Sup Sup Forums been in a long relationship about 8 years now. In my mid twenties now. I love her...

Sup Sup Forums been in a long relationship about 8 years now. In my mid twenties now. I love her. More and more I get these feelings of wishing I were single. It’s not that we argue or that the sex is terrible or some other generic excuse. I just miss having a social life. I miss my phone buzzing with girls and bros wanting to do stuff. I miss playing the game of seduction with women. I miss being able to set up dates and fuck any girl I wanted. I had a dime chase me a few months ago. Perfect 10/10 and my type/style but I denied her to stay loyal. That shit sucked. I don’t know what to do about this. Any bros out there have any solid advice? No virgins or unmexperienced fags. Preferably old fags. Also I consider myself high value 10/10 and my gf is solid 6/10

You need to cheat on her, break up with her and ruin her as much as possible, then make her emotionally stuck on you forever.
You can't possibly expect to have sex with just one 6 for the rest of your life LMAO. But having her around is always good. When you get married you might miss that mediocre pussy, she'll crawl right on your dick with no questions asked.

t. 32 year old gigantic jerk with huge salary

So the main reason I should cheat on her and ruin her is so I don’t fuck the same pussy for the rest of my life? Are you suggesting I feel this way because I haven’t had variety?

I'm suggesting what you will inevitably do anyway and I am telling you so you don't feel guilty about it. The reasons don't really matter.


Let me ask you this oh pee, have you spoken to her about this yet? About how you are feeling? About how you feel like a 10 and she is a 6? No? Ok. I get it. It's an uncomfortable convo to have. But listen, if you talk to her about it, and she loosens your collar a bit, letting you hang with buds and maybe bringing some other pussy home with her blessing, you win. If she flips, you can break up with her and smash ass all you like. Talk to her dumb dumb. If you don't, you are the dick.

49 years old here bro. Married 13 years. Here's the thing. Everything changes when you get married. Not for the better. There's no magic or thrill anymore. It takes work just to not hate each other. If you're feeling what you're feeling already, that's a really bad sign. I couldn't wait to see my wife when we were dating and looked forward to every minute with her. Now? She's up in our room watching TV and I'm downstairs on Sup Forums.


If you have any fetishes, kinks, or fantasies that you've been embarrassed or scared to admit to her, go ahead and try to make those things happen. If you're thinking about dumping her anyway, what's the worst that could happen? If you want to try something extreme, ease her into it. For example you could with some playful spanking, and try to work your way up to tit torture, or whatever. Take pictures.

Maybe it will reinvigorate your relationship, at least for a while. Maybe she'll dump you and save you the trouble of dumping her. It doesn't really matter at this stage in the relationship, so it's worth a try.

In the case that you've already been exploring your kinks and taking pictures, post them here immediately.

>Hey man listen here's the trick on how to cuck your gf

I don't understand how women can say gaming is for children when all they do is stare at the fucking TV all evening

I was thinking nope im married and im not like this dude but i literally am doing word for word the same shit as you right now

>I love her

You don't

is that her? she looks borderline fat and you probably are too, they did experiments in the 50s-70s with MDMA used in couples therapy to save a lot of marriages and such, also exercise

How would you know. I’m starting to reject the idea that love and relationships is some happy roller coaster ride that it feels the same as when you first met. What experience do you have with love and relationships? Everywhere in Hollywood it’s glamorized “and they lived happily ever after” but in reality it feels more like you fall in love at first, impress each other, have awesome thrilling sex, then over the years learn to work together and live together. I don’t get it. Maybe it’s just me wanting the cake and eating too. Everyone married I meet tells me it sucks. I question whether they’re doing it right. Do they still buy them flowers, do they surprise them, do they impress/court them.

Ehh not really into kinks but we do have good sex. I spray semen like a sprinkler. She cums too. As with anything in life you get used to the feeling. Maybe we are a species that needs change.

Listen to this guy OP

Threesomes. Been with my girlfriend 8 years.
We do them 2-4 times as year.
Keeps the beast off my back
We both have nice careers.
I'm 29, she's 28.
But solid 8.5/10

I’m usually pretty open about my feelings in hopes of fixing things. She would not be okay being a cuck lol. We’ve actually cheated on each other once and broke up for a few months before getting back together. Sometimes I wish she would cheat on me again so I can be free to fuck girls and that dime from a few months back.

Has it affected her emotional relationship to you? I don’t think my girl would be into it because she’s not into girls at all. That sounds like dream come true to me. Also where do you find these girls?

This guy gets it. You guys have been together for so long, you should be at the stage of sharing everything with each other by now. You have to be honest to her, sure it might get uncomfortable, but it’ll be worth it. Honestly it sounds like you don’t care for the relationship anymore. If that’s the case, just end it and plow all the poon you heart desires..

I’ve also considered cheating on her again but it will catch up to me eventually. I even have her best friend wanting me.

I don't think cheating is the option here. I'm doing the same thing as but only been married one year since 25 y/o. I do get strong urges to cheat. I've talked to grills on kik and snapchat and admittedly sent some sexually suggestive text. I feel horrible after I do it. Maybe Im not fit for a marriage but after I do it, I get more 'lovey' towards the wife, probably out of guilt. But it's that guilt-love that is making our marriage seem strong although Im a piece of shit that can't control himself.

How is he scum?
By being realistic and honest.
Woman are naturally subservient.

Well I do care. I just wish I could live two lives. One in which I’m with her and one in which I’m single and fucking women left and right. But honestly it’s not just the women it’s the bros too. We would have such good times together shooting the shit. Now we all have girlfriends and wish we were single.

We have only been doing them for 3 years.
In the beginning it was a little touch and go.
She just had to see I wasn't going to up and leave her. It was a gamble, on both our parts.
If you've both done big things for each other, it helps. The trust has to be there.
You get her to be into girls,that is the easiest part.
We 1st found them when we went out.
Now I get them on Craigslist or from my gay best friend.


That’s the shit I’m talking about. Why do we still feel like horny fucks chasing seductive sluts even after years in relationships. Is it normal? Or does true love not exist?

U will miss her when she's gone op that's all I gotta say.

nah fat chicks got 2 shots to hide the blubber, one is their titties shoved up like this the other is face only shot, shes a whale

Get a job where you travel a lot......
Don't be a pajeet and shit in the street outside your home, go shit it in another state,

>Decent income
>Bought a condo. cash. Ravenswood Chicago area
>Been with my wife since 21
>Married. Kid.
>5 cars
Do as you want, not like anyone else gives a fuck; but yourself and the people you try dragging into the shit pile you're stacking.

user with the deep think

seriously though. I notice this too. I think part of the problem is that we usually expect the honeymoon phase of a relationship to continue for longer than it actually does.

It's fine for relationships to evolve over time, as long as you're both happy. It'll definitely get less surprising over time, but that doesn't mean it can still be great right? Doing stupid shit to the existing relationship because it's not living up to your expectations isn't a good idea.

more thoughts as they come in

I think being in a relationship gives you a broader range of possibilities for how much you enjoy life. Even a boringish relationship is miles above not being in any relationship. (Generalization. Some people are more happy alone. All power to you.) At the same time, of course, it's very possible for relationships to be much, much worse than being alone. But those aren't that common. It's more likely that getting out of a boring relationship is just gonna suck.

Bird in the hand, etc.

Dude, you’re coming up on your 30s and you’ll want to be single for them. They are your best years. I got more tail and had more fun in my 30s than in my 20s by far. Break up with her. Tell her it is because you’re not ready for a longer commitment than you already have invested.

You WILL cheat on her if you don’t. I promise you that.

For real I don't know, but I am glad I'm not the only one. Doesn't make the situation any better.
Don't get me wrong, I love my wife, it's just that sometimes I need something else, then I can come back.

You love her, right? Is it worth it to choose hours of joy over true love? Think of it this way; your girlfriend probably had this same dilemma before but she chose to be loyal with you instead.

Love is sacred. But it's normal to have urges to want to do it with other girls. If you truly love her, you'll have to fight these urges. It's worth it. You wouldn't lose by doing so, it's the other way around. You guys would win over other couples that claim to 'love' each other.

Or he could talk to her and see what happens

Not OP but in the same situation. The urge is almost overwhelming. I have my clarity masturbation session every day and it helps for like 1 hour. In the end, I'm glad I have not done anything physical with another girl since our three years together. Everyday I feel closer to the brink of cheating.

She leaves is what happens. You're labeled a pos by her family and yours.

Orrrrrrrr, it can work out.
>Keep being beta user

Same guy that posted here,

You won't be a 10/10 forever. You'd eventually get old and lose your physical charms. I really don't think it's worth it to surrender someone that would love and care for you until you're old over sex with other girls.

In case, just in case you manage to talk her into having sex with other girls but still stay together; would it be a pleasant memory when you're 70 with the same wife that allowed you to consensually cheat on her because she was a '6/10'?

Incredibly wise man here OP don't overlook

Are you happy though? Does lust not bother you?

>Wtf white boi just because I was in dire need of cash and had to mug you it means I'm scum?
>respect my honesty please smh
Sup Forumstards are naturally degenerate

Thanks bro I’ll carry your words of wisdom

You can tell he isn't happy, it's not even mentioned. I'm not trying to drag you into any shit pile OP, just save you from such a miserable life of sleeping with the same cunt for 11 years plus.

Scoring different chicks fulfills you as a man. Money doesn't matter much, I have lots of it. It matters only because it's an extra means for more pussy. And you should keep all the pussy hooked.

What if she was an 8/10?
If you both have fun doing it, there won't be any regrets down the line.
More like being able to joke around
>"Member' when we used to be wild?"

The problem is sexual liberation, nothing more nothing less. It has ruined women and men alike.

I'm guessing you're the kind of man who would raise another man's kids...

Ya man you got it, not wanting to cheat on or cuck my woman means I'd raise another man's kids.
Like I said, Sup Forumstards are naturally degenerate retards.

Mid twenties, relationship for 8 years. So 25-8=17. You miss being in highschool.

That just about wraps it up.


Not necessarily. Many things I don’t miss about high school. I miss the feelings associated with being single. I dont accept the idea that the best years of life happen in high school.

Its reproductive biology. Male humans want to spread the genes as much as they can. We instinctively search for other/better females to have better stronger offspring. The puzzling question is monogamy, where did that come from and why do we do it? I don't know

That’s assuming 10/10 means all looks. I mean yes I am physically attractive but also mentally which I believe is stronger in terms of attraction.

I’ve pondered this too. I think monogamy stems from attachment. It’s this constant drilling of the idea that we really care about each other. So much so that we don’t need no one else.

>I love her
Nice meme faggot, break up with her or neck yourself

OP, you're not missing anything of value. As time passes, we tend to remember things nostalgically instead of how they really were. Maybe you're seeing some commitments on the horizon that seem kind of scary. Maybe you're just feeling a little uncomfortable about being an adult.

At least you're talking about it, rather than suppressing it until you're 50, when you trade your family in for a plastic car and some plastic tits. Talking to *her* about it might not be the best idea –I imagine it'd hurt her to hear these things. You might want to talk with a counselor of some kind though, do a little introspection to find out what it is you're really missing. If you've got unmet needs, there's usually a number of healthy, sensible ways to get those needs met once you've identified them. Randomly wrecking part of your life in hopes that it might help isn't the best approach.

Very well said.

>8 years
>mid twenties

Yep. There's your problem. No man in his mid twenties wants to be tied down, especially one who got locked into a relationship and pulled out of the game at what... 19?

I believe you love her. I really do. I was in a similar situation. I had been with my girlfriend, now ex girlfriend, for 9 years and we had been through a lot together. A LOT. I loved her. I still love her. There were some other things that I wasn't happy with (she began to let herself go), but honestly, a big part of it was that I wanted to goon around with my friends and chase skirts a little while longer. And I don't think that's an unreasonable thing for a 20 something year old guy to want to do.

My advice? Let her go, but you need to be honest and it needs to be absolute. No bitching when she starts seeing other guys. No changing your mind. Do it and don't look back. If you can maintain a friendship with her, great. If not, well then it is what it is.

Also keep in mind -- and I know this may sound contrary to my advice -- but keep in mind that you may end up seriously regretting this decision one day. It's the cross that we, as men, unfortunately have to bear. She might be the one and you won't know it until you're looking back in hindsight. Or maybe you'll stay with her only to find that you're still miserable and regret wasting your younger years on this one girl. Roll the dice...

Damn that’s the type of solid advice I’m asking for. Thank you I’ll strongly reflect on this.

>No man in his mid twenties wants to be tied down

guess im not a man HURR DURR IM ON Sup Forums I DONT LIKE WOMEN

Also good advice this one I’m certain can come with more pain. Thanks user.

Jesus relax. I didn't mean no man literally. But very few men. How's that? Feel better?