God is a spider

God is a spider.
We're all just inside her.

Shut the fuck up

You're a stupid cunt!

you fucking moron

And the spider where it lives?

I had a dream once where I was trapped inside of a giant spider fighting another smaller, yet still giant spider.

I killed the spider I was fighting, but was still trapped in the giant spider. That's when the dream ended.

Not sure how I ended up in the giant spider, or how I was even aware that I was actually in a giant spider, but yea.

I guess God is my bitch then.

spiders aren't real

also get out of ottawa

then the inside of the spider is as big as the universe. what's outside of the spider?


Thats the first thing that came to mind

Probably butterflies that bugger each other

Destroyer alert!!!

Which insane mind can generated something like this

a japanese one


>6 legs
this does not remind me of spider

it's a beetle...

Those fuckin' Nips man. Drop one nuclear bomb on some people and look what they go and do.

hahaha oh god, my bad
ill show myself out


ikr what a bunch of assholes