Tfw bored of life

>tfw bored of life

Anyone else here find life is boring as fuck past 25 years old? I'm 27 and sleep is the only thing I enjoy

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No not really.

wow, your life sucks. 3 more years and you're a goner for sure

it only gets worse
better find a drug you enjoy

I was drinking and using opiates everyday for a few years but now I can't afford to do drugs and drink everyday

one word

Have no idea where to get that

tell your doc you can't function without it
read up on adhd symptoms & claim to have them in vague terms

I'll try that

i'm with you OP .. i have nothing i enjoy doing... i dont know what it feels like to be happy..i prefer to sleep as much as possible

Listen OP, they way you percieve life is mostly dependant on your own look. there's always joyous things to find, even on this shitty rock.

If you fail to make your own life worth while, just fucking end it. man the fuck up user.

I'm sure you've heard this before but you need to find some purpose or goal to work towards, either it be self improvement or helping others by being a volunteer firefighter or some shit like that, the human brain NEEDS stimulation. it NEEDS to be challenged and pushed to its capacity otherwise you'll risk stagnation, and with that comes depression. Convince yourself that your worth something, it's all on you to make your life worth the effort.

I'm 30 and smoke two joints before bed everyday. Been doing that since 7 months now but I have also been gyming regularly for the past 4 years. Am I fukd?

Every man has his vices, be it weed or alcohol or sluts ect. a couple joints a day won't do shit in the long run, just take care to actually be working towards something, goals are important fam

The main thing in life that'll make all the shit worthwhile is just having a goal, and moving towards it. Not necessarily even achieving the goal, but making an effort and having new experiences along the way. You can be a bitch and just give up but you only get one shot at life.

I have no goals there is nothing I enjoy except for getting drunk and doing drugs

Not really. Find a gf or a fuck buddy. If your in a shit job get out of it and find something that doesn't make you miserable.

I have a gf and a job but yeah the job makes me beyond miserable and poor as fuck but I can't drive and there's nothing else I can walk too in the area that pays any better

Find love.
Do psychedelics.
Be peaceful.

Yeah I'm killing myself when I'm 30, I'm not even that miserable it's just that life is pointless and don't want to live an old person

I'm 26 and already feel the aging happening so I've decided to try and enjoy life until 30 and then kill myself

Great, I smoke a joint or seven pretty much every day, get a real hobby. You're only going to continue to wire yourself towards only enjoying the safety of getting fucked up, then it just gets harder to stop. It's an uphill battle, find something worthwhile in your life

Nothing worthwhile when you can't afford to do anything

I've been going apeshit on preworkouts, not even cycling them, chances they actually give me a heart attack?
A man can hope.

That'd be nice

I'm 5'8" I'm killing myself as soon as my parents pass away

For those 2 scoops of 800mg of caffiene i actually feel alive for 30 minutes, feelsgoodman.

Maybe i should just smoke weed or something.

Stop sleeping retard.


you have a depression
go see a therapist
>life still sucks but you can enjoy bits and pieces
>yo only have that one

Nothing else to do breh

Leave your 9 to 5 existence and travel bro fuck it ain't have shit to lose anyway

I can't afford to go anywhere, literally can't afford a cab for a 15 min drive


More like 6 to 6, 6 days a week

Medfag here, you're just going through a chronic hormonal imbalance. Get your Vit.D, magnesium & potassium levels checked.

try nicotine

for me it blew caffeine away

Care to elaborate on the context of this?

I've been like this since I was 18 but old age is just making it worse

Man, you need to stop regurgitating stuff you read or heard. What part of OP being bored and not having money to do shit makes him depressed? Are you just projecting?

man you're stupid

>since I was 18
nigger try being this way since as early as I remember, about 8 years old

Only boring lazy people are bored. Dont like your job change it don't like how you spend free time change it. I'm 30 and have never had more sex in my life then I do at the moment. Life is what you make of it nothing more nothing less.

What does sex have anything to do with it? That gets boring quick as well

Are you indoors a lot? More since you were 18? People do get less sun when they leave school. Maybe medfag user is right about the vitamin D

sex? your joking right? thats's just more drama

No im outside all the time I have to walk for hours everyday to get to work or anywhere I need to go, I spend about 3 hours a day walking and now it really sucks because there's a foot of snow outside and -20 degrees


Plus alot of people can't get sex because of appearance and their height

>lack of sun
Daily vitamin would cover vit.D deficiency, right?

Multivitamins have really small amounts of each vitamin

Well nerds have a shitty early life.
Typically ridden with acne or fatness / skeleton mode school is generally shit. The quality increases as they join nerdy educational paths - typically MINT courses at university where they suddenly find themselves surrounded by nerds like themselves.
This is where they find people that don't instantly judge them and find actual friends. And then as they graduate they find that these nerds suddenly end up researching the coolest shit out there while chads that were busy fucking stacies in high school work at some dead end job.
And this is where the two lines cross because suddenly the nerds mentally grow up but have a much higher education than others which is where nerds have an advantage over everyone else.

Being asked to write a doctors thesis on space exploration related themes is becoming a reality for me, that makes me happy with what i've done and i know i won't stop learning and researching till i fall into my grave.

What would u recommend?
>General terms

Why 30?

Vitamin D, vitamin c, vitamin b6 and b12, zinc

By 30 I'll be getting old age symptoms and my life's already shit and never going to get better at 26

/someone else
Many people have problems with the magical age of 30 because it is perceived the line between youth and true adulthood.
People who focused their life on rebelling [single children] often have a hard time dealing with the fact that they're becoming boring adults just like their parents even though they swore never to become like them.
This actually leads to a notable amount of depressions and suicides.

My parents are mid 50s and aren't boring at all they still drink all the time and do acid and coke etc it's like they're eternally 20

Then what's your explaination about making a big deal about a number that really isn't a big deal?

That's fair, but it isn't necessarily always bad enough to want to become an hero. I've got some of them already at 18 somehow (many of chronic prostatitis symptoms).

Yeah I see that makes sense, but sometimes people can still get through it happily? Always nice to stay hopeful, even if life seems to be a wreck.

Being 29-34 were the best years of my life. Sadly it went downhill, but the lows of my 20s were worth it for those years.

worst advice I've ever heard. I actually have issues and was on the shit for years. Destroyed my life. You're essentially telling this guy to become a meth head.

I'm willing to take any drug to not be so miserable

Well that'd be treating the symptom and not the cause of your misery.

Do some soul searching if you can't put your finger on it, find out why you're miserable and try to come up with ways to fix whatever gets you down.
Write that shit down, and chose the best path.

Not being able to afford anything is what gets me most miserable, seeing everyone else owning vehicles and houses, going on trips and eating out etc meanwhile I have to save every dollar just to barely get by

Words we hate

Can confirm sleep is the one thing I look forward too, that a made bed, and home cooked meal

Can't stand that shit it's ridiculous, also I hate rap music

Take Ketamine then.

If your anhedonia is from depression. The only two solutions I've found that work are shrooms & sleep deprivation, more like starvation which reduces the symptoms.

Sleep deprivation?

Well that sounds like you're envious. Change that state of mind, focus on yourself only by your own scales and stop using others as reference.
Once you've ridden yourself from these cancerous thoughts you're able to see if you're doing good or bad. And then you can work on improving yourself.
This may sound religious but envy like many other sins will make you unhappy.
It's not because some sky fairy wants it this way but because these aren't working with your human biology, same goes for greed hate, gluttony and so on.

Clean your mind and then improve your life - you probably only got one.

Some people just get dealt shit hands in life

Wish I could do this too if it weren't for my younger brother.

27 as well and bored as fuck

>tfw drunk at 10:48 AM
>tfw won't remember half of this day
>tfw blackout every Saturday and Sunday

>psilocybin is life
>take 6grams of cubensis
>get back on track

True, but folding is a pussy move.

nope, im 33 and feel same as OP. the only difference probably is the fact that im starting to realise how messed up i am and that i dont have anything going on in my life. basicly i go to work, earn not that terrible money for the shitty physical labor i do, go home, make some dinner, and waste time in front of a computer till i go to sleep and then repeat. i rarely engage in social gatherings even though i have quite a few people that i care for. somehow im still here. and solution is pretty simple yet it requires to put forth some effort which is a pain for me

doing drugs every day is retarded. you built up a tolerance, need more while experiencing less. if try out something, then have few sessions where you up dosage considerably, and move to another substance. doing it any other way is retarded

sounds exactly like my situation. i just drone on.. i lead 100% joyless life.. I recently turned 40.. and the fact that i havent really lived a day in my life.. cause i am afraid of living/dont know how to live.. is getting more and more to me.. i see no happy outcome for myself


go to thailand

No money


Get to the gym and workout. Every day. It works wonders

I'm 5'9" I don't want to be compensating manlet

I'm 18 and I really want to make something of myself but I don't know where to start.

Don't know what to do as a hobby, everything I do gets boring after a while.

5'10" here. What is the height where people consider men manlets that also stagnates their ability to get laid

Anything under 6 foot

This would certainly be ideal.

Don't you die on me. This thread has caught all my attention

Yep. Should have killed myself at 27 like I originally planned. 34 now and it justs gets worse year on year.

All my friends moved away, got married, had kids. Job is soul destroying, same stressful shit day in day out. And cost of living keeps rising and rising while wages stay flat. Life sucks.

Why are you the way you are?


make some money and it will be fun. my whole damn life since i was about 14 has been one giant party.

How did you start

spot the 20 year old

Mostly by sucking dick for cash

Create something, stimulate your ape brain

buy one house. turn it for 17k. buy 2nd house with 15 acres. sell it to a gold mine that wanted the property for mining. 750k profit. at the same time investing in the proper stocks at the proper time. bang. instant millionaire. i haven't worked a day in 12 years.

wow, all along it was that easy??

Ok. But where the fuck did you get the money to buy that first house anyway.