Why you can't hate jews in post-modern society?

Why you can't hate jews in post-modern society?

Because Jews are human and hating any group of humans is irrational because even if on the whole they aren't that great there are certainly exceptions to that as well as many decent people.

The world's a big place with many complicated individuals.

Painting with a broad brush is the plebeian way of oversimplifying something that isn't really that simple, because it hurts your brain too much to think about individual people as exceptions to a rule, or outliers.

You can. Everyone’s free to hate anyone else for any reason at all. You just have to deal with the fallout from it.

>can't hate jews
Have you ever been to Sup Forums

You can hate Jews. You just can’t make people agree with you.


fuck that shit, humans are not nearly as complex as they imagine. biological machinery with two goals: survival and reproduction. Any abstract or sophisticated concepts we invent are to facilitate those two goals. Our hubris and ego trick us into thinking we are "deep and complex".


I can't count the number ways you are wrong


I've been here long enough and i know we have a bunch of zionist and redditors sucking off hebes as well, just like any other place on the internet.

.all these reddit spacing
>inb4 is easier to read
go read a book faggot.

You can, aslong as you are not white

because (((they))) actually rule the world (finance, entertainment, porn, pharma, petrol, diamonds, whatever)

You can. And it is a good idea to act on that hate to remove the Jew and the kebab. Fucking Kikes need to be erased from this planet.

ad hominem


Non jew here.
Still I can't get it.
Jews are non-violent, hard workers, win all Nobels, good neigbours, some of them are a bit full of themselves, ok ...
Muslims are pure hatred, they are the primitive form of the human, they are violent, obnoxious, bigots, utterly stupids...

Why do you put both these groups on the same level - why do you hate them equally?

Genuine question.

Jews are busy making sure the muslims move into western nations to hoard our riches that the jew barters from the Mudslimes when they are done raiding the white man's land.

do you REALLY believe that?

I don't get all of the hate for the Jews. While everyone is giving them all of the attention, it's really the Mormons you have to worry about. Those fuckers can out Jew a Jew any day of the week. You'll never find a more money grubbing bunch.

Lol fuck off

You can hate whoever you want, theres nothing that says you cant.

How do you feel about chemotherapy?

Anti defamation and Anti hate laws say otherwise

No, the laws only regulate what you can do. They regulate what you can say quite a bit less because of the first amendment. They don't regulate what you can think at all, although I'm sure that's coming.

Muh holocoaster , by the way you can hate any groups because of the group caracteristics, like te jews, threy unable to integrate to any withe comunity because of threy culture based on threy religion that based on the etnich superiority of jews over the goys . Threy like religious natzis

Because Jews have positioned themselves firmly as the foundation of the Jew World Order. Duh.