Why do these three simple words offend white people so much? It stings them. Whites can't bring themselves to even say the words (unless they're disparaging it or scoffing at it). Why is that? Their inability to speak the words speaks volumes of their diseased hearts and minds. In their hearts it is untrue. Black lives don't matter to them.

This is exactly why we need BLACK LIVES MATTER.

Because we don't fucking matter to white people. We're just a bunch of fucking niggers.

Other urls found in this thread:



Why does all lives matter piss black people off?

Because they dont matter. Niggers murder each other at insane rates and then, like with everything, blame white men who are busy paying everyones taxes

I'm not saying black lives don't matter, just that they mattered more before the 13th Amendment.


No they don't

you just turned this thread into shitty stand up comedy


>We're just a bunch of fucking niggers.

Exactly. Niggers don't contribute to society.


based salad, literally racebaiting with his fake "social experiments"

joey salads fakes videos


>(unless they're disparaging it or scoffing at it)
In what other contexts does blm come up? Reporting crime? Like sitting around the watercooler discussing that black lives matter leader that was murdered by coons this week?


Caption doesn't seem accurate on that picture. I get what it's trying to say, but it doesn't sound accurate the way it's worded.


People aren't bothered by blm. They don't think about blm unless somebody gets killed and you burn down half a city. What makes people uncomfortable is being reminded that niggers exist. Like an unpleasant smell that lingers. No one likes niggers, not even niggers.

Bruh,,,, and white people really wonder why the world hates them

Fuck the world. It'll keep turning if we stop sending it money and close our borders. The greatest enemy of white people is other white people. They are too compassionate and are selling out the future of their children by bending over backwards to appease trash.

Bruh,,,, and black people really wonder why the world hates them

Whites made the world

If we didn’t fuck you idiots over in Africa you would still be killing each other with spears and eating each other.

Might be something to do with this. We was wakanda n shit



stop acting like niggers then you dumb nigger

Meme aside, it's true that black people were kings. Just look at the resemblance between king Tut's face and this black individual. It's an irrefutable fact that blacks were kings, so how about you show some fucking respect and quit your autistic meme of this Kang shit.

threads like this are just a circle jerk

fact is, no amount of internet crusading will cause niggers to leap up to normal i.q. and normal social standards. they will remain parasites.

read as "dating each other" and literally took me a moment to figure out what the issue was. Definitely time for an eye exam.

>that's why.

Saying black lives matter is excluding:
>Asian lives
>Indian lives
>Russian lives
>Australian Aboriginal lives
>Native American lives
>Mexican lives
>Colombian lives
>Scandinavian lives
>Brazilian lives
>Greek lives
>Middle Eastern lives
>Pacific Islander lives
>Inuit lives

And many more. Not just
>White lives.

Stop the hate.

Honestly, it's like saying "Flea Lives matter"

Sure of fucking course they matter. But saying that is absolutely fucking absurd.

Black Lies Matter

Why are you preaching on Sup Forums? Makes no sense. Like going to a satanic church reading the old testament.

Well thank god for the white man's ak47 and animal agriculture. Now they can kill each other much faster, breed to make up the numbers, and burn down the rain forest to acceleration desertification of the sahara and pollute our air for future generations.


Allow me to ask you this OP, or any other minority in this thread, what if I say "All lives matter"? How does that make you feel?

das rasis

muh yeers of opreshun

Nigger stings you darkies more BLM stings me. Get rekt faggot.

yes you don't matter and we don't care. you haven't mattered for a bout 10,000yrs and the world would be a better place without you.

i know the truth hurts but life sucks (but it would suck less without niggers around).

Quit lying OP, there aren't any black people on Sup Forums

well we know you are white because of the vocabulary you used.

It's not the words, it's the undeniable hypocrisy of the movement.

Much like the movement itself OP didn't do their homework before presenting.

the sign is right, you know? when is murder a solution for robbery?


>We're just a bunch of fucking niggers
Well said

There's no current American law that dishes out the death penalty for robbery.

Could you at least TRY not to be a giant cunt?

I can't spot the difference.

Nothing matters, nigger


Not only does your pic fail in getting its point across, but i never said all lives matter, i said black lives dont, you need to start using your own arguments and ideas outside the classroom if you want to get points across.

Statistically, black lives matter significantly less than white ones.


Seems to stop the robbery..

They are also, objectively, worth less. In fact, they average negative net economic gain, as there are so many of them on public assistance that the few that make legal money don't even outweigh their drain on the economy.

Literally niggers have negative average worth

This got to be fake


Can I get the title of that book?

We wasn't kangs n sheit?

the last two words of your sentence did not change the meaning whatsoever

>Why do these three simple words offend white people so much?

The answer is simple, "range (or a lack thereof)".

BLM first started out in small pre-dominatly black communities, where even I'd agree that black people got a bad rap when it comes to their relationship with law enforcement. As cop just go ahead an shoot black people, without proper procedures, usually because of racial profiling, and typical racism.

Between 'that' black community, and the next black community. They realized they weren't alone in this struggle. So the organization turned into a movement across the country.

...then the movement got so big it starts to rival other non-black communities, other communities that have their own set of problems against the established order and government. It proves that black people aren't the only ones that get the short end of the stick.

BLM got too big, then realized they don't matter as much as they hoped. So their 'message' became less about victims of careless police shootings, and more about self-entitlement. Thinking they deserve more than the average American deserves.

Black lives 'do' matter, ....but so does everyone else's too.

But BLM doesn't like that, so they're just going to keep pushing the entitlement angle, "black-rage", rap song about what's owed to them, forced diversity in media, "Black Panther movie coming this month", Iron Man is a black woman now,......nope, fuck the few black people who died by cop; we must have "Black-ish" win Emmys because BLACK LIVES MATTER.

blacks kill each other at a drastically higher rate than any other race kills blacks.

Get blacks to agree they matter to each other and then we'll talk, race baiter.

Black gdp is not the best metric to measure a persons worth. There are many intangible factors that are taken for granted. As such we should instead go by the average settlement in a wrongful death suit. It takes their contribution, future earnings, and social connectedness all into account. As such it is on average almost a fifth of a white person of the same age.

Why does all lives matter get black people so triggered
I believe all lives matter
Race shouldnt be trigger points look inside and see we are all the same
Peace and love is the message i spread everyday

I'm white and I'm not offended by words. I am offended by actions. Especially when the actions are diametrically opposed to the words that are spoken.

BLM doesn't want to raise black people up, they want to bring white people low. That is not the path towards lasting equality and that is not true justice.

I wish that I could live in a world where there was no difference between me and a black person. BLM ensures that there will always be that difference, and it also ensures that the vicious cycle continues.

We need to break the cycle, not strengthen it.


I believe black lives do matter. The part that bothers me is that people use the phrase "black lives matter" is associated with a movement (BLM) which preaches a lot more than just that specific message. The idea that I don't think black lives matter unless I am a "Black Lives Matter" supporter is bullshit and needs to stop. The BLM movement is racist, violent, and harmful overall from a equality and humanitarian perspective.

If it was "Black Lives Matter Too" it would have went over much better with the public. But no, apparently the people who come up with these names have the sociology skills of a 3rd grader.

fuck niggers

They're niggers dude, what do you expect.


black lives dont matter tho

My problem is it's not specific enough to the problem. The problem isn't that people think black lives don't matter, the problem is police in America shooting people and getting away with it.


So "Black Lives Matter" are not as you put three simple words. Its a political movement. It's like asking a Jew why the words national socialism offend them so much as they're only words.
The political movement BLM was formed in response to supposed systematic racism and racial disparity in within the criminal justice system. I do not believe that these have any basis in fact.
Statistically whites are more likely to murdered by police and the reason blacks are over represented within the criminal justice system is because the commit more crime due to their lower average IQ and higher levels of testosterone

If BLM really cared about black lives they would campaign against the high levels of black on black homicide, the high rates of crime being committed within the black communities rather than blaming whitey.


..... Yes, of course they do. They matter :
to themselves, and to their families and their friends,

..... and they SHOULD matter to everybody else in the world:

..... We are talking about people who only really differ from ourselves in their skin complexion.

> "... Why do these three simple words offend white people so much ? ..." ;

I'm white, and those three words will never, EVER offend ME ( because they are true ) .


These 5 should offend you either

>..... We are talking about people who only really differ from ourselves in their skin complexion.
That's not really true. There are other differences such as facial structure and brain size/neuron arrangement.




>We are talking about people who only really differ from ourselves in their skin complexion

You do understand that that is false, right? The very fundamental issue with blacks has nothing to do with their skin, it's their brain development. They don't have the same number of neuronal density, and the neurons they have can only accommodate a fraction of the number of connections.

The skin is nothing but a genetic marker, like the nose, the lips, the hair, and every other observable feature, but what's really at issue here is their subhuman minds.

Hey bud im not sure if you know but the lie that black lives ACTUALLY matter is just socialist propaganda. Go pick some cotton and stop complaining.


no they are not protesting that you complete fuckibng degenartae

they are protesting the honkeys that enslaved them

they are protesting the honkeys that whipped every African American

they are protesting for every tear there ancestors shed

they are protesting because you dumb ass honkeys try to make the world forget of what you did to us in the past

they are protesting because what ever the white man says we wont stand down


I'm living in the present day reality. With Affirmitive Action.
I'm under no obligation to pretend its the 1890's seek help for your delusions.

>they are protesting the honkeys that enslaved them
Those people are all dead now. People who are alive now are not responsible for their actions.

>They are protested the honkeys that whipped every African American
Those people are all dead now. People who are alive now are not responsible for their actions.

>they are protesting for every tear there ancestors shed
So you are saying they are mad about something that did not and will not ever effect them directly. Something which has been over since before the current generation of humans?

>they are protesting because you dumb ass honkeys try to make the world forget of what you did to us in the past
It's taught as part of our history in schools. Nobody is trying to make the world forget. However, there is no sense in trying to punish anyone from the current generation of people as none of them comitted the crime.

>they are protesting because what ever the white man says we wont stand down
So protesting for the sake of protesting.

so, in other words, it's just an emotional uproar based on literally nothing but fantasy.

you live off a shitty piece of paper by the founding fathers you dumb bitch.

stop living in the past

The concept of BLM asks people to make uncomfortable realizations about the world around them, a world that they've become comfortable with. Cognitive dissonance takes over from there.

That piece of paper gives you the right to vote. I'd be more than happy to see that amendment repealed, now that you mention it.

Niggers with empathy. Kek
That's a good one!

It's a racist movement created by racists.

Muslim Brotherhood much?
Stay mad nigger

I disagree, but that's fine. Just throwing it out there. Arguing over this on this shithole website is fucking retarded. I'm just here for the tits

When you are confident in who you are as a person, words do not bother you. Words like "honky", for example. It does not bother white people. Actually, it makes us laugh. But call a black person "nigger"............

>so they draw a chink with slanty eyes

It doesnt.

Its a stupid slogan created by a bunch of leftist retards. All lives matter and are judged on our actions. MOST blacks act like trash.

Pick one!
Muh feeling about slavery
Stop living in the past

Try harder.

Castle doctrine in Texas allow me to shoot you if you getting my house . I do not need to interview you what your intentions are > robbery ,rape, murder ... it is same for me