympathy so keep that shit somewhere else.

Other urls found in this thread:

old car (pre 1976 I think) in closed garage. take sleeping pills and turn on car.

chainsaw off your dick real quick while looking at porn

your cock needs so much bloodflow that you'll bleed to death in a minute, usually pass out from low blood pressure in just a few seconds

National suicide day is coming since most here have grill problems we should all an hero on valentines. OP are you wanting to an hero because you have a small penis and have no grill to keep you warm at night?

OP here I might as well as tell why I want to die.

I feel like my life has lost its direction.
People like me but i feel like its all just fake.
I have no true friends
I dont care about love.
I feel like I have nothing to live for.

Interesting but I dont own any cars

Suicide by cop
Drug overdose (do something that knocks you out then take a lethal dose of whatever right before your lights are out)
Shotgun to the head
Head on a train track
Neck yourself

Inject a syringe full of air into your wrist op


dont jump

livestream top 10 parkour fails

Cut your fucking oily hair, its clouding your judgement
Shave it off you will feel brand new

OP If you've totally lose hope then do what you gotta do.
But if you wanna talk you can hmu on discord. Won't talk you out of it. Just talking ya know.

I hate myself too, OP. You're not alone.

That being said, I could give a fuck if you wanna off yourself. I truly from the bottom of my heart do not care. End of the day, life sucks and we ALL DIE sooner or later. Some sooner than others. But death is unavoidable. We're all just waiting around to die anyway. So if you or anyone else kills themselves? You're just hurrying the inevitable along. So either way? You die. Makes me no fucking difference. That's pretty much all I have to say... so... seeya and go fuck yourself.


Please reconsider.

No one cares.

OP you need to see this first.


lulz, if you jump from that height you are going to be in serious pain for a loong time and its very possible you won't die.

Look, I don't give a shit, I'm not about to give you sympathy, I think you are a fucking piece of shit selfish asshole. But REMEMBER you are young, I was young, I hated myself, I thought there was no way out, everything would continue to be shit until the day I died, but with proper skills and knowledge, I now know how to get myself out of that, you are young and don't realize that just because things are shit now and you hate yourself, you will likely one day love the way things and be alright with yourself.

Anyway, Good luck dying like a pathetic loser. I hope you don't have family, asshole.

Death by Helium

Bullet to the head

>What is the most painless way to commit suicide?

simple. just stick your head in an oven and turn the gas on. it takes about ten minutes or for however long until you breath in enough gas to fill up your lungs, then you fall asleep and never wake up. Was popular in the 20s and 30s during the great depression for traders who lost everything in the market crash. The bitter irony was that many of them couldnt even gas themselves because they could not afford to pay the electricity bill.

Also was a popular technique during ww2


Kill yourself you fucking zipperhead.

Top 10 anime deaths

Google helium mask. Stop wasting our fucking time and get on with it fagget

He's asking for a way to do it, your comment is irrelevant you fucking zipperhead.

Bruh just go to thailand and fuck mad bitches for like $5 and do crazy shit. If you end up dying that way, ayyy good shit

yh we all lost our way... do something crazy.,rob a bank...slap a cop.

I'm not a gook you fucking nigger.

Shit homie you right ayy nigga on some real shit yall pussy ass just need some pussy

For real he should get a bag of ice and just die in some pussy.

show us a pic of your dick


Livestream suicide? That's what brought me to Sup Forums in first place

Dont call me a fucking nigger you fucking peckerwood

Women keep becoming obsessed with me, I find myself becoming more afraid to socialized because of this shit.
I have been prescribed anti-anxiety medication because the mental toll , I actually started having panic attacks
I don't want to kill myself, so fuck you OP, chicken shit asshole

you guise are both racist fgts. NiggerPeckerwoodPigFuckers.

I'm racist


Don't do it sell drugs

Hey fuck you bitch, hop your ass away with those short ass legs you fucking beaner.

>being such a fucking pussy that you decide to end it all
how's it feel being too afraid to live
there are 8 year old girls braver than you, faggot

FUCK YOU, NIGGER!! I will call you a nigger if I want to. Or would you prefer Jiggboo? Junglebunny? Tarpatch? Porchmonkey?

On the real, from one OG Sup Forumsro

Get real drunk and swim out to sea at night.

I think I'm dying. I feel the fucking tumors growing on my brain, it feels like my brain is suffocating. Heading to the doctors soon to get it checked out. Wish we could trade places, man.

Just cut your arms and take a warm bath as you over dose. It doesn't hurt too much when you cut

I'm gonna hop on your moms pussy and create me an anchor baby pussy ass crakkka

I prefer banana muncher

Have you done shrooms yet? Trust me, I’m a depressed faggot who hates himself and wonder why anybody would be friends with me. I did shrooms 3 weeks ago, 5gm, I had the best most enlightening experience in my entire life.

It gave me direction, im back in classes taking it seriously this time and see magic in the world. Im a former alcoholic who’s sober now and never done any other drugs on my life. that one moment changed me life. Postpone suicide, max out a few credit cards, go traveling, fuck a hooker in Europe, take shrooms after a self guided meditation video on YouTube to put you in a good mindset. If you still wanna die go for it

Who tf is the other person in that vid lol

Why worry about pain? You’re going to die, just think of the pain as your last moments of life. You’ll know you’re dead when you can’t feel anymore.

Lmao i wish i knew the story

OP is too much of a pussy just leave now while you still can

Look OP.
I don't know what drove you this direction, but I would like ask a few questions of you.
What have you always wanted to do, but couldn't for fear or etc.
now is a good a time as any to fulfill any desire you have, just read the pic I posted.

The second question is What is stopping you now?
you are at death's door. why not go out like a fucking champ? You probably came into this world screaming why not cause havoc before you disappear, make yourself memorable.

Try going outside? Because everyday you walk out that door could be your lucky day.

emotional terrorism. That's some self centered bullshit to grow out of.

paypal me all of your money and I'll tell you how to end it all painlessly. You aren't going to need money, and I do. reply and I'll send you my paypal.

Lol are you really trying to get money out of this user?

Suicide by cop isn't gr8 m8. Really fucks up the cop(s) that pulled the trigger. Jumping from a building is better.

Do you really sanna feed into the Asian stereotype? You wanna be remembered as the japanese guy the rest of your death?

You have glasses which means you're smarter then me.

Don't waste your organs! Hang on

fuck yes gimmie

check into a psych ward
keep firing your psychiatrist and/or therapist until you get one that provides a glimmer of authenticity and hope.... not a lot, cause that's not their job, that's your job once you man up and deal with your shit...cause that is what this is about, being an emotional manlet

don't kill yourself. better yourself