
>beautiful, perfect wife
>two amazing children
>big house on the coastline
>higher up partner of a large energy organization with a secure position for decades to come
>I have everything a man could ever hope for and more

Yet I still find myself coming here far too often, wanting to end it all every night that goes by. Why is it like that, Sup Forums? I'm happy. Why do I want it to stop? I don't get it.

are you sure you are really happy ?

you may just be saying that to yourself.
as a kind of well , comfort. perchance anyways.

I don't really see why I wouldn't be. I feel like I have everything I want and need.

hmmmm , well my advice to you is well find some music you love to listen to and put on all of the kind of music that makes you sand , happy , excited ,etc go through all of those emotions. and take a big ol long walk to anywhere , the destination dont matter as long as you reflect upon your self , thats what i did many of times , it can help alot to just think and meditate to yourself

and sometimes what we think we want is not what we really want , i know its easier said than done but , it kinda holds true , unfortunately. you just need time to focus on you , and i mean like actually take time to sift through your mind while you aimlessly walk or sit under your porch roof watching the rain fall

do some traveling

it will put things in perspective for you

+1 go visit a place you never have before, but take heed do not forsake the things you hold dear just because you gain a newfound perspective (dont loose your family keep em close and dont let your choices fuck up your family for your sake and theres)

You're probably bored, and if you think you have problems and then say things like "I'm happy and have everything a man could want/need" that's denial of circumstance, as well as a relatively weak statement because all people are different, society's perception of the desires of the average man don't apply to everyone equally or even at all in some cases, and you regularly browse 4 Chan so it's safe to assume that you're pretty far from that arbitrarily conceived "man" anyway.

Sounds like you did everything you were told you needed to do instead of anything you wanted to do

Are you me?? If you say you live in North Carolina then you are exactly me with the same life and same feelings looking at the same post and we should be friends.

Trips confirmed.
Was going to say something similar... less eloquently as well. GG

where are your friends in all this shit?

There is a void somewhere. Something you wished to do as a young person or perhaps right out of high school or college that you wanted. Some goal that you felt as if you'd find enlightenment or simple accomplishment in doing it. Whether it be as simple as writing your own book, scaling a mountain, having a gangbang with a dozen beautiful women or men. It hasn't been complete. Now you are middle-aged, halfway through the average life expectancy of a human and if your goal has not been accomplished you'll feel that void growing larger until you realize you're now an old man. Perhaps too weak or without enough energy to muster yourself out of bed.
look back at the things you aspired for as a child, as a young person, find what you didn't accomplish and at the very least make an effort to do those things again.

Smoke cannabis pussy.

I (31,baby,plain wife, 2dogs) have also grappled with loving my life but kinda hating it too.
I find I love the family and that what I hate are my own weaknesses and shortcomings
If you are like that, i suggest finding a few drugs or spiritual practices as tools to cope with the work of making what you love work out.

People cannot be ever satisfied. Anyone remember playing video games and getting to the endgame when you have everything maxed out and gear? That is the part that gets boring the fastest

>the stories and information posted here are AUTISTIC works of fiction and falsehood.
>only a fool would take anything posted here as a fact
Fuck off or kill yourself.

I live in western Norway.

All of my friends are sort of long gone, for the most part. I've never been a very social person, so I don't get out much aside from family or work.

Bored, yeah... That does sound right. Maybe a bit of travelling really isn't a bad idea at all.

As a kid I wanted to work on an oil platform when I grew up. That's all I really remember from that time, heh. I never had a remarkable childhood.

Yeah, yeah.

OK, you are NOT happy. I'll tell you why. You were raised as a fucking consumer sheep, slave. YO were brainwashed into believing what you wanted. House, cars, kids, job, ect... so... you went and got those things, and followed those dreams. You never used critical thinking skills, to find out what you really wanted for yourself, or who you really are. HOWEVER, now your subconscious is waking up bc you have had it easy for too long and you realize this life is not fulfilling who you truly are. You are a consumer bred, sheep fag, with all of the sheep, zombie fag toys and lifestyle. Now, you have to wake up completely and be who you really want to be. Then you will be happy.

That's some red-pill shit right there. It makes sense. It'd be better if I actually did something, rather than complain about the things I'm not doing.

it's only boring if you don't put any of it to use, I'm 23 life is going absolutely nowhere, no money, just constantly struggling day in and day out to make it by. I'd give anything to switch places with OP and be well set in life. When you get to the end the next thing is to help others make it that's what keeps it fresh.

Money literally satisfy everything you could ever want. Only poorfags with nothing to lose think being rich won't make you happy. Every problem I ever have would be solved if I had even just 1 million dollars. You can retire on 1 million dollars. You can take a 10 year hiatus on life on even a 100k a year payout (assuming 1m has been rewarded or earned to you after taxes have been paid on it).

Well I know what I’m making my gf wear

are you a creative person? It seems like people who are creative need an outlet or else they can feel empty. I experience this, maybe you do too. It's a pretty random idea, but I thought I'd ask anyway

fucking this. 90% of my misery is from not having enough of this paper bullshit called money. Richfags are just dumbasses who don't know what they have. Legit if I made at least 40k a year I could live happily.

Charity and philanthropy, huh.. You know, right now I'm sitting on a bank account big enough to get another house, and I've no idea what I'm supposed to do with it. We've had many talks, not even discussions and far, far from arguments, but all we ever end up at is "just think of it as back-up if something happens". That can't honestly be the only thing seven digits in kroner (about 8 kroner in a US dollar) is good for, right? Then, if I don't know what to do with something, others probably have a better use for it than me.

I'm not even remotely creative. I can whistle up a catchy original tune but that's about it.

I'm not saying I would take your money because that would be shitty but you can find uses to give back to the community to help build better rapport and do something good, could I use big money, yes it would help my life, but I'm sure there are bigger things you could contribute to to help fill your void.

No shit. Fishnet is amazing on thicc girls. Buy I can't say why

Take some espresso to relieve the depresso

well you can knock creativity off the list then... how old are you? perhaps going through midlife crisis. sounds like you work a lot, maybe you need to dedicate more time to leisure and go on holidays etc. the answer might be as simple as that. you don't seem like a person who has consistently dealt with being depressed their whole life because you seem to be pretty successful, and if that was the case surely you would have somewhat figured out the problem by now. maybe that's wrong, I dunno

This. And are you close with anyone. Like your wife, kids and good friends. Or did you just drone through everyday to get these things and then wonder why your life feels empty.

Here's the thing, fag.
Your heart isn't acting right, you go to a cardiologist.
Your arm or leg is fucked up, you're probably going to see an orthopaedic doctor.
You're having thoughts or feelings that don't line up as they should with external stimuli?


I'm seeing a lot of good posts here. It was already mentioned. But I have to ask again cause it could be me one day or any of us. Did you just do what you had to do just provide this life for you and your family and you forgot what made you, you. What do you want. I get the routine, autopilot through just to pay the bills. Cause money is comfort. Are you close with your family, any good friends. Or have you just been a provider for too long.

Ok so basically you have a perfect life but yet you're unhappy? Ok so first of all fuck off. Everybody here would kill for the life you have. You don't get to come here and look for a pity party when 99.9% of the people on this site can barely make ends meet. Go cry into your millions of dollars and fly in your private jet with your perfect wife and fuck off. If I were as rich as you I damn sure wouldn't complain about it you asshole. Fuck off.

You're young. I'm not so much everyone feels like you do. Enjoy your youth, I miss it. But realize you will figure it all out and the problems you have now are only lessons you need to learn. I miss my 20s only for the energy and excitement for life otherwise I like being 35 very little depression and anxiety

I guess my man but this shit sucks climbing uphill for so long gets tiring when you see no end in sight and everything just keeps knocking you further down the mountain

You picked a career and life that doesn't fulfill you. That's why you're not happy. It's not that there's anything wrong with the life you have, it just isn't the right one for you.

I can't say I was ever well off, but I had an OK job and was making decent money. Didn't make me happy so I didn't save anything. I realized the lifestyle just wasn't working for me and I decided to change it, so I switched career fields and found something that I enjoy doing, enough that I decided to go pursue a phd in it. Being 35 and back in school for a graduate degree living in borderline poverty sucks in many ways, but I can say I'm no longer depressed or bored with my life.

But who knows, I might be happy if I had a bunch of money and a decent family too.

You need a few good LSD and/or mushroom trips my friend. They helped me out immensely

That's life at your age though. Care to elaborate. I can't really comment meaningfully without knowing at least a little more.

>graduated college decent GPA 3.12 BS in Biology
>sleep on buddies couch for 5 months working shitty job after shitty job trying to get into something in my field
>no luck
>also going through a huge depression swing because of hopelessness and bunch of other emotional happenings i.e still in love with ex, poor, shitty living. among other things
>dad asks if I want to move to Florida with him
>yes fresh start plus more biology opportunities
>continue cycle again but this time with zero friends or anybody. GF lives back where I used to be.
>worked 4 jobs last year couldn't find anything applied to at least 100 places.
>currently stuck in dead end job get paid next to nothing barely living.
>joining military because it's my literal only way out.
And that's about it I didn't go into a lot of detail but after graduating I had it set up that my life would be easier but instead I'm just constantly being kicked in the ribs whether it's trying to get over my ex or realizing I'm a failure in life. I wake up miserable I go to sleep miserable. I'm praying the military saves me and I can finally relax and be decently happy but I have a feeling thanks to past experiences it's all gonna go wrong and I'm just gonna end up pulling the trigger.

TL;DR I'm a huge failure after multiple deadend jobs and life just keeps spitting in my face.

I wanted a bs in biology. Don't know why, I was a bit of a hippie when I was younger. Your not a failure just young. Don't worry about your ex she's an ex for a reason. A reason not really worth worrying about. Either she had other plans in her own life or she didn't get it out of you what she wanted which isn't a bad thing, maybe just something to improve upon yourself for the next lady in your life that comes along. A degree in bio, sorry I can't really help there. It's certainly something to be proud of. But job aspects are limited. What do you want for a job? And don't despair you aren't in the minority, but the majority people your age feel the same way. Hell people older then you feel the same way. It doesn't sound like you've made any real stupid mistakes in your life. And you need to remember you are better off then billions of people right now. You're fine I was worse off at your age. But what ever depression or anxiety your feeling is normal. I felt it, everyone I've know felt it. Just know it means you haven't given up. You'll find your place. Working shit jobs and sleeping on a buddy's couch at your age isn't anything to be ashamed of. Your basically still a kid. With a bs and no real fuck ups. I need to go to bed. Play some cod or whatever. Quit boo woo about shit unless you got anything else. Your fine. Just try and narrow down what you can do with a bio degree of that is your passion. You may need to go back to school enhance that though

thanks man,sometimes it's just good to hear I'm not alone. Since everyone likes to put on the "I've got my life together" mask makes me feel inferior. I mean I've got a plan after the military I go to basic end of March. but again thank you kind user. Hopefully one day I can look back and laugh at all the misery I have today.

I really hope you don't see your life as misery. You're still young figuring shit out and at least have a degree even if it is a challenging one lol. Your young enough to see joining the military as an option which I don't touch on. I'm a vet. There's nothing wrong with the military but don't see it as your only hope is you do. Don't join. You already are better then most of them. Still not sure how you can't find an ok job. They're pretty plentiful right now. But yeah think hard about that military. Don't think you need to prove anything. If anything you'll probably feel more trapped.

I'm not sure either I've fixed my resume and CL extensively but it still didn't get me an interviews or anything so it's probably still shit. Yeah I don't believe I need to prove anything with joining I just see it as a stable and structured lifestyle. And personally just feel as if I need that right now. I chose a job that has a lot of outside world job opportunities so if I did want to get out after my contract expires I can and hopefully have better chances of finding something. As for the misery that's unfortunately how I feel constantly feeling defeated and rejected takes it's toll and with no supporting friends I am just kind of alone. Not to sound like some whiny kid these are just my feelings and experiences. That's why I said I can hopefully one day look back and laugh or at least smile knowing I made something of myself.
Side note it's badass you're a vet I used to work in a clinic.

Get your testosterone levels checked. If they're below 400, hop on test. Go to either an endocrinologist or male wellness clinic, since general practitioners usually don't prescribe trt.

K I really need to go to bed. Hope your military career goes well. This place has to many edgelords wont get you far in the real world or the military. It'll provide a stable paycheck. Too tired to say much else. Just be humble. Yes sir, no sir. Basic is hell but remember after it's just a regular job after. It's just used to weed out the people that can't be respectful or handle a little stress. Which most of the people in this site would fail at. Best of luck

thanks you again bro have a goodnight I appreciate the kind words.