What do you think of Gary Johnson? Are libertarians the conservatives of tomorrow?

What do you think of Gary Johnson? Are libertarians the conservatives of tomorrow?

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I liked him in 2012, and now I'm just not a fan at all, i'm voting for Trump.

He's a cuck who tossed the gun

He just can't win. He's humble and believes everything he says, but unfortunately that's not how you win the presidency.

All he will do is steal a few hundred votes from Trump. Remember, a vote for Johnson is a vote for Hillary.

He wants to legalize gay marriage, advocates for open borders, wants to legalize marijuana and wants border control as well
Don't forget what he did to the gun
If he can do that to a friend without feeling remorse, you should think what he could do to the american people

Cant Parry The Gary

Seeing the last libertarian debate was hilarious. It's 100% autism. Actual shit said:

>we don't need roads, we are gonna have jetpacks
>blind 4yr olds should legally be allowed to drive
>we are all just going to donate money to grandpas and grandmas who can't work anymore
>no human being is illegal, of course we all are in favor of open borders
>governments should force bakeries to make cakes for gay couples

It's honestly impossible not to laugh at these people.

If a libertarian was ever going to win, it would have been Ron Paul. Now he's too old, and one else has the charisma to come close within the next decade AT LEAST. It's going to be a long time before we see a libertarian candidate with an even insignificant chance of winning.

That's weird but shouldn't you be at baseball practice?

If you don't close the borders and deport the current illegal occupation, the Democracts will WIN for the next 50 years....

He is anti-Liberty.

Ron Paul didn't even have charisma though.

He was just the first "edgy" candidate that millenials had, with his anti-war/anti-government message.

If you go back and watch some of his speeches, he has low energy and no charisma.

The only reason he was so popular was because he was a breath of fresh air to young people who just wanted to be edgy

>open borders

No thanks


Shouldn't you be prepping me, cuckold?

After their convention, I just don't give a shit about the Libertarian Party, despite being a libertarian/classical liberal myself.

It's a shit show, and its unprofessional as hell. Furthermore, Johnson sucks shit. Petersen was WAY better, and, even then, there were several things I still disagreed with him on that were pretty fucking important to me.

Touché Sandiego.

Quot being a faggot



I gave Gary a gift once. He threw it in the trash when I wasn't around. So now I don't support him.

The Libertarian Party is dead after the spectacle that was their convention.

Jackass that vows to destroy public education

Public education is already destroyed

Yes. It's time to take this country back, and this is the best and only opportunity we have had in a long time.

The Republicans are now saddled with the Trump - who channels the inchoate anger and complaint of the working classes quite well, but doesn't have the slightest clue how to rule and would obviously be a disaster. (Example: "shut down muslim immigration till we figure out what's going on" - it's not hard to figure out, everyone that's studied it knows what's going on, that's not a mystery and frankly Donald is ignorant and stupid.)

Then on the other side, we got Shillary. Of course all the superdelegates and deep state people will support her, and of course all the insecure-by-design voting machines are going to be for her, but in terms of actual humans voting for her, well that seems to be mythical. And at any rate she's headed to prison.

This is the moment. Johnson's an experience leader with a great track record who can appeal to the masses of voters on both sides who are fed up with the status quo and fed up with the choices the republicrats offer.

This may well be our last chance to save America. Don't miss it.

>voted for Gary Johnson in 2012
>only just now he's revealed how much of an open border cuck he is
>turns out he also throws guns in the trash

I'm so sorry.

libertarianism doesn't work when 99% of people are stupid.
it'll just turn into some kind of oligopoly, with those who have the intelligence and of course the ruthlessness to take advantage of the retarded masses ruling over them and having them serve them.

this system is the inevitable conclusion of any freedom based society.
the smart will always rule the stupid.
the strong the weak.
therefore, it is necessary to forcibly institute this system, with goals and ideals that match our own.

no wonder no one votes third party

A libertarian is always better than anyone else.

i agree with this guy. I voted Libertarian in dozens of elections only to see them tally 6% over and over.

He's open to discussing gun control. His running mate supported the assault weapons band and has signed numerous gun control legislation into law. And he couldn't even wait until he got home to throw away the replica flintlock he received as a gift from Austin Peterson.